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• Simple past tense (regular verbs)

• yesterday / last Sunday

• What did you do …?
Chapter 3


Simple past tense (regular verbs)

簡單過去式 ( 規則動詞 )

We use the simple past tense to talk about things

in the past.
Simple past tense (regular verbs)
簡單過去式 ( 規則動詞 )

1.Yesterday I played with toys.(play)


2. He washed his face this morning.(wash)


3.We listen ed to the radio last night.(listen)


Yesterday 昨天
this morning 今天早上 表示過去的時間
last night 昨晚
Simple past tense (regular verbs)
We use the simple past tense to talk about things
in the past. 當我們談有關過去發生的事情 , 用簡單過去式

yesterday today

Sam played computer games yesterday.

規則動詞 + ed 昨天
Simple past tense (regular verbs)

last Sunday today

We can also use ‘last’

with other days of the
week, e.g. last
last Monday.

Joe chatted with his friend last

a short vowel + a consonant
= double the consonant + ed
當規則動詞是 ‘ 1 個元音 +1 個輔音’ , 重複最後一個 ’輔音字母’
再加 ‘ ed’.
Simple past tense (regular verbs)

last Friday today

study 温

Anne studied for her exam last Friday.

When the action word ends
in ‘y’, we change the ‘y’ to ‘i’
當動詞以’ y’ 字母結
and then add ‘ed’. 尾,
study i + ed = studied
將‘ y’ 轉 ‘ i’ 再加
‘ ed’.
Simple past tense (regular verbs)

We add ‘ed’ to most regular verbs: 多數規則動詞只需加

‘ ed’
listen + ed = listened
paint + ed = painted
play + ed = played
watch + ed = watched
We only add ‘d’ to regular verbs that end in ‘e’:

practise + d = practised
最後一個字母是‘ e’ 只需
Simple past tense (regular verbs)

When the regular verb ends in ‘1 short vowel + 1

consonant’, we double the consonant and add ‘ed’:

vowels( 元音 ) = a, e, i, o, u

chat t + ed = chatted

a short vowel ( 一個元音 )

當規則動詞是 ‘ 1 個元音 +1 個輔音’ , 重複最後一個’輔音字母’ 再
加 ‘ ed’.
chat t + ed = chatted
a, e, i, o, u
hop p + ed = hopped
skip p + ed = skipped
Simple past tense (regular verbs)
When the regular verb ends in ‘y’, we change the ‘y’ to ‘i’
and then add ‘ed’:
study + ed = studied
當動詞以’ y’ 字母結尾 , 將‘ y’ 轉 ‘ i’ 再加 ‘ ed’.
tidy + ed = tidied
cry + ed = cried
** 但當動詞以’ y’ 字母結尾 , 而‘ y’ 前是
‘ a,e,i,o,u’ ,
不用將‘ y’ 轉 ‘ i’ , 可以直接加 ‘ ed’.
stay + ed = stayed
play + ed = played
What is your name?
Key Structures

listened to music
I chatted with friends yesterday.
studied for my exam

What did you do last Saturday / Sunday?

I chatted with my friend.

How do you form the past
Let’s try!
tense form of these words?

paint study
study chat
chat watch

painted chatted
chatted studied

double the
last letter
+ ed y  i + ed
+ ed
直接 + ‘ed’ ‘y’ 轉 ‘ i’+
字母 + ‘ed’
Let’s try! Choose the correct answer.

listen listens
listens listened

I to music yesterday.
Let’s try! Choose the correct

play plays
plays played

I some games with my friends yesterday.

Let’s try! Fill in the blank.

We ________
watched (watch) cartoons last Friday.
Let’s try! Fill in the blank.

昨晚 Peter 做什
A: What did Peter do last night?
B: He practised
________ (practise) the piano.
Let’s try! Fill in the blanks.

A: What did you do yesterday?
B: I _______
chatted (chat) with my friends.

短音節 - 重複最後一個字母加 “ ed”

Let’s try! Fill in the blanks.

