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To improve the eating of quality foods, cooking was done by the early
human race. This was made possible with the use of fire, which was
fundamental to the existence of the human society. Biblical history records
that after the fall of man, God instructed Adam to offer burnt offering to
commemorate the coming of a Savior to save mankind from sinful life.
Many thousand of years ago, they only ate meat, grass, and seeds raw.
When they discovered fire, food was then cooked. Food was probably
ancient method of producing baked products by popping seeds or grain on a
hot stone surface was discovered. The use of leavening agents was
Middle Eastern Civilization
• During the ancient Middle eastern Civilization, baking was practically
ahead of any techniques of cooking. In the ruins of Jericho in the Jordan
Valley, carbon dating of archaeological finds reveal the use of ovens as
early as 7000 BC. In Hacilar, Turkey, carbon-dating reveal the use of
ovens as early as 5600 B.C. In the ruins of Palestine where wild wheat
and barley were abundant during the hunting stage, ovens were also
found. When wheat and barley were cultivated, baking became the means
of cooking starchy mashed cereals. In the diggings of the ruins of the
ancient civilization where there was no oven nearby the grain bin the flat
grindstone were also found.
The Egyptians
• Scientists discovered that the royalties were severed with bread made from
finely sifted flour.
• In the documents discovered, it also showed that bread is the major food
offered to the gods.
• Records show that already in the years 2600-2100 B.C. bread was baked by
who it is believed had learned the skill from the Babylonians.
• A relief representing the royal bakery of Ramses features bread and cakes,
some of these were shaped in the form of animals and used fro sacrifices.
Early Copper Age
• In early copper age, huge grain storage buildings were constructed.
Bronze Age
• During the Bronze age, Greeks are coarse, unleavened bread.
Then they established public bakeries by the 5th century.
The Roman Empire
• The great Roman empire improved the large scale milling and baking
techniques. This improvement was due to its need to feed the Roman
population. The Romans supplied bread (40000 to 200000 bread doles) to
the people.
• Inevitably Greek culture influenced the Roman Empire; bakery know how
was transformed and really flourished.
• During the fourth century A.D., evidence also emerges of the first pastry-
cook’s association or “pastillarum” in those times nomenclature.
In the Middle Age
• In the Middle age, pastries and cookies were baked. Honey was the only
sweetening agent used. Medieval Europe produced bread of different
sizes, shapes and qualities. The word loaf a term used to describe the
shape of a baked product, was then used to mean bread.
• Improve machines were invented and used during the industrial
Revolution. Baking powder were invented in the mid 19 century. This
replaced yeasts which acted more slowly. The technique of dehydration
improved the shelf life of the dry ingredients. Chemical additives were
invented which improve the color, quality, and shelf life of baked
Factors on Successful Baking Business
• Successful baking business is a result of many favourable factors obtaining in
the community. Among these are:
1. Abundant Supply of Baking Materials.
-one of the limiting factors that influences the success of baking industry in any
community is the supply of flour and other ingredients used in baking. Even if there are ready
buyers for bread, if the supply of flour is not regular, and quality bread is not regularly sold in
the bakery, the tendency of the bread consumers would shift staple from bread to rice. Thus, a
baking business should be established in a locality where efficient distribution of flour and
other ingredients in bread making are constantly available.
2. Availability of Capital at Low Interest Rate
-The second factor to consider is the availability of
capital for those who need to establish a bakery business.
A person may have the proper technology and training in
the baking business, but without capital one cannot start
the business in the community.
3. Continuous Demand of Bakery Products
- Demand is developed because the bakery products are quality
and the service of the management is cordial. Continuous
demand is developed with the increasing number of customers.
- advertisements, friendly community relations, and quality
products are important in the maintenance of continuous
4. Access to Good transportation and Communication
- An efficient communication line from the source of
materials to the bakery is necessary especially for the
procurement of supply. Good roads for the transportation
of supply and for the distribution of bakery products are
another important factor to consider for the growth and
development of a wholesome business.
5. Effective Promotion
- Important for the maintenance of patronage in
business. This is done to inform the future
customers of the quality of the bakery products.
Effective promotion is enhanced by door
promotion, radio, and television shows, community
rapport, and the maintenance of the quality of the
bakery products.
6. Production of quality bakery products.
-a successful bakery business is one with a sizable
patronage. This means a group of regular customers are
captured patrons. This can only take place when the
products are of quality and the customers are regularly
patronizing this particular bakery. Patronage is developed
when the products are of quality and the service is
efficient and cordial
7. Peace and order
- Situation is another factor that contributes to business growth.
When there is peace, business is in smooth flow, however in
times of crises and community unrest business will be disrupted
and the usual expectation is the downward movement of business.
This trend is affected by many factors such as the flow of supply,
reduction in the buying capacity of the consumer, disturbance in
the communication and transportation, and inefficient distribution
8. Prompt distribution of the bakery products
- Made to satisfy the market demand for fresh and
expertly prepared bakery products. Storing of bakery
products before distribution cuts the shelf life of the
bread at home under the room temperature. Thus, it is
important to promptly deliver the bakery products as
early as possible to the customers when these are still
9. Technology in baking
- Technology refers to the expertise and skill to the
manpower involved in the baking business. Properly
trained bakers do not only know how to produced hard
bread, but they have skill in other baking procedures, that
they can produce quality cakes, etc. Skills and trained
bakers can manage to produce quality breads even with
the use of substitute materials. With skills, the baker can
produce a variety of good bread from other flour.
Malpractices in the Bakery Industry
• Adulteration- adding with a low grade material especially the
cheap and of low nutrient value material without declaring on the
label. Example: mixing of more than 30 percent cassava flour to
wheat flour in bread making.
• Substitution- ingredients are done by using less known of
inferior brand of a known quality brand. This is usually done by
unscrupulous merchants who get rich fats, without knowing that if
they will continue cheating just the same they will lose their
• Unsanitary working condition. Common in the bakeries,
especially in the system of waste disposal. The unsanitary
condition invites mice, flies, cockroaches, etc. and will cause
infection and disease. This should be corrected with asepsis to
stop vermin and infestation.
• Lack of asepsis. Common practice in bakeries because of
workers who lack the training in sanitary living. The
management must give health orientation to workers to make
them conscious of sanitary requirements in the bakery and food
related chores.
• Mixing of the Spoiled Materials. Unprincipled bakers do practice this,
especially mixing spoiled bre2 ads to the flour in the process of dough
making. Without knowing that the spoilage microorganisms growing in
bread is very lethal carcinogen. The common bread mold is mycotoxin
which secretes a carcinogenic substance lethal to the both animals and
• Use of weight and measure. This must be observed strictly to be able to
come up with standard and quality products. Weighing and measuring
should be done accurately. In the incorporation of different ingredients
accurate measure must be observed. Guesswork and modification must
not be encouraged. But this is only done by some food and cooking
experts. Modifying the amount of ingredients will result to a wrong
product. In the same manner when substitution of ingredients is done the
result will be different product.
Guidelines in the Food Laboratory

• Rule and regulations

• Proper Cooking Outfit
• Safety Precautions
• Sanitary Measure

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