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Prepared by:
DIDA-AGUN, Haniyah R.
TAIB, Asia C.
1- Contrast
cutting between two different scenarios to
highlight the contrast between them.

2- Parallelism
connecting two seemingly unrelated scenes by
cutting between them and focusing on parallel
3- Symbolism
intercutting , you move from your main scene to
something which creates a symbolic connection
for audience.

4- Simultaneity
cutting between two simutaneous events as away
of driving the suspense.
5- Leit motif
reiteration of theme, involves repeating a short or
sequence at key moments as a sort of code.
What is Image Manipulation?

Image Manipulation or Photo


involves transforming or altering a

photograph using various methods and
techniques to achieve desired results.
1. Rendering your images
Cutting out image and carrying it to where we
will use it for a manipulation .
2. Shadows
To make shadow you have to duplicate your
original stock that you need the shadow for.
Then turn it completely black. Then add
gaussian blur to it. Then you can reduce it in
size and put in the correct place.
3. Proportion
Images that are supposed to be far away have to be
smaller than the once that closer to you.
4. Texture use
Textures don’t necessarily add to realism of your
art, but they do add a nice kick to blend all your
images together.
5. Picking stock images
Cutting out stock images but some stock images are
sometimes just taken at bad angles or slight
blurriness .
6. Color blending
Things like photo filters and gradient maps are used
in photoshop to either add or take away color in
your images. This either gives a certain image that
little boost of color or takes away that extra color.
This helps the images blend with another.
7. Emphasis on detail
When creating a piece of art set one area as the
main focus. You have to draw viewers eyes
instantly to that spot. One way is to work on
focusing attention on the most vibrant, colorful or
sharp area in the design.
8. Combining multiple images
Combining multiple images are like puzzle pieces.
You may need to look at multiple stock images
before choosing the right ones for your
composition. You need to plan your composition,
consider where the stock images will go decide
the kind of images you’ll need to find.
9. C4D uses
C4D’s are 4D images made from a program named
cinema 4D.
10.Enhancing stock images
Stock images are often plain. It is your job to turn
them into something more attractive to the eye.
This is where stock enhancement come into play.
Is Photo Editing and Photo
Manipulation are the same?

Photo Editing signifies

the regular process used
to enhance photos and Photo Manipulation
create them. includes all simple
editing techniques and
have some manipulation

C:\Users\asia taib\OneDrive
\Documents\10 Techniques That are Essential For Successful Photo
Manipulation Artwork.html

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