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• Soil are formed by the breakdown of rocks over hundreds of years.

• Soil erosion is the removal of soil by wind, water or moving ice.

• It is a natural process, but human activity has made it easier for

larger amounts of soil to be removed in a shorter period of time.

• This is known as accelerated soil erosion.

• Soil erosion may be influenced by the texture and structure of the

soil, the degree and intensity of the rainfall, the velocity of the

wind and the degree of man’s interference with the vegetation.

Over- grazing or excessive grazing by
livestock causes the topsoil to be
Deforestation refers to the process by exposed so that it can be easily
which natural vegetation is removed eroded.
for from a specific area, leaving the In many territories, the growing
topsoil exposed to the wind and rain. population of goats, sheep and cattle
have severely reduced the grass cover
that protects topsoil.
• Over-cropping and monoculture cause erosion when the grassy surface is removed, leaving the topsoil bare.

• Ploughing and mining also cause soil erosion. When dynamite is used below the Earth’s surface, precious

topsoil is removed.

• Slash and burn agriculture contributes to soil erosion as does land clearance for housing development.


• Terracing, which is the act of cutting steps on the slopes of hills to slow down the flow of

soil as rainwater or water from man-made irrigation systems flows downhill.

• Controlled grazing, by which farmers make sure their animals do not overgraze any areas as

grass protects the topsoil from erosion by the wind and rain.

• Planting windbreak; the trees protect against the wind and prevent the topsoil from blowing

• Afforestation and reafforestation; afforestation is the act of planting trees

where none existed before, while reafforestation is the replanting of trees in

areas where they were cut down.

• Conducting environmental impact studies before engaging in land

development can help to prevent man-made soil erosion.

THE END!!!!!!!!!!

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