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Endocrine System

Biology Project

Youssef Mohamed Salah Mohamed Ahmed

Grade 6 Brighton
What Is The Endocrine System ?

It’s a system, which is made out of glands that produces and secrets
Hormones like: adrenaline , insulin, growth hormone, thyroid hormone.
What happens if your endocrine system isn’t healthy ?
You might have problems developing puberty, getting pregnant, or
managing stress.
You might also gain weight easily, have weak bones, or lack energy.
 It is produced and secreted by the adrenal gland.
 This hormone is secreted when you are in Fear of something, in a Fight or during a
• Functions:
o Increasing heart rate
o Increasing breathing rate
o Pupils widen
o Glucagon is transferred into glucose, then released into the body by the liver
o Increasing blood pressure

• What happens If someone has too little amount of

adrenaline ?
o this is very unusual to happen, but if this happens it does not show as a medical
 It is produced and secreted by the pancreas.
 Is secreted when the concentration of sugar level is increased in the blood
• Functions:
o Increasing the conversion of glucose to glucagon.
o Reducing the concentration of glucose in the blood.

• What happens when someone has little amount of insulin ?

o Increase of sugar rate in the blood
Growth hormone:
 Helps developing puberty.
 In Males:
The testis the gland releasing the hormone
The male hormone is called, Testosterone.
Causes the development of male sexual characteristics.
 In Females:
The ovary is the gland releasing the hormone.
The female hormone is called, Estrogen.
Causes the development of female sexual characteristics.
If our body lacks this hormone, it will cause problems in puberty
gland: an organ in the human body which secretes a chemical substance for use in the
Hormones: are chemical substances produced by glands and are carried by the blood.
Pancreas: an organ
Testis: part of the male sex organ
Ovary: part of the female sex organ

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