Hackers Speaking Test5

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Expresses condition or action
Test 5
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Hackers Speaking Test 5
Question 1

*No narration. You have 15 seconds to read the prompt.

What quality do you look for when picking a restaurant or café? Explain why this characteristic is
important to you. Include details and examples to support your explanation.


Hackers Speaking Test 5
End of Question 1

Time is up!
Expresses condition or action

Question 2 will begin in 15 seconds.

Hackers Speaking Test 5
Question 2

*No narration. You have 15 seconds to read the prompt.

Would you prefer to live somewhere that has a warm climate, or a place with four distinct seasons?
Use examples and details to explain your answer.


Hackers Speaking Test 5
End of Question 2

Time is up!
Expresses condition or action

Question 3 will begin in 15 seconds.

Hackers Speaking Test 5
Question 3

Discussion seminars

The university has decided to increase the maximum number of students in seminar classes from 8
to 15. This is mainly because the number of students attending this college is rapidly rising, and
more students want to take seminar classes. In addition, there are not enough professors for the
number of classes to increase. Therefore, having larger classes is the best option available. We
hope that this change will give more students a chance to take part in seminars.
Hackers Speaking Test 5
Question 3
Hackers Speaking Test 5
Question 3

The woman expresses her opinion of the decision made by the university. State her opinion and
explain the reasons she gives for expressing that opinion.


Hackers Speaking Test 5
End of Question 3

Time is up!
Expresses condition or action

Question 4 will begin in 15 seconds.

Hackers Speaking Test 5
Question 4

Sampling Bias

Sampling bias refers to a situation in which the people selected for a survey do not reflect the entire
population. This happens when certain sectors of the population are excluded in surveys. The result
is that samples will include a large amount of individuals with similar characteristics. Sampling bias
does not normally result from a deliberate attempt to produce one-sided results. Instead, it usually
results from the inherent difficulties of surveying an entire population. Sampling bias must be taken
into account when writing a final survey report, otherwise the results will not be meaningful.
Hackers Speaking Test 5
Question 4
Hackers Speaking Test 5
Question 4

The professor describes a problematic survey. Explain how it is related to the concept of sampling


Hackers Speaking Test 5
End of Question 4

Time is up!
Expresses condition or action

Question 5 will begin in 15 seconds.

Hackers Speaking Test 5
Question 5
Hackers Speaking Test 5
Question 5
Hackers Speaking Test 5
Question 5

The students discuss two possible solutions to their problem. Briefly summarize the problem, then
state which solution you recommend and why.


Hackers Speaking Test 5
End of Question 5

Time is up!
Expresses condition or action

Question 6 will begin in 15 seconds.

Hackers Speaking Test 5
Question 6
Hackers Speaking Test 5
Question 6
Hackers Speaking Test 5
Question 6

Using points and examples from the talk, describe two types of theater.


Hackers Speaking Test 5
End of Question 6

Time is up!
Expresses condition or action

End of the test

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