Travels of Rizal

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Travels of Rizal

May 3, 1882

• Rizal left for the Philippines for

the first time to Spain
• He left without the knowledge of Aside from completing his studies,
his parents. Rizal had a “Secret Mission”
• He boarded the Spanish • Observe the life and culture,
Streamer Salvadora using a customs, government and laws of
passport of Jose Mercado European nations in order to
prepare himself in the task of
liberating the Filipino people
from Spanish tyranny.
May 9, 1882
• The Salvadora docked at Singapore
• The first stop over of Rizal
• He spent for sightseeing the city including its
famed Botanical Garden, Buddhist Temple, the
monument of Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles
(founder of Singapore)
Colombo, Sri Lanka
• It was Rizal’s journey to Colombo, Sri Lanka
that was important for him to improve his
knowledge of the French Language while on
board a French ship, Djemnah.
• En route through the Suez Canal, Rizal got off
at the Red Sea terminal and was amazed by the
impressive moonlight scenery in Suez and was
engreossed with the multicultural people and
language of the place.

• June 11, 1882 – Rizal reached Naples. This was

the first European ground he set foot on.
Marseilles ( june 12, 1882 – june 15, 1882)
• He stayed for a couple of days to visit different
sites in Marseilles
• He left Marceilles for Barcelona in an express
train on June 15, 1882 and arrived in June 16,
Barcelona (june 16,1882 – September 1882)
• At first he had am unfavourable impression of
Barcelona however, his impression changed as he
stayed long.
• He had meetings with Filipinos in the City, some of
whom were his schoolmates in Ateneo
• August 20, 1882- his article “Amor Patrio” was
published in Diyaryong Tagalog, a Manila newspaper
edited by Basilio Teodoro. This was the first article
he wrote abroad
Madrid ( September 1882- june 15 1883)
• On November 31, 1882, Rizal enrolled in two
courses at the Unibersidad Central de Madrid
• Medicine
• Philosophy & Letter
• He took lessons in painting and sculpture at the
Academia de San Francisco; lessons in fencing at
the schools of Sanz and Carbonell; and lessons in
English , French and German in Madrid Ateneo
• He took in time to associate with the Filipino
expatriates in Madrid
Before going to paris
• June 12, 1884 – Rizal completed his studies and
was given the title “Licenciado en Medicina”, but
he did not practiced it because was not able to pay
his diploma
• He also obtained the degree “licenciado en
Filosofia y Letra
• He decided to specialized ophthalmology
• In Madrid, he completed ½ of his Novel Noli Me
October 1885
• He went to Paris, France, where he studied
more aout Opthalmology
• He registered in the clinis of Dr. Lewis Wecker
• He mastered French, German, Italian, English,
Polish, and Greek languages after clinic hours.
• Rizal went to Paris and Germany in order to
specialize Opthalmology because he wanted to
cure his mother’s eye ailment

• Rizal spent his time writing his 2nd novel, El

• He left Paris due to high cost of living because
of the Universal Exposition.

• The gay social life of the city hampered his

literary works, especially the witing of his
second novel El filibusterismo
November 1, 1886
• Rizal arrived at Berlin and boarded at the Central
• He met Dr. Feodor Jagor for the first time.
Dr. Feodor Jagor
A German Scientist, traveller and the Author of “Travels in
the Philippines”, a book that Rizal admired during his days
as a student in Manila
Jose Rizal’s goal in Berlin
• To gain further knowledge about Opthalmology
• To further his studies in sciences and language
• To look into the economic as well as the
political conditions of the German nations
• To associate with famous German scientists and
• To publish his very own novel entitled “Noli Me
November 9, 1886
• He was admitted to the Real Biblioteca de
Berlin to do some research and to read other
books and worked as an assistant to Dr.

