Thermo-Fluid Engineering: Prof. XI Guannan (喜冠南)

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Thermo-Fluid Engineering

Prof. XI Guannan ( 喜冠南 )

Mobile Phone : 187-6285-0738

Email Address :
Office Address: Room 503, Library Building

Contents of Thermo-Fluid Engineering
Chapter 1 Temperature and Heat
Chapter 2 Types of Heat Transfer
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer

Chapter 4 Basic Concept of Thermodynamics

Chapter 5 First Law of Thermodynamics

Chapter 6 Calculation of Ideal Gas
Chapter 7 Thermal Process of Ideal Gas

Chapter 8 Second Law of Thermodynamics

Chapter 9 Flow of Gas

Chapter 10 Aerodynamic Cycle 2

Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer

1. Conduction
2. Convection
3. Radiation
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Flow Boundary Layer over a Plain Plate-

Laminar flow boundary layer over a plain plate ( Rex < 50,000 )
Rex = v0 ・ x / ν
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Flow Boundary Layer over a Plain Plate-

Laminar and turbulent flow boundary layer over a plain plate with a peak edge

Laminar and turbulent flow boundary layer over a plain plate without a peak
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Flow Boundary Layer over a Plain Plate-
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Flow Boundary Layer in a tube-

Laminar flow boundary layer inside a tube / velocity v

Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Flow Boundary Layer in a tube-

Turbulent flow boundary layer inside a tube

Thickness t fbl of flow boundary layer and heat transfer coefficient h
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Flow Boundary Layer in a tube-

Laminar flow inside a tube

Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Flow Boundary Layer in a tube-
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Prandtl Number-
a = k / cpρ

Pr = ν / a
= cpµ/ k
= cpρν/k
Pr – Prandtl Number of the fluid, depending on material properties
and representing ratio of momentum and thermal diffusivities
a m2/s Temperature conductivity (温度传导率)
• : Specific heat of fluid (J/kg K)
• : Viscosity of fluid (Pa s)
• : Thermal conductivity of fluid (W/m K)
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Prandtl Number-
Prandtl number of typical materials

Name Prandtl number

Air and gas( 空气及气体) 0.7-0.8

Water ( 水) 7.0

Inert gas and hydrogen gas (惰 0.16-0.7


The oil (机油) 100 — 40,000

Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Heat transfer coefficient h at a plain plate -

Laminar and turbulent flow boundary layer over

a plain plate with a peak
Thickness tfbl of flow boundary layer and heat transfer coefficient h
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Nusselt Number (Nu)-

q = h ( Tf- TW) h=k / Ttbl

q = k( Tf- TW) / Ttbl NuL=h/k
h W/m2K heat transfer coefficient (换热系数)
q W/m2 heat flux = heat flow density( 热通量)
Tf °C temperature of the fluid
TW °C temperate of the wall
K W/mK thermal conductivity
NuL ---- Nusselt-number over a plain plate with length
L, Nusselt-number depending on material values, velocity and
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Newton’s Law of Cooling for Convection-
  Rate of heat transfer by convection (for heating or
cooling) is given by Newton’s law of cooling as follows:
Q = h A (Ts - T∞)
Q: Energy transferred per unit time (W)
h: Convective heat transfer coefficient -- CHTC (W/m2
A: Surface area available for heat transfer (m2)
T = Ts – T∞ : Temperature difference (K)
Ts: Surface temperature of solid object (K)
T∞: Free stream (or bulk fluid) temperature of fluid (K)

CHTC (h): Measure of rate of heat transfer by

convection; NOT a property; depends on fluid velocity,
surface characteristics (shape, size, smoothness), fluid
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Grashof (Gr) Number-

: Coefficient of volumetric thermal expansion ()
g: Acceleration due to gravity (= 9.81 m/s2)
f : Density of fluid (kg/m3)

Ts: Surface temperature of solid object (K)

T∞: Free stream temperature of fluid (K)
dc: Characteristic dimension of solid object (m) (Obtained
from tables based on shape & orientation of solid object)
f : Viscosity of surrounding fluid (Pa s)

Grashof number represents the ratio of buoyancy and

viscous forces
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Free Convection (Plate)-

•  Nu = hdc/kf = f (Gr, Pr)

