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Society and

by Diaconu Ana-Maria
and Stoia Teodora
What is society?

Society in the USA Society in the UK

The society of the United States English society comprises the

is based on Western culture, group behaviour of the English
and has been developing since people, and of collective social
long before the United States interactions, organisation and
became a country with its own political attitudes in England.
unique social and cultural The social history of England
characteristics such as dialect, evidences many social and
music, arts, social habits, societal changes over the
cuisine, and folklore. Today, the history of England, from Anglo-
United States of America is an Saxon England to the
ethnically and racially diverse contemporary forces upon the
country as a result of large- Western world. These major
scale immigration from many social changes have both
different countries throughout internally and in its relationship
its history. with other nations.
Social stereotypes
The USA – The Karen

Karen is a term for someone perceived

as entitled or demanding beyond the
scope of what is appropriate or
necessar y. A common stereotype is
that of a white woman who uses her
privilege to demand her own way at
the expense of others. She also
demands to "speak to the manager",
she is racist, anti-vaccination, or she
has a particular bob cut hairstyle, she
is a middle-aged white women.
Social stereotypes
The UK– The Chav

It is represented by
wearing fake sportswear
and large gold jewellery.
They use a little known
language derived from
English slang and American
'gangsta’. They can be
found around fast food,
outlets, shopping malls
and other similar places.
Gender Discrimination
About four-in-ten employed
women (42%) say they have
experienced some form of
gender discrimination at
work, according to the July
and August Pew Research
Center survey.
Among employed men, 22% say they have
experienced some form of gender
discrimination at work. One especially stark
gender gap involves income: Employed
women are fi ve times more likely than
employed men (25% vs. 5%) to say they
have earned less for doing the same job as
someone of the other gender.
Gender discrimination at • Under 50 per cent of individuals believe
that men and women who have the same
the workplace grounds of experience and qualifications
The UK have an equal chance of being hired, with
41 per cent of women feeling as if they
need to push themselves harder in the
workplace in order to achieve a promotion.
• A substantial 31 per cent of Brits
reported having seen or experienced
cases of gender discrimination in
their workplaces in the last year.

• Women are more likely to feel there

is lack of equality in the workplace,
with only a third (35 per cent)
believing they have an equal chance
of securing a job; compared to 55
per cent of men.
Girls do not feel
safe in public

The majority of girls living in both

urban and rural areas reported
being severely aff ected by
continual street harassment. Girls
said they don’ t feel safe moving
through the places they live on
their own, and constantly have to
adapt their behaviours to avoid
being physically and verbally
“You’ll have that one person who’s just sitting at the back
of the bus and is staring at you. And occasionally, they’ll
make their way and sit right next to you and just start
talking to you. … But I try my best to sit next to the bus
driver, as close as I can, so he has me in his eye line and
if something happens then I can say, “I need help.”
-Abby, aged 16, Norfolk, UK
Girls voices’ are not
being heard

Since the State of Girls Rights`s

previous 2016 report, girls have been
encouraged by the rise of young
female activists like Greta Thunberg
and Amika George. But they spoke of
feeling unheard on issues like Brexit,
being bullied for identifying as
feminists, and are worryingly put off
politics by the toxic abuse received by
prominent female MPs.
“I think feminism is hugely important right now. But there
are a lot of people that have been saying things like ‘oh
it’s ‘man hating’ and ‘everyone’s already equal’ but it’s not
true. And I feel like there needs to be more awareness.”

-Hannah, aged 15, from the Scottish

Racial discrimination

White families have

substantially more
wealth than black

The median net worth

of white households is
about 10 times the
median net worth of
black households.
One area that has improved is the
gap in unemployment rates. For
decades, the jobless rate for
blacks was typically more than
twice that for whites, but the gap
narrowed to its smallest
diff erential on record last year -
that is, until the coronavirus
outbreak. In February, the rates
stood at 3.1% for whites and a
near record low of 5.8% for blacks.
Healthcare and Coronavirus

Along with a lack of

coverage, black Americans
have higher rates of
chronic illnesses, including
diabetes, high blood
pressure and obesity.

All these conditions contribute to making the coronavirus pandemic all the more
deadly for blacks than for non-Hispanic whites, who account for more than 60%
of the population, but only about 53% of the deaths from the virus.
Black Lives Matter
The USA and The UK
Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an
international social movement, formed in
the United States in 2013, dedicated to
fi ghting racism and anti-Black violence,
especially in the form of police brutality.

In May 2020, George Floyd, an

unarmed Black man, was murdered
by police and since then, the BLM
protests are still going.

What is your opinion on the types

of discrimination that we
• h t t p s : / / w w w. t h e g u a r d i a n . c o m / i n e q u a l i t y / 2 0 1 7/ o c t / 1 1 / u k- n o- f u r t h e r- f o r wa r d - o n - t a c k l i n g - g e n d e r- i n e q u a l i t y- e

• h t t p s : / / e d i t i on . c n n . c o m / 2 0 2 0 / 0 6 / 0 3 / p o l i t i c s / b l a c k-w h i t e - u s - fi n a n c i a l - i n e q u a l i t y / i n d e x . h t m l

• h t t p s : / / w w w. t h e g u a r d i a n . c o m / c o m m e n t i s f r e e / 2 0 2 0 / j u n / 0 3 / ra c i s m - g e o r g e - fl o y d - b r i t a i n -a m e r i c a - u k- b l a c k- p e
op l e

• h t t p s : / / p l a n - u k . or g / m e d i a - c e n t r e / a t- t h e - t u r n - of- t h e - d e c a d e - g e n d e r - i n e q u a l i t y- s t i l l -a ff e c t s - m a j o r i t y- o f- u k- g i
r l s - r e ve a l s

• h t t p s : / / i m a g e s . a p p. g o o. g l / x m K U y A J d d R E X R n F 3 7

• h t t p s : / / i m a g e s . a p p. g o o. g l / P n p S w m Q 4 C b T P W w M 1 A

• h t t p s : / / w w w. t h e g u a r d i a n . c o m / w o r l d / 2 0 2 0 / j u l / 1 6 / ra c i s m - i n - t h e - u k- s t i l l - r i f e - s ay- m a j o r i t y- of- b r i t o n s

• h t t p s : / / e n . w i ki p e d i a . o r g / w i ki / Ka r e n _ ( p e j o ra t i ve )

• h t t p s : / / w w w. u rb a n d i c ti o n a r y. c o m / d e fi n e . p h p ? t e r m = C h a v

• h t t p s : / / e n . w i ki p e d i a . o r g / w i ki / S o c i e t y _ o f _ t h e _ U n i t e d _ S t a t e s

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