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Tigray conflict

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The Tigray conflict is an ongoing armed conflict that began in

November 2020 in
the Tigray Region of Ethiopia, between two sides: the Tigray
Regional Government that is led by the Tigray People's Liberation
Front (TPLF); and a military alliance between the Ethiopian
National Defense Force (ENDF), special forces of Amhara, Fano
(an Amhara ethnic irregular militia) and president Isaias
Afwerki's Eritrean Forces.[18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25]

Tigray conflictPart of the conflicts in the Horn of Africa

Location of Tigray Region in Ethiopia
(For a more detailed map of the situation, see here.)Date4
November 2020 – ongoing
(1 month, 1 week and 5 days)Location

Tigray Region, Ethiopia
Spillovers in Amhara Region, Ethiopia
and Central Region, Eritrea



ENDF claimed to have captured Mekelle,[3] Ethiopian

government claims victory and declares main phase over.[4]The
TPLF vows to continue fighting and claims to have recaptured
Aksum.[5]Belligerents Ethiopia

 ENDF Amhara

Supported by:

 Tigray Regional Government

 Tigray People's Liberation FrontCommanders and leaders

 Abiy Ahmed
(Prime Minister of Ethiopia)
 Birhanu Jula
(ENDF Chief of Staff)
 Kenea Yadeta
(Minister of Defense)
 Tiruneh Temesgen
(Chief Administrator of Amhara Region, early November 2020)
 Agegnehu Teshager
(Chief Administrator of Amhara Region, as of late November
 Mulu Nega
(Federally appointed Chief Administrator of the Tigray Region)
 Isaias Afewerki
(President of Eritrea)

(Chief of the Defence Staff)

 Filipos Woldeyohannes
 Sebhat Ephrem
(General of Eritrean Defense Forces) Debretsion Gebremichael
(President of Tigray Region, Chairman of TPLF)Units
involved Ethiopian National Defense Force

Ethiopian ArmyEthiopian Air Force[6]

 Ethiopian Federal Police

 Amhara Region Special Force

 Amhara Region Police Force

 Afar Region Special Forces

 Afar Region Police Force

 Eritrean Defence Forces

Eritrean ArmyEritrean NavyEritrean Air Force

 Tigray Region Special Force Tigray Region Police Force Tigray

Region Militias


Casualties and lossesAt least 10,000 (TPLF claim)[11]

1 MiG-23 aircraft[12]550 killed (government claim)[13]At least
611 civilians killed; possibly thousands dead[14][15][16][17][3]
Prime minister Abiy Ahmed came to power in 2018 and started
making significant reforms in the justice, economy and foreign
policy fronts. To distance the country's politics from ethnic
federalism, a power-sharing system giving regional influence to
individual ethnic groups, he merged the ethnic and region-based
parties of the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic
Front, which had governed Ethiopia for 30 years, into a
nationwide Prosperity Party. The TPLF, a militarily powerful and
politically powerful entity that had dominated Ethiopia during
those 30 years, refused to join the new party, and alleged that
Abiy Ahmed became an illegitimate ruler by rescheduling the 

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