Day3+-+ADO NET

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 Introduce Microsoft® ADO.NET
 Show the evolution of ADO to ADO.NET
 Introduce the primary components of ADO.NET

 Differences Between ADO and ADO.NET
 Benefits of ADO.NET
 ADO.NET Core Concepts and Architecture
 The ADO.NET Object Model
 The DataSet and Data Views
 Managed Providers
 Designed for connected access
 Tied to the physical data model
 The RecordSet is the central data container
 RecordSet is one (1) table that contains all the data
 Retrieving data from > 1 table or source requires a database JOIN
 Data is “flattened”: lose relationships; navigation is sequential
 Data types are bound to COM/COM+ data types
 Data sharing via COM marshalling
 Problems marshalling through firewalls (DCOM, binary)
 Designed for disconnected access
 Can model data logically!
 The DataSet replaces the RecordSet
 DataSet can contain multiple tables
 Retrieving data from > 1 table or source does not require a JOIN
 Relationships are preserved: navigation is relational
 No data type conversions required
 XML, like HTML, is plaintext: “Firewall friendly”
 New applications have become loosely coupled
based on the Web application model
 Disconnected data architecture,
 Tight integration with XML,
 Common data representation with the ability to
combine data from multiple and varied data
 Optimized facilities for interacting with a database,
all native to the .NET Framework.
ADO.NET and the .NET Framework

Microsoft .NET Framework

Web Services User Interface

Data and XML

ADO.NET XML ... ...

Base Classes

Common Language Runtime

Core Concepts and Architecture
 The ADO.NET Object Model
 DataSet - core component of the
disconnected architecture
 .NET Framework data provider
 Used for connecting to a database, executing
commands, and retrieving results.
 core objects that make up a .NET Framework data
.Net Hierarchy & Core Object
 Core object
 Connection - provides connectivity to a data source
 Command - enables access to database commands to
return data, modify data, run stored procedures, and send
or retrieve parameter information
 DataReader - provides a high-performance stream of data
from the data source.
 DataAdapter - provides the bridge between the DataSet
object and the data source
 .Net hierarchy
 System.Data System.Data.SqlTypes
 System.Data.OleDb System.Data.Odbc
 System.Data.Common System.Data.OracleClient
 System.Data.SqlClient
How ADO.NET Works …

Client (Console,Win,Web)


Command DataSetCommand DataReader

Connection Managed

Data Source
System.Data Namespace

 Contains the basis and bulk of ADO.NET

 Data-centric namespace
 Provides the means to work on and with your data!
 Classes and methods to manipulate your data
 Ability to create views of your data
 Means to logically represent your data
 Enables the use of XML to view, share, and store data
Introducing the Objects…

System.Data  Contains the “main” classes of ADO.NET

DataSet  In-memory cache of data
DataTable  In-memory cache of a database table
DataRow  Used to manipulate a row in a DataTable
DataColumn  Used to define the columns in a DataTable
DataRelation  Used to relate 2 DataTables to each other
DataViewManager  Used to create views on DataSets
Putting the Objects Together…

DataSet Tables
DataTable DataView

Relations DataColumn

DataRelation Constraint(s) DataViewManager


Working Data - The DataSet
 An in-memory cache of data from a data source
 Common way to represent and manipulate data
 Universal data container
 Not just for use with databases
 Logical or physical representation of data
 Designed to be disconnected from the data source
 Connect, execute query, disconnect
 Can use XML
 To read and write data
 To read and write XMLSchema
XML and the DataSet
 DataSet can read/write XML for its data and/or schema
 You can create or modify data in a DataSet using XML
 You can create or modify the DataSets schema using XML
 XML-related DataSet methods for reading:
 ReadXml: Reads an XML schema and data into the DataSet
 ReadXmlSchema: Reads an XML schema into the DataSet
 And for writing:
 WriteXml, WriteXmlSchema
 Namespace property: sets the namespace for serialization
.NET Data Providers Hierarchy
Contains classes
shared by both
.SqlClient .OleDb
SqlCommand OleDbCommand
SqlConnection OleDbConnection
SqlDataReader OleDbDataReader
SqlDataAdapter OleDbDataAdapter
OleDbConnection and SqlConnection
 Represent a unique session with a data source
 Create, open, close a connection to a data source
 Functionality and methods to perform transactions
 OleDbConnection example:
String conStr="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" +
"Data Source=NWIND_RW.MDB";
OleDbConnection aConn = new OleDbConnection(conStr);
// Execute Queries using OleDbDataAdapter Class
OleDbDataAdapter Class

 Bridge between the DataSet and the data store

 Inherited from the DataAdapter class
 Means to modify the DataSet and data source

data store DataAdapter DataSet

OleDbDataAdapter Class
 Properties of Interest:
 DeleteCommand: The delete command expressed in SQL
 InsertCommand: Gets or sets insert command
 SelectCommand: Gets or sets select command
 UpdateCommand: Gets or sets update command
 TableMappings: Maps source table and a DataTable
 OleDbCommands retrieved or set by command properties
 Implements abstract methods of the DataAdapter class:
 public abstract int Fill( DataSet dataSet );
 public abstract int Update( DataSet dataSet );
OleDbCommand Class

 Represents a query to execute on the data source

 May be a SQL statement or stored procedure
 Properties of Interest:
 Connection: Get or set the data source connection
 CommandText: Get or set the query (text) command
 A SQL statement or the name of the stored procedure
 CommandType: Get/set how the command is interpreted
 Text, StoredProcedure, or TableDirect
 CommandTimeout: The seconds until connection timeout

 Forward-only data access

 “Lightweight” programming model
 Less overhead than using OleDbDataAdapter
 Instantiated & returned by OleDbCommand.ExecuteReader
 Ties up the OleDbCommand until it is finished reading
 Properties of Interest:
 FieldCount: Returns the number of fields in the result set
 RecordsAffected: Number of affected records
 Methods to retrieve data:
 By column type and/or index: GetValue; GetString; etc.
 Read(): Advances reader to next record
 NextResult(): Advanced to next result set in batch
 GetValues(): Gets the current row
Benefits of ADO.NET
 Interoperability through use of XML
 Open standard for data that describes itself
 Human readable and decipherable text
 Used internally but accessible externally
 Can use XML to read and write and move data

 Scalability through the disconnected DataSet

 Connections are not maintained for long periods
 Database locking does not occur
 Locking support with ServiceComponents
 Optimistic locking otherwise

 Maintainability
 Separation of data logic and user interface
 ADO.NET is the evolution of ADO
 It is a disconnected, Web-centric model
 Flexible in its ability to work with data
 Increases your ability to logically organize data
 Extensive support for XML
 Facilitates working with and sharing data
 Interacts with a wide variety of data sources

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