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Instruktor Nose Work


Nose work instructions

Fanni Fuzesi
What is my presentation

▪️introduction of high boxes

▪️secondary reward
Why teach them?

▪️The purpose of the exercise is to

Master introduce
subTitle the scents higher above
the head, as dogs naturally like to
smell below.
What the trainer should keep
in mind during the exercises

It is important for the dog to

have a sense of success,
therefore we should teach
with more but shorter
trainings. It is important to
adhere to the principle of
gradation. Otherwise, we will
only test the dog and not
improve it. Otherwise the dog
will be frustrated and lose
motivation. Every dog is
different, for some it is easier
and for some it is harder to
understand tasks.
Introducing different boxes step by step
Get boxes of different heights, it is im
portant that they are sized so that the
dog has to raise its head or has to str
etch a little for the reward
Taking the start line for
the handler and the do
g. It will always be the s
tarting and finishing poi
The handler must keep the dog o
n a leash and allow the dog to en
ter the search area after the signa
l. The handler should not give co
mmands or maintain eye contact
with the dog, help as little as poss
ible, let it work independently.
Place the starting carto
n clearly at the beginnin
g of the search area. Th
e trainer signals to start
by tapping the box, but
only after if the dog’s at
tention has already bee
n focused on the startin
g box.
At the start box, we ad
d a verbal and secondar
y reward. Strive to give
a word of praise, the sa
me and an extra reward
treat at the place of the
previous reward treat.
We need to be fast and
If the dog understands the startin
g box, I will place boxes of differe
nt sizes according to the size of t
he dog so that he is free to work
with the handler.
The trainer places a reward treat
on the corner of each box so that
it is motivating for the dog and e
asy to reach. It is important that t
he dog can smell it and reach it e
asily, otherwise it will lose motiva
tion. Wrong task execution: placi
ng the treat in the middle, the sm
ell spreads differently, it is difficul
t to reach, so loss of motivation is
8.The trainer stays away after the
start, the handler lets the dog searc
h and keeps moving with the dog u
ntil he finds all the reward bites. Th
e handler rewards each find both v
erbally and with a secondary rewar
d. Once the dog has found all the r
ewards then the handler leads the
dog to the start line without conflic
t with a reward bite and praise.
Considering the dog's behaviour

Conflict situation: Smooth search:

increase the the trainer puts
amount of the a reward bite on
reward rearrange the empty boxes
or decrease the so that the dog
search area or does not notice.
shorten the If the dog
length of the notices just tap
search on the box.
The handler's role:

▪To move constantly while

the dog is working

▪️Not to help the dog

▪️To loose the leash, do not

disturb the dog

▪️To motivate and keep the

dog stress-free
▪️When searching around a car during an e
xam, the odour sample should be placed so
that the dog can only put its foot on the tire

▪️High odours are placed according to the si

ze of the dog.
Thank you for your attention!

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