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Unit 5

Simple present tense: wh- questions

and frequency adverbs
Listen to the conversation
A: Do you text your __________________?
at night
B: No, not really. Well, on my way home ___________________. I
text and say “I’m on my way”

A: Do you watch a lot of sports on TV?

B: Well, I only watch _________________. You know,
on the weekends
A: Do you read the news _______________?
B: Yeah. Well, in the mornings
________________. coffee
I make________________ and
check the headlines.
play games on the internet?
A: Do you _______________
B: Yes. Well, I play chess with my friend in the evenings

A: Do you listen to the radio ?

B: Well, I listen to the same show in the mornings , but that’s
Wh-questions words
What Specific thing, object

Who Person

When Time, occasion, moment

Where Position, place

How often Way, form

Wh-questions words
 What do you do in your free time?
-In my free time, I meet with my friends.

 Who do you go out with?

-I go out with some friends

Building Grammar  When does she go out?

She goes out on the weekends.

 How often does he eat out?

He eats out twice a month.

 Where do they go on Saturday nights?

- They go to the movies on Saturday
Who are your parents?
Practice with a classmate
using WH questions
How often do you eat out?

What’s your favorite TV show?

When is your birthday?

Who is your favorite singer?

Where are you from?

Talking about hobbies

A hobby is something
you like to do in your
free time. Hobbies
makes your life more
Talking about hobbies
What do you do in
Watch series on
your free time? internet

surf on the net hung out with


go to the movies watch TV

Do exercises
play (sport)_______
Frequency Adverbs
0 % 100 %
always Remember

Frequency Adverbs
Let’s practice!
1) Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1. go swimming / sometimes / on Sundays / I
2. in our house / cold / it’s / often

3. usually / is / hungry / Sam / after school

4. goes / never / my cousin / cycling

5. Mark and Ted / books / hardly ever / read

6. I / my homework / in my room / do / always

Frequency Adverbs
once 1 2 3 4 5

twice 1 2 3 4 5

three times 1 2 3 4 5

four times 1 2 3 4 5

five times 1 2 3 4 5
Frequency Adverbs

three times
four times
five times
Let’s practice!
- How often do you watch TV?
- What’s your favorite TV show? Practice with a classmate
__________________________________________ using frequency adverbs
- What do you do in your free time?
- How often do you exercise?
- How often do you go to the cinema?
- Do you usually read?
- How often do you visit the dentist?
- Does your mom usually cook the dinner?
- How often do you go out with friends?
Soap opera
Listen, what kind of TV shows do you know?
Talk shows

5 Sit coms

3 The news

Game shows
1 8 

4 2

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