January 1887
• He became a member of the Ethnographic
Society of Berlin
February 1887
• He became a member of the Anthropological
Society and the Geographic Society of Berlin
March 1887
• His first novel “Noli me Tangere” wa published
May 11, 1887
• Rizal left Berlin and accompanied by Maximo
First Homecoming
• Because of his publication of Noli Me Tangere and
the uproar it caused among the friars, Rizal was
warned by Paciano and Silvestre Ubaldo not to
Rizal was determined to return to the Philippines
for the following reasons:
1. To operate on his mother’s eye
2. To serve his people who had long been
oppressed by Spanish tyrants.
3. To find out for himself how Noli Me Tangere
anad his writings were affecting Filipinos nd
Spaniards in the Philippines
4. Inquire why Leonor Rivera remained silent
February 1888
• Hounded by powerful enemies, Rizal was forced to
leave his country for the second time.
February 3, 1888
• Trip to Hongkong
February 7, 1888
• Stopover at Amoy
February 8, 1888
• Rizal arrived in Hongkong
February 16, 1888
• Rizal wrote a letter to Blumentritt experiencing his
• Rizal studied Chinese life, language, drama and
customs on his 2 weeks visit in Hongkong
• February 28,1888 – Departure from Hongkong
• He stayed in Japan February 28,1888- April 13,
• He was attracted by the scenery of the natural
beauty of Japan.
• Fell inlove with a Japanese girl named sayobara
japan and Seiko Usi.
February 28,1888
• Rizal arrived at Yokohama and stayed in the Grand
March 2-7, 1888
• He moved to Tokyo
• He was visited by Juan Perez Caballero, Secretary of
Spanish Legation
• March 7- He left Tokyo Hotel and lived at the
Spanish Legation.
• Rizal could not speak the Japanese language during
his first day in Tokyo. He decided to study the
Japanese language and able to speak within few
March 15, 1888
• Rizal first saw O sei- san walking past the gate of
Spanish Legation
April 7, 1888
• Rizal left Yokohama for San Francisco
United States of America
April 28,1888
• First went to San Francisco riding the steamer

• All passenger of this ship was under quarantine

since there was a cholera epidemic
• He knew that there were no epidemic at the Far East
then he found out that the ship was under quarantine
because of political motivation

• This is where he witnessed discrimination of

Chinese and Japanese by the Americans

• May 4, 1888- he was allowed to go ashore

Rizal’s Good Impression:
Material progress, all the cities he went to were
The drive and energy of the Americans
The natural beauty of the land
The high standard of living and the opportunities of
better life

The only bad impression of Rizal was that there was

no racial equality in America
Reasons why he chose this English City
To improve his knowledge of English language
To study Morga’s Sucesos de las islas Filipinas
London was a safe place to continue his fight
against Spanish Tyranny
Continued to write La Solidaridad in defense of his
people against Spain
December 1888
• Rizal visited Barcelona and Madrid
• Rizal met Marcelo H. Del Pilar and Mariano Ponce

December 31,1888
• Asociacion La Solidaridad was inaugurated.
• Rizal was choses honory president
February 15,1889
• La Solidaridad in Barcelona was founded by
Graciano Lopes Jaena
February 22, 1889
• Wrote the tagalog version of The Women of Malolos
March 25,1889
• Rizal’s first article in La Solidaridad, “Los
Agricultores Filipinos” was published
Before Rizal left London, he finished four sculptural
• Prometheus bound
• The triumph of death over life
• The triumph of science over death
• A carving of the heads of the Beckett sisters
March 19, 1889
• Rizal left London
Rizal Back in Madrid
August 23, 1890
• Rizal reported to Juan Luna what transpired
between him and Antonio Luna. They had a quarrel
and the also had a duel
Biarritz, France
March 29, 1891
• Rizal finished writing his book El Filibusterismo.
He planned, however, of revising some chapters.
Brussels, Belgium
May 1, 1891
• In a letter sent to Basa, Rizal reiterated his desire to
be in Hongkong, reminding the former of the
amount he was borrowing for his fare
• He also informed Deodato Arellano of his plan to
move to Europe to either Hongkong, Philippines or
Japan, and to renounce the receiving of pension
from the propaganda.
May 30, 1891
• Rizal set ready for printing 20 chapters of the
manuscript of the El Filibusterismo. He was waiting
the amount to defray the publication expense
Ghent, Belgium
july 5, 1891
• Rizal left Brussels for Ghent
• He stayed at Ghent because the cost of printing is
• Rizal received news that the Filipinos in Spain were
destroying the good image of their nation

• The Calamba agrarian trouble was getting worse.

The management of the Dominican hacienda
continually raised the land rents

• Rizal planned to go home.

June 26, 1892
• Rizal arrived in the Philippines on board the boat
Don Juan.

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