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Thermo-Fluid Engineering

Prof. XI Guannan ( 喜冠南 )

Mobile Phone : 187-6285-0738

Email Address :
Office Address: Room 503, Library Building

Contents of Thermo-Fluid Engineering
Chapter 1 Temperature and Heat
Chapter 2 Types of Heat Transfer
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer

Chapter 4 Basic Concept of Thermodynamics

Chapter 5 First Law of Thermodynamics

Chapter 6 Calculation of Ideal Gas
Chapter 7 Thermal Process of Ideal Gas

Chapter 8 Second Law of Thermodynamics

Chapter 9 Flow of Gas

Chapter 10 Aerodynamic Cycle 2

Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer

1. Conduction
2. Convection
3. Radiation
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Thermal Parameters-

 What Factors Affect Rate of Heat Transfer?

– Specific heat (Cp in J/kg K)
A measure of how much energy is required to raise the
temperature of an object;

– Thermal conductivity (k in W/m K)

A measure of how quickly heat gets conducted from one
part of an object to another;

–– Density ( in kg/)
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Thermal Parameters-

 – Viscosity ( in Pa s) for Newtonian fluids

Note: Thermal diffusivity () combines the effect of
several factors

– Thermal diffusivity ()
It combines the effects of specific heat, thermal
conductivity, and density of a material. Thus, this one
quantity can be used to determine how temperature
changes at various points within an object.
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
Values of Thermal Conductivity (k)
• Good conductors of heat have high k values
– Cu: 401 W/m K
– Al: 250 W/m K
– Fe: 80 W/m K
– Stainless steel: 16 W/m K
• Insulators have very low (but positive) k values
– Paper: 0.05 W/m K
– Cork, fiberglass: 0.04 W/m K
– Cotton, styrofoam, expanded polystyrene: 0.03 W/m K
– Air: 0.024 W/m K (lower k than insulators!)
• Foods and other materials have intermediate to low k values
– Foods: 0.3 to 0.6 W/m K (water: ~0.6 W/m K at room temperature)
– Glass: 1.05 W/m K; Brick: 0.7 - 1.3 W/m K
– Plastics (commonly used): 0.15 - 0.6 W/m K
• Thermally conductive plastics may have k > 20 W/m K
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Categories of Heat Transfer-
• Steady state
– Temperatures at all points within the system remain
constant over time
– The temperatures at different locations within the
system may be different, but they do not change over time
– Strictly speaking, steady state conditions are uncommon
• Conditions are often approximated to be steady state
– Eg.: Temperature inside a room or refrigerator
• Unsteady state
– Temperature(s) at one or more points in the system
change(s) over time
– Eg.: Temperature inside a canned food during cooking
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Reynold Number Re ( 雷诺数 )-
The Reynold number is a dimensionless number;
The Reynolds number describes the relation between inertia forces
and friction forces;
- The Re-number indicates the type of flow:
Laminar or turbulent
- Laminar flow and turbulent flow depends on
Re and on the kind of body:
ReL turbulent= 2.3E+03 2300 minimum insidea body, such as a tube

ReL turbulent= 5.0E+05 500000 minimum outsidea body, such as a plate

Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Reynold Number Re ( 雷诺数 )-


Re Reynolds number
v m/s flow velocity (流速)
DH m reference length (特征长度)
ν m2/s kinematic viscosity (运动粘度) ν
µ kg/s m = Pa s dynamic viscosity (动力粘度)
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Calculation of Reference Length DH -

Flow inside
round tube inside longitudinal flow inside
A area πdi2/4

C touched circumference πdi

DH reference length 4A/C

In this case, DH=di

Re = 2.3E+03 turbulent flow
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Calculation of Reference Length DH -

square tube inside longitudinal flow inside

A area Li2

C touched circumference 4Li

DH reference length 4A/C

DH = Li
Re = 2.3E+03 turbulent flow
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Calculation of Reference Length DH -

gap between tubes longitudinal flow inside

A area π(D-d)2/4
C touched circumference π(D+d)

DH reference length 4A/C

DH = D-d Δd
Re = 2.3E+03 turbulent flow
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Calculation of Reference Length DH -

rectang. tube inside longitudinal flow inside

A area WiHi

C touched circumference 2Wi+2Hi

DH reference length 4A/C

DH = 2WiHi /(Wi+Hi)

Hi = 10.0 mm Wi = 1000

Lref = 19.8mm
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Fourier’s Law of Heat Conduction-
 Rate of heat transfer by conduction is given by Fourier’s
law of heat conduction as follows:
Q = - kA (T/ x)
The negative sign is used to denote/determine the direction
of heat transfer (Left to right or right to left)

Q: Energy transferred per unit time (W)

k: Thermal conductivity (W/m K)
A: Area of heat transfer ( )
T: Temperature difference across the ends of solid (K)
x: Distance across which heat transfer is taking place (m)
Q/A: Heat flux (W/ )
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Fourier’s Law of Heat Conduction-
Temperature Difference Across a Slab

For the same value of Q (example: use of a heater on one side of a
For insulators (low k), “T 1 – T 2” is large
For good conductors (high k), “T 1 – T 2” is small
For the same value of “T 1 – T 2” (example: fixed inside
temperature of room and outside air temperature),
For insulators (low k), Q is small
For good conductors (high k), Q is large Heat flow Note: x
and A are assumed to be the same in all of the above situation s
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Examples -

Q = 756 W
T1 40.0 °C

T2 20.0 °C
k 0.6 W/mK
t 0.01 m
A 0.63 m2

R = 0.0167 m2K/W
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Examples -
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Heat transfer through a round wall -
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Heat transfer through a round wall -
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Heat transfer through multi different plain walls-
Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Heat transfer through multi different plain walls-

RW1-2= t1-2 /k1-2

RW total=Rw1-2+Rw2-n+Rwn-n+1
RW2-n= t2-n /k2-n

RWn-n+1= tn-n+1 /kn-n+1

Chapter 3 Calculation of Heat Transfer
-Heat transfer through multi different round walls-

Q =k1-2 2 π L ( T1 - T2 ) /ln ( d1 / d2 )
Q =k2-n 2 π L ( T2 - Tn ) /ln ( d2 / dn )
Q =kn-2n+1 2 π L ( Tn - Tn+1) /ln ( dn /dn+1 )

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