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Heart Health

Neelima Kalani
June 16th, 2014
To increase awareness for heart disease
by providing insights on causes and cures
– both preventive and holistic.
 Importance of taking charge of your own heart health
 Risk factors
 Prevention
 Suggestions to improve stats
 Other recommendations
 Questions/Comments
 Appendix
Why Heart Health?
 Cardiovascular diseases is the # 1 cause of all the
deaths in the USA*
 In most cases, can be easily managed with food and
life-style changes
You are precious and have got only one life to
live and love

Risk Factors:
Those that are not in your control
Autoimmune Disorders
Your Doctor – prescribing wrong/unneeded medications

Those that are within your control:

Life Style
Your Doctor – diligent discussion on alternative/holistic approach
Prevention is better than cure
 Annual check-ups
 Know your Stats:
 Blood Pressure
 Blood Glucose
 The Hemoglobin A1c Test
 The Finger-Stick Test
 Cholesterol
 Triglycerides
  LDL
  Improve them
How to improve your Stats?
 Blood Pressure
 Target number  -> 110 over 70
 How to get there?
 Meditation
 Eat Green (organic/unprocessed) and Greens (veggies)
 Get Moving
 Multi-vitamin/Multi-mineral
 Magnesium – the unsung hero
 Get un-wired and get back to nature
How to improve your Stats?
Blood Glucose
 Target Numbers: 
 Hemoglobin A1c -> between 4% and 5.6%
 The Finger-Stick Test -> between 80-110 mg/dl (fasting)
 How to get there?
 Planned Diet
 Monitoring Carbohydrates
 Plenty of Vegetables (not fruits)
 Lots of Fiber (50 grams per day)
 Managing Weight and Inflammation
 Right Nutrition and Supplements
  Exercise
How to improve your Stats?
 Target numbers:
 HDL -> greater than 45 mg/dl
 Triglycerides -> Lower than 100 mg/dl
 LDL -> lower than 100 mg/dl

 How to get there?

 Omega 3s – DHA (flaxseeds, walnuts, algae oil)
 Incorporate Heart Healthy MUFAs (monounsaturated fatty acids like extra virgin olive oil, walnuts,
pistachios and other nuts & seeds, avocados, organic dark chocolate 72%+)
 Eat Greens, Nuts, Beans and Legumes
 Eat Clean – avoid processed foods, trans-fats and HFCS (i.e. High Fructose Corn Syrup)
 Get Moving/Walking – one of very few ways to increase HDL
 Multi-vitamin/Multi-mineral and Supplements
 Aim for 50 grams of Fiber each day
Other Recommendations:
 Being Happy 
 Spending time with friends and family
Positive Attitude
Giving Back – Feeling of Gratitude
 Taking 1-2 Baby Aspirin (81mg)
Sleeping well
For more information, email me at

Disclaimer: All information contained in this presentation are author’s personal opinion based on research and
experience and should not be used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Additional information on the causes of:
 High Blood Pressure
 Diabetes
 High Cholesterol
 High Triglycerides
What Causes High Blood Pressure?
The exact causes of high blood pressure are not known, but several
factors and conditions may play a role in its development, including:
 Smoking
 Being overweight or obese
 Lack of physical activity
 Too much salt in the diet
 Too much alcohol consumption (more than 1 to 2 drinks per day)
 Stress
 Older age
 Genetics
 Family history of high blood pressure
 Chronic kidney disease
 Adrenal and thyroid disorders
What Causes Diabetes
 Type 1 Diabetes
 Autoimmune Disease
 Type 2 Diabetes
 Hereditary or Inherited Traits
 Insulin Resistance & Metabolic Syndrome
 Autoimmune Disorders
 History of gestational diabetes
 Age and Stress
 Improper Diet & Sedentary Lifestyle
 Obesity and Fat Distribution
 Drug Induced & Infections
 Hypertension & Serum lipids and lipoproteins  (high triglyceride and cholesterol
What Causes High Triglycerides
 Being overweight or obese
 Physical inactivity
 Smoking cigarettes
 Excessive alcohol use
 Other drugs, including diuretics and steroids
 Diet high in carbohydrate diet & trans fats
 Genetic disorders
 Diabetes
 Certain diseases including:
 Metabolic Syndrome
 Hypothyroidism
 Kidney disease
 Liver disease

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