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Rights and duties of the

police officer
• The introduction of the topic ;
• The elaboration of the topic ;
• The problematic areas of the topic ;
• Summary ;
• Opinion ;
• Sources and Your questions.
• “Rights and duties of the police officer “.
• Points that must be discussed – rights, duties,
frequent problems.
Deeper analyzation
• Police officer ?
Deeper analyzation
• Rights :
- Police officers can inspect documents of persons, vehicles, cargo,
weapons or other objects;
- To arrest and deliver to the police office or other institutions
persons who had committed an administrative offense or a
criminal act.
- To enter into residential and non-residential premises,
territories, the means of transport at any time of the day.
- To use compulsion;
- While persecuting a person who has committed a criminal
offense or suspected of committing a criminal offense, by
taking a person in need of urgent medical assistance, they
can use all means of transport and communications and be
free of charge.
- to require and receive free of charge information from state
and municipal institutions necessary for the implementation
of police tasks
- Etc.
Deeper analyzation
• Duties :
- To prevent a crime or other offense;
- To take measures to detain and deliver to the police office
a person who has committed a dangerous act to the
- Keep in secret confidential information;
- Take steps to identify the witnesses of the crime.
- Etc.
The frequent problems
• Misuse of the rights ;
• Non-fulfillment of duties ;
• People do not trust statutory civil servants .
• There are many rights and duties, which must
be followed by police officers.
• Rights and duties are enshrined in Acts and
• Because of the specific job, there’re some
problematic areas with typical problems.
• Lietuvos Respublikos policijos įstatymas. Valstybės žinios, 1998-11-
11, Nr. 98-2713
• Lietuvos Respublikos policijos veiklos įstatymo Nr. VIII-2048
pakeitimo įstatymas. TAR, 2015-07-03, Nr. 10818.
• MISIŪNAS, Eimutis. Policijos Pareigūno Teisinio Statuso Elementų
Pusiausvyros Problema. Vilnius: Jurisprudencija. 2008, Nr. 4 (106), p.
• MISIŪNAS, Eimutis. Policijos Pareigūnų Teisinis Statusas: Daktaro
Disertacija. Vilnius: Mykolo Romerio Universitetas, 2010.

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