昨天 Jane 做什
A: What did Jane do yesterday?
studied (study) for her exam.
B: She _______
當動詞以’ y’ 字母結尾 , 將‘ y’ 轉 ‘ i’
再加 ‘ ed’.
我們已認識了 3 種時式

A. Simple Present Tense 簡單現在式

B. Present Continuous Tense 現在進行式

C. Simple Past Tense 簡單過去式

A. 我每天打籃球。 ( 習慣性的動作 - 現在
式I) play basketball every day.

B. 我正在打籃球。 ( 說話時正在做 - 現在進行

I am playing basketball now.

C. 昨天我打籃球。 ( 過去發生的事情 - 過去式 )
I played basketball yesterday.

今天告訴你昨天發生的事用 ‘過去式’

Today 今天
Present Tense 現在式
A. He paints a picture every day.

Present Continuous Tense 現在進行

B.He is painting a picture at present..

Past Tense 過去式

last week
C. He painted a picture last week.

今天告訴你上星期發生的事 , 用 ‘過去
式’ Today
Present Tense 現在式
A. You listen to music every day.

Present Continuous Tense 現在進行

B. You are listening to music now.

Past Tense 過去式

this morning
C. You listened to music this morning.

現在告訴你今天早上發生的事 , 用 ' 過去式’

A. 現在式 B. 現在進行式 C. 過去式
我們要牢記以下的時間副詞 (time expressions) 才能夠運用正確的時式

A. Present Tense C. Past tense

B. Present
Continuous tense
every 每一 Look! 看 ! yesterday 昨天
Listen! 聽 ! last…( 上一… )
every day 每一天
Stop! 停 ! last Sunday 上星期日
always 總是
Watch out! 小心 ! last night 昨晚
usually 通常
now 現在 last week 上星期
often 常常
at present 目前 last month 上一個月
sometimes 有時 this morning 今早
at the moment 在這刻
never 永不 at this moment 在這刻 just now 剛剛
ago… 之前
an hour ago 一小時之前
Let’s try to do

worksheet (7)!
Time expressions: yesterday( 昨天 ) ago( 以前 ) this morning( 今
just now( 剛剛 ) last Monday/week/year( 上月 / 星期 /
這一週先學習 ‘規則動詞’ 的過去式
‘ 規則動詞’ 的過去式

短音節 - 重複最後一
個字母加 “ ed”

clean ed loved chat ted

played practised skipped
watch ed lived hopped

study studied stayed

tidy tidied obeyed
cry cried played
dry dried
(A). Change these verbs into Simple Past Tense.

Present Past Present Past

cook cooked close  

stay   work  

watch   pick  

clean   like  

live   listen  

play   wash  

walk   talk  
注意句子中的時間副詞 都是表示過去發生的事

(B). Fill in the

C. Simple blanks
Past with the Simple Past Tense.

1. Peter ________________ his car yesterday. ( wash )

yesterday 昨天
2. Mary ________________ in Hong Kong last year. ( live )
last…( 上一… )
3. Tommy
last and上星期日
Sunday I ________________ football two days ago.( play )
last night 昨晚
4. They ___________________ to school just now. ( walk )
last week 上星期
5. I ______________________ my shoes this morning. ( clean )
last month 上一個月
6. The
this _________________ this film( 電影 ) last Sunday.(watch
just now 剛剛
7. Grandma _____________ in China in 2001. ( stay )
ago… 之前
8. Mr and Mrs Wong ________________ on the farm last week. ( work )
an hour ago 一小時之前
9. Mary ______________ me with my homework just now. ( help )
注意句子中的時間副詞 都是表示過去發生的事

(B). Fill in the blanks with the Simple Past Tense. 簡單過去式
1. Peter ________________ his car yesterday. ( wash )
2. Mary ________________ in Hong Kong last year. ( live )
3. Tommy and I ________________ football two days ago.( play )
4. They ___________________ to school just now. ( walk )
5. I ______________________ my shoes this morning. ( clean )
6. The children _________________ this film( 電影 ) last Sunday.(watch
7. Grandma _____________ in China in 2001. ( stay )
8. Mr and Mrs Wong ________________ on the farm last week. ( work )
9. Mary ______________ me with my homework just now. ( help )
The End

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