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Fluid Mechanics

Have You Ever Wondered

How Airplanes fly

How weather predictions are made?
Why dimples on a golf ball increase the
distance it travels?
Why ball reverse swings in cricket?
Why are surface water waves almost always
nearly parallel to the beach?

1. Dr. Adnan Hamid (D-Block, Ext: 3352)
Your chance to practice using the concepts presented
in class

Teamwork vs. Individual work?

Solve as many problems as you can given in the text

 Lecture
 Presentation of new material
 Example problems

 Homework and Tutorials

 Problem solving skills
Interaction in class and right after class

 Preferably between 2:00 PM – 3:30PM, by

Homework Help Sessions and Tutorials

See your Time Table
 Fluid Mechanics, 2nd, 3rd , 4th or 5th Edition

 Frank White (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 6)

 Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals & Applications

Yunus Cengel & John Cimbala
 Any Other Book On Fluid Mechanics, will Be

Introduction to fluids
Properties of fluids
Fluid statics
Pressure and its types
Pressure measurement

Fluids in Motion an Integral Approach

The Continuity Equation

Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion for Fluids

The Energy Equation

The Bernoulli’s Equation


Fluids in Motion a Differential Approach

The Continuity Equation

Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion for Fluids

The Energy Equation

The Bernoulli’s Equation

 Dimensional Analysis

 Viscous Flow

 Laminar and Turbulent Flows

 Pipe Sizing

 Flow Measurement
Fluids essential to life
Human body 95% water
Earth’s surface is 2/3 water
Atmosphere extends 17km above the earth’s
Historyshaped by fluid mechanics
Human migration and civilization
Modern scientific and mathematical theories &
Affects every part of our lives

Archimedes Newton Leibniz Bernoulli Euler

(C. 287-212 BC) (1642-1727) (1646-1716) (1667-1748) (1707-1783)

Navier Stokes Reynolds Prandtl Taylor

(1785-1836) (1819-1903) (1842-1912) (1875-1953) (1886-1975)

Fluids omnipresent
Weather & climate
Vehicles: automobiles, trains, ships & planes, etc.
Physiology and medicine
Sports & recreation
Many other examples!

Tornadoes Thunderstorm

Global Climate
Aircraft Surface ships

High-speed rail Submarines


Air pollution River hydraulics


Blood pump Ventricular assist device


Water sports Cycling Offshore racing

Auto racing Surfing

 That each of you develop an intuition for the
fundamental principles of fluid mechanics

 That you leave this course saying, “Fluids makes

sense” and “I can tackle fluids problems.”

 You should be able to solve 1-D steady state fluid

flow problems where the fluid is incompressible

 You should be able to do pipe sizing and pump


 We have an enjoyable semester learning together

Fluid Properties
Units & Dimensions
Definition of a Fluid
 “A fluid, such as water or air, deforms continuously
when acted on by shearing or tangential stress of any

 Solids resist the deformation when acted upon shear

or tangential stress
 For this reason fluids need container walls for
storage where as no such requirement for solids
 There are exceptions both in solids and in fluids and
one should be aware of them
Classification of Fluid Flows

Viscous vs Inviscid Region of Flow

 Flows in which the frictional effects are significant are
called viscous flows. Neglecting the viscous terms in
such inviscid flow regions greatly simplifies the
analysis without much loss in accuracy.

Boundary layer
Internal and External Flow

 Theflow of an unbounded fluid over a surface such as a

plate, a wire, or a pipe is external flow.
 The
flow in a pipe or duct is internal flow if the fluid is
completely bounded by solid surfaces.
Compressible versus Incompressible Flow

 Incompressibility
is an approximation, and a flow is said
to be incompressible if the density remains nearly
constant throughout.

 Therefore, the volume of every portion of fluid remains

unchanged over the course of its motion when the flow
(or the fluid) is incompressible.
Laminar versus Turbulent Flow
 The
highly ordered fluid motion characterized by
smooth layers of fluid is called laminar.
 The highly disordered fluid motion that typically occurs
at high velocities and is characterized by velocity
fluctuations is called turbulent.
Natural (or Unforced) versus
Forced Flow
 Inforced flow, a fluid is forced to flow over a surface or
in a pipe by external means such as a pump or a fan. In
natural flows, any fluid motion is due to natural means
such as the buoyancy effect, which manifests itself as the
rise of the warmer (and thus lighter) fluid and the fall of
cooler (and thus denser) fluid.
Steady versus Unsteady Flow

 The term steady implies no change at a point with time.