• Nu = a (Gr Pr ; Re = Gr Pr
• For vertical plate (dc = plate height)
 a = 0.59, m = 0.250 (for 10 4 < Re < 10 9)
 a = 0.10, m = 0.333 (for 10 9< Re < 10 13)
• For inclined plate (for Re < 10 9)
 Use same eqn as vertical plate & replace ‘g’ by ‘g cos ’ in Gr
• For horizontal plate (dc = Area/Perimeter)
 Upper surface hot
• a = 0.54, m = 0.250 (for 10 4 < Re < 10 7)
• a = 0.15, m = 0.333 (for 10 7 < Re < 10 11)
 Lower surface hot
• a = 0.27, m = 0.250 (for 10 5 < Re < 10 11)
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Free Convection (Cylinder)-

• For vertical cylinder (dc = cylinder height)

– Similar to vertical plate if D ≥ 35L/(Gr) 0.25

• For horizontal cylinder (dc = cylinder diameter)

– For 10 < Re < 10   0.387 𝑁
1 /6

-5 12


𝑁 u = 0.6 +
9/ 16 8 /27
Note: Re = Gr Pr
[ (
Pr ) ]
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Free Convection (Sphere)-

  0.589 𝑁 1ℜ/ 4   for Re1011 & Pr ≥0.7

𝑁 u =2 +
9 / 16 4 /9
[ ( ) ]
Re = Gr Pr

 For sphere, dc = D/2

Note 1: For all free convection situations, determine properties at

the film temperature {Tfilm = (Ts + T∞)/2} unless otherwise specified
Note 2: For all free convection scenarios, as the T between the fluid
and surface of solid increases, Gr increases. Thus, NNu and ‘h’
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Forced Convection-

•  Fluid is forced to move by an external force (pump/fan)

• Rate of heat transfer (Q & h) depends on
– Properties () of fluid
– Dimensions and surface characteristics (smoothness) of solid
• ‘h’ does NOT depend on
– Temperature difference between fluid and surface of solid
• ‘h’ strongly depends on Reynolds number
– When all system and product parameters are kept constant, it
is flow rate (a process parameter) that strongly affects ‘h’

Nu = hdc/kf = f (Re , Pr)

Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Forced Convection (in a Pipe)-
•  Nu = hdc/kf = f (Re, Pr)
• Three sub-categories of forced convection exist…..
• 1. Laminar flow (Re < 2100)
– A. Constant surface temperature of pipe
• Nu = 3.66 (for fully developed conditions)
– B. Constant surface heat flux
• Nu = 4.36 (for fully developed conditions)
– C. Other situations (for entry region & fully developed)
• Nu = 1.86 (Re x Pr x dc/L) 0.33 (b/ w) 0.14 dc: ID of pipe, L: Length of pipe

• 2. Transitional flow (2100 < NRe < 4000)

– Friction factor (f)
• For smooth pipes:

• For non-smooth pipes, use Moody chart (graph of: f, Re, /D)
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Forced Convection (in a Pipe)-

  Turbulent flow (Re > 4000) of a Newtonian fluid in a pipe

Nu = 0.023 (Re) 0.8 (Pr) 0.33 (b/ w) 0.14
b: Viscosity of fluid based on bulk fluid temperature
w: Viscosity of fluid based on wall temperature
The term “(b / w)” is called the viscosity correction factor and
can be approximated to “1.0” in the absence of information on
wall temperature
Note: For flow in an annulus, use same eqn with dc = 4
(Acs/Wp) = dio – doi
dio: Inside diameter of outside pipe
doi: Outside diameter of inner pipe 43
Note: For all forced convection situations, use bulk temperature
of fluid to determine properties (unless otherwise specified)
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Forced Convection (over a Sphere)-

Nu = hdc/kf = f (Re, Pr) – similar to flow in a pipe

Nu = 2 + 0.6 (Re) 0.5 (Pr) 0.33

For 1 < Re < 70,000 and 0.6 < Pr < 400 44

Note 1: dc is the outside diameter of the sphere

Note 2: Determine all properties at the film temperature
{Tfilm = (Ts + T∞)/2}
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Thermal Resistances to Heat Transfer-

