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War of 1812

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• After American Revolution the U.S. tried to
remain neutral with both Great Britain and
• 1803 Napoleon began war with Britain
• June 1807 American ship Chesapeake is fired
on by a British ship --international incident
• Jefferson responds with Embargo Act of 1807
– Stopped all trade with everyone
• U.S. men forced into British navy (impressment)
• Rumors of British alliance with Native
• United States unprepared for war
• Jefferson’s spending cuts had
weakened American military strength

•June 1, 1812 President James Madison asked

Congress for Declaration of War
•Divided Congress
•House 79-49 for war Senate 19-13 for war
• June 18, 1812 America declares war
against British. This is known as “Mr.
Madison’s War or “The Second
American Revolution”
• Aug. 18, 1812 U.S. loses F.
Mackinac as the British invade
American territory
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• Bombing of Fort McHenry in Baltimore

Harbor remembered for inspiration of
“The Star-Spangled Banner” Francis
Scott Key
• 3 attempts are made by U.S. to invade
Canada--end in failure
• The USS Constitution defeats the
Guerriere, a British frigate
• Jan. 13, 1813 Battle of Frenchtown
• April 1813 Battle of York
Social Impact
• Jefferson’s Embargo,smuggling, impact
on economy leading up to the war
• Debate over the war-War Hawks
• Impact on trade in New England
Political Impact

• Gained complete independence from Great

• Treaty of Ghent
• Gained respect from other countries
• Federalist Party falls apart
• Congress authorizes aid to victims of Central
America earthquake--first foreign aid
• Hartford Convention-leaders discuss opposition
to War of 1812 and other policies
Cultural Impact
• A renewed sense of nationalism
• Tensions with the Native Americans
during the war
And lastly…
• Treaty of Ghent officially ends the War
of 1812

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