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Question Assignment

1. What is IFG’s current position in the market for general industrial coatings (GIC)? What is IFG’s current position in the
market for wood coatings?
2. What are IFG’s current objectives and strategies in these markets?
3. Using the sales and product adoption data provided, estimate the annual sales of powder-based coatings by customer
group. (Assume Lopez’s estimates for the percentage of customers who will switch to powder-based coatings are
correct.) Are your estimates favorable to the product introduction?
4. Using the estimated growth rates for IFG wood coatings by customer group, calculate a five- year sales estimate per
customer group based on the expected annual growth rate and expected growth in market share. Are your forecasts
favorable to the product introduction?
5. Examine the cannibalization potential of Lena to IFG’s existing product lines. Using the contribution data provided and
your estimates of powder-based coating sales by customer group (from Question 3), estimate how contributions might be
affected if IFG’s existing customers switched coatings. What is your assessment of the product potential given
cannibalization expectations?
6. Consider Lena’s strategic role in IFG’s product line using your cannibalization estimates, the product/market fit, and
overall product/company fit. What is your overall assessment?
7. What would your opinion be of the proposed introduction if you were:
a. An executive from another division of Pintura?
b. An independent distributor?
c. An IFG salesperson?
8. If IFG introduces Lena, what marketing program should it use? Be specific and include all elements of the marketing mix.
9. What are the economics of your marketing plan? What are the critical assumptions in your economic analysis? Which
ones are the most suspect?
10. Should the review team move Lena forward to the full development stage? Why or why not?
11. What did you learn about product-line planning from this situation?
Assignment- 32
Registration No Qno Registration No Qno
19PGPM001 1 3
19PGPM002 2 3 19PGPM024 1 4
19PGPM003 5 3 19PGPM025 2 4
19PGPM005 6 3
19PGPM007 7 3 19PGPM026 5 4
19PGPM008 8 3 19PGPM028 6 4
19PGPM009 10 3
19PGPM010 11 3 19PGPM029 7 9
19PGPM011 1 3 19PGPM032 8 9
19PGPM013 2 3 19PGPM033
19PGPM014 5 4 10 9
19PGPM017 6 4 19PGPM035 11 9
19PGPM020 7 4 19PGPM036
19PGPM021 8 4 1 9
19PGPM022 10 4 19PGPM037 2 9
19PGPM023 11 4 19PGPM038 5 9
19PGPM039 6 9
19PGPM040 7 9
19PGPM041 8 9
19PGPM042 10 9
19PGPM044 11 9

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