Hackers Speaking Test6

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Expresses condition or action
Test 6
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Hackers Speaking Test 6
Question 1

*No narration. You have 15 seconds to read the prompt.

What food would you prepare for a friend who came to visit you from another country? Include details and examples
to support your explanation.


Hackers Speaking Test 6
End of Question 1

Time is up!
Expresses condition or action

Question 2 will begin in 15 seconds.

Hackers Speaking Test 6
Question 2

*No narration. You have 15 seconds to read the prompt.

Some people prefer to go directly to their destinations when traveling. Others prefer to spend time exploring
while they are traveling. Which method do you prefer and why?


Hackers Speaking Test 6
End of Question 2

Time is up!
Expresses condition or action

Question 3 will begin in 15 seconds.

Hackers Speaking Test 6
Question 3

Dear Editor,

I think the campus parking policy is very unfair. At the moment, first-year students aren’t allowed to park their cars on
campus. Without a car, life is very inconvenient for first-year students who live in college dorms. Some of us have
part-time jobs off-campus, but without a car, it can be very difficult to get to work. Also, some freshmen need a car to
visit their families on the weekend.

Michael Hawser
Hackers Speaking Test 6
Question 3
Hackers Speaking Test 6
Question 3

The man expresses his opinion of the letter. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for expressing that


Hackers Speaking Test 6
End of Question 3

Time is up!
Expresses condition or action

Question 4 will begin in 15 seconds.

Hackers Speaking Test 6
Question 4

Cognitive Dissonance

When a person experiences an uncomfortable inconsistency between two cognitions that they hold at the same
time, this is known as cognitive dissonance. These cognitions can refer to behaviors, attitudes and beliefs. Typically,
individuals will be unable to accept the dissonance they experience and will seek to rationalize it. If this fails,
individuals will attempt to reduce the dissonance by changing their beliefs, behaviors or attitudes. A behavior is
thought to be more difficult to change than either an attitude or a belief.
Hackers Speaking Test 6
Question 4
Hackers Speaking Test 6
Question 4

The professor describes a personal experience. Explain how it is related to the concept of cognitive dissonance.


Hackers Speaking Test 6
End of Question 4

Time is up!
Expresses condition or action

Question 5 will begin in 15 seconds.

Hackers Speaking Test 6
Question 5
Hackers Speaking Test 6
Question 5
Hackers Speaking Test 6
Question 5

The students discuss two possible solutions to the woman’s problem. Briefly summarize the problem, then
state which solution you recommend and why.


Hackers Speaking Test 6
End of Question 5

Time is up!
Expresses condition or action

Question 6 will begin in 15 seconds.

Hackers Speaking Test 6
Question 6
Hackers Speaking Test 6
Question 6
Hackers Speaking Test 6
Question 6

Using points and examples from the talk, explain why name recognition is important.


Hackers Speaking Test 6
End of Question 6

Time is up!
Expresses condition or action

End of the test

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