Plagues and Pestilences in Bible

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Plagues and

Pestilences in
Few Questions?

1) What does Bible say about plagues and pestilences?

2) The reason for the plagues is Human Being or God?

3) Is COVID-19 a Biblical plague?

4) Is corona virus one of the plagues in the Book of Revelation?

5) Is the Cornavirus a Sign of the End Times?

The term "plague" is found
roughly 100 times in the Bible,
primarily in the Old Testament.
The most commonly known
biblical plagues occurred in Egypt
during the time of Moses.
Scripture reveals that God sent
plagues as a consequence of
disobedience and idolatry.

Exodus 32:35 gives an example of

this, saying "So the Lord plagued
the people because of what they
did with the calf which Aaron
• God in control

• Intensity of the plagues

Exodus 12:29-30

Exodus 32:35

Numbers 11:33

Numbers 16:46-50

2 Samuel 24:15
Note: Mathew 4:5-7, Deuteronomy 6:16 - Satan tempts Jesus
2) The reason for the plagues is Human Being or God? - Discuss?
3) Is COVID-19 a Biblical plague?

Hence, it can qualify as a plague.

However, we cannot presume God's intention through this pandemic.

Acts 17:11 (God will surely Judge, However, qulaifying this COVID -19 as a
bibilcal plague is too far)

Seek God in both good times and in bad times (Job 1:21, Psalms 145-9)
4) Is corona virus one of the plagues in the Book of Revelation?
Our mentality is to connect any large-scale disaster to Revelation and see in
it a sign of the end.
So, is COVID-19 one of the seven plagues mentioned in Revelation
16-17? While it might be tempting to try and identify this virus
with one of those plagues, I believe there are a couple of reasons
not to. The first reason is that these seven plagues are identified as
the completion of God’s wrath, and the plagues seem directed
solely towards those who belong to the kingdom of the Antichrist.
But this virus is not as discriminating. There seems to be no one
who is immune to it. Saint and skeptic alike are affected by it.
A second reason to doubt that it is one of the plagues of Revelation
is that we know the source of this virus. As many of the
coronaviruses do, it jumped from an animal to a human and spread
from there. COVID-19 is simply more contagious than most, as well
as generally more deadly.
4) Is the Cornavirus a Sign of the End Times?
But, if not one of the seven plagues of God’s wrath, could it be a
sign of the end times? Again, I do not believe so. In the 14th
century, the Black Plague killed 30-60% of the population of
Europe. In 1918 the Spanish Flu, another coronavirus, killed 50-
100 million people worldwide. Joseph Stalin is credited with
killing 20 million people. Mao Zedong is estimated to be
responsible for the deaths of up to 45 million people. Estimates
are around 20 million deaths in World War 1 and 75 million in
World War 2. (However, Mathew 24:7, Luke 21:11-end times, its
signals cannot be ignored- Be watchful)

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