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Educational systems

Rusu Valeriu
Education in England

 The education system in the UK

is divided into four main parts,
primary education, secondary
education, further education and
higher education.
Education in England

 The education system in the

UK is also split into "key
stages" which breaks down
as follows:
• Key Stage 1: 5 to 7 years
• Key Stage 2: 7 to 11 years
• Key Stage 3: 11 to 14
years old
• Key Stage 4: 14 to 16
years old
Primary Education

 In primary school, school children remain in

one class throughout the year, but may
change classrooms for English and
Mathematics. Each school can decide the
name of classrooms: some choose world
animals, significant individuals, world
countries and continents, or simply their
year range (Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, etc).
 English, mathematics, and science are
normally taught in the mornings and art &
design, history, geography, design &
technology, ancient & modern languages,
religion, citizenship, computing, music,
physical education, etc in the afternoons.
Literacy, reading, mathematics, science,
geographical and historical skills are often
incorporated in cross-curriculum
assessments and activities.
Secondary Education

 In secondary school, school children have their

own tutor group, but are split up into different
classes and have their own timetable
(sometimes divided between week A and week
 Tutoring lessons in the mornings and late
afternoons are for citizenship studies and the
rest of the day consists of subjects such as
English literature, English language,
mathematics, science (biology, chemistry,
physics, astronomy, etc), citizenship, history,
geography, art & design, design & technology,
drama & media arts, modern languages
(French, German, Spanish, Italian, etc),
business & economics, religion, music,
photography, engineering, computing, physical
education, etc.
Higher Education

 Higher education in England is provided

by Higher Education (HE) colleges, 
university colleges, universities and
private colleges. Students normally enter
higher education as undergraduates from
age 18 onwards, and can study for a
wide variety of vocational and academic
qualifications, including 
certificates of higher education and 
higher national certificates at level 4, 
diplomas of higher education, 
higher national diplomas and 
foundation degrees at level 5, 
bachelor's degrees (normally with 
honours) at level 6, and integrated 
master's degrees and degrees in
medicine, dentistry, and veterinary
science at level 7.
School uniform

 School uniforms are defined by

individual schools, within the
constraint that uniform regulations
must not discriminate on the
grounds of sex, race, disability,
sexual orientation, gender
reassignment, religion or belief.
Schools may choose to permit
trousers for girls or religious dress.
[45] Local councils may provide

assistance with the cost of

uniforms and PE kit.[46]
UK Grading System
Education in Usa

 Education in the United

States is provided in public, 
private, and home schools. State
 governments set overall
educational standards, often
mandate standardized tests for 
K–12 public school systems and
supervise, usually through a
board of regents, state colleges,
and universities.

 Ages 0-4
 Not obligatory
 Tuition-based
 Some get state and federal
 The more you pay, the
better the quality.

 Age 5-6
 First year of school that is obligatory for all children living in the U.S.

 1st year of primary school is

technically 2nd year of
education but we call it 1st
 Grade = 1) year of education in
primary or secondary school, 2)
score on an exam, a paper,
homework, etc.
 Grades 1-5 = elementary school
Secondary:Junior High and High School

 7 years – Grades 6-12

 Junior high = grades 6-8
 High School = grades 9-12
 freshman – 9th grade sophomore – 10th grade junior – 11th
grade senior – 12th grade
Undergraduate school

 2-year degree = associate´s

 -one can further their education
at a 4-year university
 4-year degree = bachelor´s
 -major = specific course of
 -you don´t have to choose a
major until your second
Applying to College (university)

 A student must pass a college entry exam: the SAT or ACT

 A student must meet a determined

 G.P.A. (grade point average)

 A student can apply before receiving the high school diploma (and will be
accepted after the university receives the diploma)
School uniform

 Most schools in the United States do not require uniforms, but

instead enforce a standardized dress code of what types of clothing
are appropriate for students to wear to school. Such dress codes vary
from school to school, but are normally based on broader policies set
by the county's elected school board. Private schools (schools
requiring tuition and formal acceptance in order to attend) and other
specialized schools are typically the only schools to require uniforms
of the school administration's choosing.
USA Grading
Education in

 Education in Moldova is currently the

responsibility of the 
Ministry of Education, Culture and Resea
 In 1990, the average Moldovan spent six
years in school, and only 30% of people
older than 15 had completed secondary
education. After the end of Soviet rule,
reforms were established that required
nationals to receive a basic education
over 10 years, followed by enrollment in
a technical school or an institution of
higher learning.
Grading System in Moldova

 The lowest grade (mark) in the Moldovan educational system is 1, the highest is
10. To pass a course, a subject, or an exam, the student must obtain a mark of
5 or above
Types of education

 As of 2007-2008 academic year, Moldova had ten types of primary and secondary schools:
• Kindergartens take kids from 3 to 5-6 years.
• Primary schools, grades 1-4
• Gymnasiums, grades 5-9
• Lyceums, grades 10-12, Bacalaureat exam
• General schools, grades 10-11, no Bacalaureat exam, cannot continue with higher education
• Evening schools
• Schools of trades, 1 year (grade 12), no Bacalaureat exam, cannot continue with higher education
• Vocational schools, 3 years (grades 10-12), no Bacalaureat exam, but can continue with higher education
• Vocational lyceums, 3 years (grades 10-12), Bacalaureat exam
• Colleges (Colegii), 3 to 4 years, Bacalaureat exam optional, but can continue with higher education
• Special schools, grades 1-11, no Bacalaureat exam, cannot continue with higher education
The end

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