Technology Guide 3: Data and Database

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Technology Guide 3

Data and Database

IT for Management
Prof. Efraim Turban

File Management

File File
Record Record
Field Field
Field Field
Field Field
Byte Byte
Byte Byte
Byte Byte
Bit Bit
Bit Bit
Bit Bit
Hierarchy of data for a computer-based file
IT for Management
Prof. Efraim Turban

File Management
• Entity
– a person, place, thing, or event on which
we maintain information
• Attribute
– characteristic or quality describing a
particular entity
– corresponds to a field
• Key Field
– a file that uniquely identifies that record
– an identified filed
IT for Management
Prof. Efraim Turban

Accessing Records from

Computer Files
• Sequential File Organization
– data records must be retrieved in the
same physical sequence in which they
are stored
– magnetic tape
• Direct or Random File Organization
– Users can access records in an
sequence, without regard to actual
physical order on the storage medium
– magnetic disks
IT for Management
Prof. Efraim Turban

Problems Arising
from the Environment
• Data Redundancy : the same piece of information could be
duplicated in several files
• Data Inconsistency : the actual values across various copies of
the data no longer agree
• Data Isolation : data files are organized differently, stored in
different formats, and often physically inaccessible to other
• Security : new application may be added to the system on an ad
hoc basis
• Data Integrity : data values must often meet integrity
• Application/Data Independence : application should not have
to be developed with regard to how the data are stored
IT for Management
Prof. Efraim Turban

Database and
Database Management Systems
• Database
– an organized logical grouping of related files
– no data redundancy, data isolation, and data
• Database Management Systems (DBMS)
– a program that provides access to a database
– permits an organization to centralize data,
manage them efficiently, and provide access
to the stored data by application programs
IT for Management
Prof. Efraim Turban

Specialized Database
• Geographical Information Database
– contains locational data for overlaying on
maps or images
• Knowledge Database
– stores decision rules used to evaluate
situations and helps users make decisions
like an expert
• Multimedia Database
– Stores data on many media – sounds,
T3-7 video, images, graphic animation, and text
IT for Management
Prof. Efraim Turban

Data Definition Language

• Schema
– the logical description of the entire
database and the listing of all the
data items and the relationships
among them
• Subschema
– the specific set of data from the
database that is required by each
IT for Management
Prof. Efraim Turban

Data Manipulation language

• Structured Query Language (SQL)
– combines both DML and DDL features
– offers the ability to perform complicated
searches with relatively simple statements
• Query-by-example (QBE)
– allows users to select a table and chooses
the fields to be included in the answer as
the example he provided
IT for Management
Prof. Efraim Turban

Data Dictionary

• Data dictionary is a file that stores

definitions of data elements and
data characteristics such as usage,
physical representation, ownership,
authorization, and security

IT for Management
Prof. Efraim Turban

Hierarchical Database Model

• It relates data by rigidly structuring data

into an inverted “tree”
• A single root or master field (Key)
– identifies the type location, or ordering of
the records
• A variable number of subordinate fields
– defines the rest of the data within a record

IT for Management
Prof. Efraim Turban

Network Database Model

• It creates relationships among data
through a linked-list structure in
which subordinated records can be
linked to more than one parent
• Pointers
– link subordinates and parents
– storage addresses that contain the
location of the related record
IT for Management
Prof. Efraim Turban

Relational Database Model

• It is based on the simple concept of
tables in order to capitalize on
characteristics of rows and columns
of data, which is consistent with
real-world business situations
• Relations : table
• Record : row of data
• Field : column of data
• Object-relational Database Systems
IT for Management
Prof. Efraim Turban

Creating Database
• Conceptual Design
– an abstract model of the database
from the user or business perspective
– Describes how the data elements in
the database are to be grouped
• Physical Design
– shows how the database is actually
arranges on direct access storage
IT for Management
Prof. Efraim Turban

Entity-relationship Modeling
• Entity is something that can be identified
in the users’ work environment
• Instance of an entity is the representation
of a particular entity
• Attributes describe the entity’s
• Identifiers are attributes that identify
entity instances
• Relationships can include many entities
IT for Management
Prof. Efraim Turban

Entity-Relationship Diagram
Name Departmet

Entity Relationship
Major Name

Student Class Professor

ID Number 1:N Class Taught

One to many
IT for Management
Prof. Efraim Turban

Normalization of
Relational Databases
• Functional Dependency
– a relationship between or
among attributes, where,
given the value of one
attribute, we can obtain the
value of another attribute

IT for Management
Prof. Efraim Turban

Emerging Database Models

• Multimedia Database : an additional
database that enables end users to quickly
retrieve and present completes data that involve
many dimensions
• Deductive Databases
• Object-oriented Database : used for OO
• Multimedia and Hypermedia Database :
analogous to textual and numeric data
IT for Management
Prof. Efraim Turban

Data Warehouses

• It is an additional database that is designed to

support DSS, EIS, online analytical process
(OLAP), and other end-user activities.
• It can provide an “executive view” of data
and a unified corporate picture to the end-
users by combining the data from many
operational systems and incompatible
databases without affecting the performance
of the running operational systems
IT for Management
Prof. Efraim Turban

Database Topology
• Centralized Database has all the related
files in one physical location
• Distributed Database has complete
copies of a database, or portions of a
database, in more than one locations
• Replicated Database has complete copies
of the entire database in several locations
• Partitioned Database is subdivided, so
that each location has a portion of the entire
IT for Management
Prof. Efraim Turban

Physical vs. Logical Data View

• Physical View
– deals with the actual, physical
arrangement and location of data in the
direct access storage devices (DASD)
• Logical View
– represents data in a format that is
meaningful to a user and to the software
programs that process that data

IT for Management
Prof. Efraim Turban

Database Management

• Database Design
• Database Implementation
• Database Administrators
– responsible for ensuring that the
database fulfills that user’s business
needs, in terms of functionality s
well for the data itself
IT for Management
Prof. Efraim Turban

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