 The opposite of steady is unsteady.
Uniform Flow Vs Non-uniform

 No change with the location over a specified region

 A continuum is a body that can be continually sub-divided
into infinitesimal elements with properties being those of
the bulk material.
 Molecules in all solid or fluid, are
 discretely spread
 in continuous motion
 Physical variable at a point in space is the averaged
value of the variable in a small sphere
 How small the volume should be

 Measure a property say

density in a fluid volume
 Report density of fluid as
fluid volume is decreased
Continuum, contd.
 In dealing with fluid-flow problems we replace
“The actual molecular structure by a hypothetical
continuous medium, called the continuum”

The words Continuum Mechanics is common in

scientific literature
Application of Calculus to a Continuum
Consider the concept of limit  x  0
Does this concept truly applies to a continuum
If applied, to what number does limit goes to instead of 0
 𝜌 = lim 𝛿𝑚
𝛿𝑉 →𝛿𝑉
∗ 𝛿𝑉

Volume of about 10-9mm3  3×107 molecules of air

Dimensions and Units
Dimension is the measure by which a physical
variable is expressed quantitatively
A unit is a particular way of attaching a number
to the quantitative dimension
Systems of units varies widely from country to
country, even after international agreements
have been reached.
Fluid mechanics has only 4 primary dimensions,
Mass, Length, Time & Temperature
All other dimensions are derived from these four
Dimensions and Units, contd
Quantity Symbol Dimensions
Velocity V LT-1
Acceleration a LT-2
Area A L2
Volume v L3
Discharge Q L3T-1
Pressure p ML-1T-2
Gravity g LT-2
Temperature T 
Mass concentration C ML-3
Density  ML-3
Specific Weight  ML-2T-2
Dynamic viscosity  ML-1T-1
Kinematic viscosity  L2T-1
Surface tension  MT-2
Bulk mod of elasticity E ML-1T-2
How many independent properties? _____
Dimensions and Units, contd.
1 newton of force 1 N = 1 kg · m/s2
1 pound of force 1 lbf = 1 slug · ft/s2 = 4.4482 N
lbf = pound force and lb or lbm = pound mass
1 slug mass = 32.2 lbm = 14.6 kg

Primary dimension SI unit BG unit Conversion factor

Mass {M} Kilogram (kg) Slug 1 slug = 14.6 kg
Length {L} Meter (m) Foot (ft) 1 ft = 0.3048 m
Time {T} Second (s) Second (s) 1s=1s
Temperature {} Kelvin (K) Rankine (°R) 1 K = 1.8°R
Concept of gc
 We often used that “My weight is 70kg”, albeit kg is unit of mass.
Saying this is right or wrong? F  kma
 Lets redefine the 2nd Law 1kg f  k  1kg m  9.8 m sec 2
1kg f .sec 2 1 9.8kg m .m
k  
9.8kg m .m k 1kg f .sec 2
1 9.8kg m .m
 gc 
k 1kg f .sec 2

g , or g sub c is a conversion factor often used in engineering but a bit

tricky to understand.
 Itis designed for inter-converting force and mass units in a number
of equations.
 In British Units: lbm . ft
lb f .sec 2
Concept of gc
Fluid Properties

 Viscosity m
 Density r
 Specific Gravity SG
 Vapor Pressure Pv
 Surface Tension s
Relationships between Pressure and volume
 Ideal Gas Law PV=nRT
Analysis Approaches
Lagrangian (A system based approach)
o Describes a defined Mass
o (position, velocity, acceleration, pressure,
temperature, etc.) as functions of time
o Hence a closed system
o Track the location of a migrating bird
o Can have fixed or moving coordinates

Eulerian ( A control volume based approach)

o Describes the flow field
o (velocity, acceleration, pressure, temperature, etc.) as
functions of position and time
o Count the birds passing a particular location
o Mass can enter or leave the control volume.
o An open system
Fluid Deformation in Parallel Plates


Side view
Force F causes the top plate to have velocity U.
What other parameters control how much force is
required to get a desired velocity?
Distance between plates (b)
Area of plates (A)
Velocity (U)
Fluid classification by response to shear stress

Ideal Fluid
Ideal plastic
Role of Viscosity
 Statics
 Fluids at rest have no relative motion between
layers of fluid and thus du/dy = 0
zeroand is
 Therefore the shear stress is _____
independent of the fluid viscosity

 Flows
 Fluid viscosity is very important when the fluid
is moving
Kinematic Viscosity
 is a fluid property

Kinematic viscosity (__)
obtained by dividing the molecular viscosity (__)
by the fluid density

  N s 
  2   kg  m 
 N   2 
 m   s 

 kg 
 m  s 
 [m2/s]
 kg 
 m 3 
Density and Specific Weight

 Density (mass/unit volume) r

Density (kg/m3)
Specific mass 1000
___________ 990
 density of water: 1000 kg/m3 970
 density of air at 1 atm pressure & 15 950
1.22 kg/m3 0 50 100
C: Temperature (C)

