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Geophysical Exploration Methods

Near-surface Archaeological geophysics – seismic

refraction, electromagnetics (EM), magnetics, GPR
Basin scale field area –
Seismic refraction
CMP seismic reflection profiling
Magnetotellurics (MT)
Transient Electromagnetics (TEM) Seismics

Magnetics GPR EM

Gravity Stations and Map

Archaeological Site - GPR

GPR Image


Seismic Reflection and Refraction

Vibroseis Truck

Driving the Vibe Truck – “Priceless”
SAGE Student Driver – Whoa!!!
Seismic Reflection and Refraction


shot gathers
Seismic Reflection and Refraction

Processed and Stacked CMP Reflection Section

Seismic data acquisition in the


N 2-D Model of TEM Soundings S Blue is resistive


1800 m

1700 m 0

1600 m

1500 m
Red is
0m Distance 3400 m
SAGE 2010 Geophysics Highlights

Blue is resistive

MT sounding indicating
midcrustal conductor at
~ 20 km depth.
West-East CMP stacked seismic
reflection record section. La Bajada
fault plane reflections on right.
Successful Strategies
(developed and refined over the years)
1. Learning by doing; immersion (intense
2. Mix of lecture/discussion; field work; data processing and
analysis; modeling and interpretation; presentation of
3. Two tier team approach (interpretation/integration teams –
each team includes person representing different
methods; technique oriented teams). Provides focus, in-
depth study, opportunity for innovation (technique oriented
teams), and promotes teamwork and multi- disciplinary
approach (interpretation/integration teams).
4. Emphasis on presentations (discussion on how to prepare
and deliver a 12 minute talk) – teams (all team
members) make presentation; each student completes a
written report (SEG expanded abstract format);
professional development.
Successful Strategies
(developed and refined over the years)

5. Experiment Design Discussion – safety, constraints,

data quality/quantity, research objective, educational
experience, set parameters for survey, why
multidisciplinary?, etc. Students drive discussion.
6. Multiple methods (each student gains experience with all
methods), and information on careers (students
really appreciate); networking.
7. Student experiences and interactions (many of the students
become friends for life).
8. Measures of success - High rate of continuation to graduate
school (about 75% of SAGE undergraduates), support
and feedback from industry participants and visitors,
student evaluations at end of program, presentations at
professional meetings, publications, faculty evaluation of
student work.
SAGE Students – Geology Field Trip

SAGE website:

Additional SAGE Information:

8:00 AM – 12:20 PM, Tuesday, Dec. 6, MCS Halls A-C

T21A-2316. Seismic and Gravity Investigation of the
Eastern Boundary of the Santo Domingo Basin, Rio Grande
Rift, New Mexico (Poster)
8:00 AM – 12:20 PM, Tuesday, Dec. 6, MCS Halls A-C
H21E-1170. Geophysical Characterization by the SAGE
Program of a Newly Proposed, Low Temperature-EGS
Prospect in the Central Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico (Poster)
SAGE 2012 Information:

SAGE website:

This PPT:
Challenges for the Future

Maintaining funding
Program is expensive (low student/faculty ratio, all off-
campus, geophysical equipment and field work).
Support for SAGE (funds and “in-kind” support): NSF
REU program, Los Alamos Natl. Lab, US DOE, USGS,
Industry, Society of Exploration Geophysicists,
participating universities.
We continue to have many excellent student applicants
However, we have had limited success in increasing the
diversity of SAGE students.
Added a component of SAGE to involve Native American
students from New Mexico Pueblos.
Maintaining momentum and continuously enhancing program
Requires significant commitment of faculty.
Enhancements each year based on student feedback and
faculty consideration of successes and failures.

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