•  Conduction
– Slab: Q = kA (T/x) = T/[(x/kA)]
– Cylinder: Q = kAlm (T/r) = T/[(r/kAlm)]
– Driving force for heat transfer: T
– Thermal resistance to heat transfer: (x/kA) or (r/kAlm)

• Convection
• Q = hA (T) = T/[(/hA)]
– Driving force for heat transfer: T
– Thermal resistance to heat transfer: (/hA)

Units of thermal resistance to heat transfer: K/W

Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
 -Logarithmic Mean Temp Diff (Tlm )-
Double Tube Heat Exchanger

  is NOT constant across the length of tube
T1 = Tw(o) – Tp(i) , T2 = Tw(i) – Tp(o)
Tlm = (T1 – T2 ) / [ln (T1 / T2 )]
Note: Tlm lies between T1 and T2
Subscripts: ‘w’ for water; ‘p’ for product, ‘i’ for inlet, ‘o’ for outlet

Note:  Tlm comes into play when the temperature difference across the
two ends where heat transfer is taking place, is not the same
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient-

• OHTC (denoted by the symbol ‘U’) refers to a single quantity that

can be used to quantify the effect of all forms (conduction and
convection) of heat transfer taking place in a system

• It facilitates the use of one equation (instead of individual

equations for each conductive and convective heat transfer in the
system) to determine the total heat transfer taking place in the

– All thermal resistances in the system are added in order to

facilitate this process
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient-

OHTC (or U) in Different Scenarios

• Three conductive heat transfers
 1/(UA) = Δx1/(k1A) + Δ x2/(k2A) + Δ x3/(k 3A)
• Two convective heat transfers
 1/(UA) = 1/(h1A1) + 1/(h2A2)
• One conductive and one convective heat transfer
 1/(UA) = Δ x1/(k1A) + 1/(hA)
Note 1: 1/UA > 1/hA; Thus, U < h
Note 2: If there is no conductive resistance,

U = h U: Overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m4 K)

“1/UA”: Overall thermal resistance (K/W)
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient-
k, h, U, Resistances, and Temperatures
• As thermal conductivity (k) increases, thermal resistance due to
conduction (Δ x/kA) decreases
– Thus, temperature difference between center and surface of object
• As convective heat transfer coefficient (h) increases, thermal resistance
due to convection (1/hA) decreases
– Thus, temperature difference between the fluid and surface of the solid
object decreases
• As overall heat transfer coefficient (U) increases, overall thermal
resistance (1/UA) decreases
– Thus, temperature difference between the two points across which heat
transfer is taking place, decreases Thermal conductivity: W/m K
Convective heat transfer coefficient: W/m2 K
Overall heat transfer coefficient: W/m2 K
Thermal resistance to heat transfer: K/W
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer

Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Basics of Radiation Heat Transfer-

Rate of heat transfer by radiation is given by Stefan Boltzmann

law as follows:
Q = σ A ε T4

Q: Energy transferred per unit time (W)

σ: Stefan-Boltzmann constant (= 5.669 x 10 -8 W/m 2 K 4) A:
Surface area of object (m 2)
ε: Emissivity of surface (ranges from 0 to 1.0)
T: Temperature (K)
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Basics of Radiation Heat Transfer-
Any material emits radiation through electromagnetic waves.
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Basics of Radiation Heat Transfer-

Any material emits and receives thermal radiation at atemperature

> 0 °K = -273.15 °C
The impinging radiation will be reflected, absorbed as follows:
ρ+ α+ τ= 1 ρ rate of reflection ( 反射率)
α rate of absorption (吸收率)
τ rate of passing >0 case gases, others = 0
εmission rate
ρ+ α= 1 τ= 0 in case of solid or liquid bodies
(thickness solids > 1 µm, liquid > 1 mm)
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Basics of Radiation Heat Transfer-

The material will be told black, white, grey, coloredor specular:

ρ = 1 white all impinging radiation will be reflected
α=1 black ε= 1 all impinging radiation will be absorbed
τ=1 all impinging radiation will pass through,
for example through a gas
ε< 1 grey α= ε same rate will be absorbed over the total
range of wave length
colored some special wave lengths will be preferred
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Basics of Radiation Heat Transfer-

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