Density (kg/m3)
 Specific Weight (weight per unit 999
volume) g 998
g = r g = 9806 N/m 3
 __________________ 997
0 10 20
Temperature (C)
Chapter 2
Definition of Pressure

Pressure is defined as the amount of force exerted

on a unit area of a substance:

force N
P  2  Pa
area m
Direction of fluid pressure on boundaries

Furnace duct Pipe or tube

Heat exchanger

Pressure is a Normal Force

(acts perpendicular to surfaces)
It is also called a Surface Force
Absolute and Gauge Pressure
Absolute pressure: The pressure of a fluid is
expressed relative to that of vacuum (=0)

Gauge pressure: Pressure expressed as the

difference between the pressure of the fluid and
that of the surrounding atmosphere.

Usual pressure guages record guage pressure.

To calculate absolute pressure:

Pabs  Patm  Pgauge

Units for Pressure
Unit Definition
1 pascal (Pa) 1 kg m-1 s-2
1 bar 1 x 105 Pa
1 atmosphere (atm) 101,325 Pa
1 torr 1 / 760 atm
760 mm Hg 1 atm
14.7 pounds force per sq. in. (psi) 1 atm

1 psi (lbf/in2) = 6894.8 Pa (N/m2) = 6.895x10-3 N/mm2

= 6.895x10-2 bar
Pressure distribution for a fluid at rest
Let’s determine the
pressure distribution in a
fluid at rest in which the
only body force acting is
due to gravity

Equilibrium Condition
The sum of the forces
acting on the fluid must
equal zero
What are the z-direction forces?
PS z  z
Let Pz and Pz+Dz denote the z
pressures at the base and top
of the cube, where the
elevations are z and z+z y
respectively. x
mg   S ( z ) g

PS z
Pressure distribution for a fluid at rest (Hydrostatic Pressure)

A force balance in the z direction gives:

F z  0  PS z  PS z  z   S zg

Pz  z  Pz
  g
For an infinitesimal element (Δz0)

  g
Incompressible fluid
Liquids are incompressible i.e. their density is
assumed to be constant:
P2  P1    g ( z2  z1 )
Liquid with a free surface the pressure P at any depth
below the free surface is:
Po is the pressure at the
P   gh  Po free surface (Po=Patm)
By using gauge pressures we can simply write:

P   gh
Figure 2.10
Measurement of Pressure
Strain gauge
Pressure Transducers
Manometers are devices in which one or more
columns of a liquid are used to determine the
pressure difference between two points.
U-tube manometer
Inclined-tube manometer
Measurement of Pressure Differences

Apply the basic equation of

static fluids to both legs of
manometer, realizing that

P2  Pa   b g ( Z m  Rm )
P3  Pb   b g ( Z m )   a gRm

Pa  Pb  gRm (  a   b )
Inclined Manometer
To measure small pressure differences need to
magnify Rm some way.

Pa  Pb  gR1 (  a   b )sin 
P (N/m2) n moles Number of Molecules
1 4.4E-22 2.654E+02
10 4.4E-21 2.654E+03
100 4.4E-20 2.654E+04
1000 4.4E-19 2.654E+05
10000 4.4E-18 2.654E+06
100000 4.4E-17 2.654E+07
101325 4.46E-17 2.689E+07
1000000 4.4E-16 2.654E+08
Atmospheric Pressure =101325 N/m2
Fluid Density H (Meters) H (Feet)
Water (20 C) 0.9982 10.35 33.95
Water (0 C) 0.99984 10.33 33.89
Water (4 C) 0.99997 10.33 33.89
Water (100 C) 0.95836 10.78 35.36
Gasoline 0.675 15.30 50.20
Ethyl alcohol 0.791 13.06 42.84
Sea water 1.03 10.03 32.90
Glycerin 1.26 8.20 26.89
Mercury 13.55 0.76 2.50
Hydrogen gas 8.9E-5 116km 380752.39
Helium gas 1.8E-4 57.4km 188260.90
Air 0.00128 8.1km 26474.19
CO2 0.001977 5.2km 17140.60

Comparison of water & mercury manometer

Bourdon Guage

Given pressure (gauge)= 155Kpa

What is absolute pressure?

Determine the pressure at a depth of 5m

for water.

 Compute the pressure at A


Areservoir of an fluid has a mass of 500

kg and a volume of 0.315 m3. Find the
weight, density, specific weight and
specific gravity.
Static, Dynamic and Total Pressure

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