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Controversies and

Issues that Surround the

• Towards the end of the chapter, the student is expected to:
1. Demonstrate a better and deeper understanding of the controversies and issues that
revolves around persona of the national hero
2. Critically analyze the issues and concepts in the light of new investigation and
researches thus presented
3. Be able to gain a more in depth appreciation and develop a well rounded
perception of Rizal as a man, and as a hero
Rizal’s Fame and Extreme Popularity
• Rizal’s life has been an open book
• Has been scrutinized to the fullest extent and at times has been immersed
in deep seated and lingering controversies
• The price of fame that the hero possesses
Why was Rizal the National Hero?
• The question is raised as to who really is responsible for making him the
national hero and on what grounds are these largely based upon.
• Renato Constantino
• opined that it was the American colonial government that was responsible for
making him the national hero
• Firm on the belief that the choice of Rizal as the national hero is primarily guided by
the colonial policies that the American civil government tried to advocate
An American-Sponsored Hero?
• 1901, Civil Governor of the Philippines William Howard Taft – suggested
to the Philippine Commission that the people be given a national hero
• Rizal was voted as national hero which was sealed under the Treaty of
Paris signed on December 10, 1898
• The Philippine Commission – the law making body of the country adopted
the proclamation of Rizal as national hero
They say that the Americans played a big part in giving Rizal the much
debated title. This is to avoid setting “a revolutionary figure that might lead to
more armed struggles.” The primary reason is somewhat acceptable. The
Americans must have really feared that declaring any war-hero of the revolution
might inflame another revolution that would endanger their hold of the
Philippines If they had pursued on Bonifacio, this is like boldly saying, “Hey,
revolt against us, you should fight for your freedom like what your national hero
did against the Spaniards.” Thus, they made a pacifist as a symbol for Filipino
through none other than Jose Rizal. And in this way, the Filipinos, having been
pacified, would hesitate on engaging on any more movers of revolting against
American colonial regime. And in addition to this is the fact that there was
nothing anti American that Rizal wrote. Why? For the simple reason that Rizal
was already long gone when the Americans colonized the country.
Other Heroes
• Andres Bonifacio – leader of Katipunan (KKK, password was “Rizal”),
the headquarters and meeting places had a picture of Rizal, he made Rizal
the honorary president of the Katipunan and even attempted to rescue him
from exile in Dapitan so he could lead, or at least inspire the Filipinos to
• Emilio Aguinaldo – declared December 30 to be an annual “day of
national mourning” in honor of Rizal
Americans’ Role?
• Although the Americans encouraged the hero worship of Rizal, the man
was already a national hero to the Filipinos long before the Americans
sponsored him as such
• The Americans simply built on the prevailing sentiment of the people

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