ADHD and The Brain: by Natalee Embry

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ADHD and the Brain

By Natalee Embry
In this presentation I hope to attempt to teach that
ADHD is a brain based disorder.

I will cover the areas of the brain that are affected and
the triad of neurotransmitters that are involved in this

Most people are aware of what ADHD looks like on the

outside but I believe to truly understand ADHD we
should know what is happening on the inside.
ADHD is not caused by:

Will Power

Inadequate Parenting

Lack of Motivation

Lack of Intelligence

Meet a few accomplished people who
have ADHD:

Ozzy Osbourne
Albert Einstein
Whoopi Goldberg
Winston Churchill
Walt Disney
ADHD is now believed to be a Neurological
Disorders ( Brain Based) which can be genetic yet
the specific cause is still unclear. What we do
know is there is a lack of:

* Regulation of Attention
* Regulation of Motor Activity
* Regulation of Impulsivity.
Forssberg et al. (2006)
The thought is that there are several areas of the
brain that may be affected by ADHD. Some of
these areas are:

Frontal Lobes/Prefrontal Cortex

Limbic System
Basal Ganglia
Forssberg et al. (2006)
The Frontal Lobe/Prefrontal
Cortex helps us to:

Focus Concentration
Pay Attention to our tasks
Make good decisions
Plan Ahead
Learn and to remember what
we have learned.

To have proper behavior in

situations where it is required.
Armstrong (2010)
The prefrontal cortex is one of the last
areas of the brain to fully mature. In
patients with ADHD it is hypothesized
that they mature at a slower rate than
their peers without ADHD, sometimes
between two and three years slower.
However it must be said that children
with ADHD do undergo normal patterns
of brain development they just lag
behind their peers.
Armstrong (2010)
The Cerebellum is responsible for producing
coordinated muscle movements. It also
works to sequence thoughts of motion.
Sweeney (2010), Armstrong (2010)

Basal Ganglia also helps with movement and

motor control. Dopamine, either too much or
too little affects how the Basal Ganglia
communicates to the rest of the brain.
Sweeney (2009), Armstrong (2010)
These areas of the brain are now being
analyzed more closely due to
improvements in brain scans. We can now
see more closely what is happening inside
an active brain of someone with ADHD.
The scans most often in use for research
of ADHD are
MRI & fMRI (Magnetic Resonance
Imaging, functional Magnetic Resonance
PET (Positron-Emission Tomography)
MRI allows for a three
dimensional look at the brain.
With this scan the brain can
also be seen in individual
layers for a more localized
view of a particular area. It
shows a precise picture of the
physical shape of the brain.
Sweeney (2009)
fMRI A newer scan option that
uses blood flow to show images of
the working brain. Much like the
PET yet no radioactive chemicals
need to be used. It relies on
magnets that surrounds the
persons head. Changes in the
direction of the magnetic field
induce hydrogen atoms in the
brain to emit radio signals. These
signals increase when the level of
blood oxygen goes up, indicating
which parts of the brain are most
Sweeney (2009)
PET scans use radioactive
isotopes that are injected into
the blood stream and then
traced by a computer as it
travels through the brain.
This type of test allows us to
watch a living brain in action
as it reveals blood flow,
oxygen and glucose
metabolize in the brain.
Sweeney (2009)
There are chemical
differences in the brains of
people with ADHD.
These chemicals are:



New Research is also


Serene et al. (2007)
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter People with ADHD have
that transmits signals in between disturbances in the dopamine
nerve cells. system innervating the basal
Dopamine influences the ganglia and the frontal lobes. The
functions of the brain that include lack of dopamine makes it difficult
regulating attention, cognition, for someone with ADHD to pay
movement, pleasure the area of attention to non stimulating
the frontal lobes/prefrontal activities. Its not that people with
cortex need dopamine to ADHD are over stimulated rather
function and mature properly. they are under stimulated.
Forssberg et al.(2006) Armstrong (2010)
Norepinephrine is a Glutamate is also a
neurotransmitter that is neurotransmitter and its role is
responsible for moving nerve important to learning and
impulses between neurons. memory. Small quantities of
acting as a neurotransmitter glutamate “excite” cells to
Norepinephrine’s role is for increase activity. Too much
arousal and attentiveness. A lack glutamate however can have
of norepinephrine causes issue’s damaging effects by killing
with attention and emotional neurons.
responses. Sweeny (2009)
Sweeney (2009)
Research is now finding that
people with ADHD have
higher levels of glutamate in
the anterior cingulated
cortex, this part of the brain
helps regulate rational
thought such as anticipating
rewards, making decisions,
having/feeling empathy as
well as regulate emotion.
This area of ADHD research
is relatively new and more
research is needed.
Glutamate is crucial to the
Serene et al. (2007)
So what does this all mean?

It means that ADHD is a We are certain of the areas of

brain based disorder. the brain that is being
We are still unsure what the affected in people with ADHD
specific initial cause is. and we know what the roles
The relationship between of those parts of the brain
dopamine, nor epinephrine are.
and glutamate are the triad
of chemicals that are
specifically affected in the
brains of ADHD people.
Research is being expanded
due to newer high tech
imaging machines and
computer programs that are
allowing scientist to see the
active human brain in ways
they have never seen before
opening doors to better
research and possibly even a
cure, but better treatments
for certain.
Also, we know that ADHD
does not mean that a person
cannot be successful and
Never forget the child inside you
achieve great things.
Armstrong, T. (2010) . Neurodiversity: Discovering the Serene, J., Ashtari, M., Szeszko, P. R., & Kumra,
extraordinary gifts of Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and other S. (2007). Neuroimaging Studies of Children
brain differences. Philadelphia: Da Capo Press With Serious Emotional Disturbances: A Selective
This books attempts to point out the many advantages to Review. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 52(3),
different brain disorders and their role in evolution. A 135-145. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
positive approach at discovering the many reasons behind A reasearch article using data from published
the disorders and how people with them can flourish reports that attempts to briefly describe findings.
outside of their brain disorder labels. It steps aside from MRI imagining that shows the potential for
stereotypes of psychiatric medicine and focuses on getting children with psychiatric disorders to have
the most out of a “different mind”. underlying neurodevelopmental issues. It
supports the need for more brain imaging testing
to further the potential diagnosis and treatment
for child psychiatric disorders.

Forssberg, H., Fernell, E., Waters, S., Waters, N., & Tedroff,
J. (2006). Altered pattern of brain dopamine synthesis in Sweeney, M. (2009). Brain the complete mind.
male adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity Washington, D.C. : National Geographic Society
disorder. Behavioral & Brain Functions, 240-10. College level text book that teaches about the
doi:10.1186/1744-9081-2-40 Retrieved from EBSCOhostA human brain. It uses current issues and discoveries
research article that was aimed at trying to locate inside the about the development of the human brain. This
brain what areas were lacking in dopamine function. Using text covers the brain from in utero through the aging
PET scans they compared results between ADHD and process with everything that happens in between.
control groups. Their findings were conclusive that there
were dopamine receptor differences, yet they were only
able to focus on small areas for their results. ADHD needs to
be broken down into further subtypes and those areas be
studied specifically. There is yet no one theory of ADHD
that is conclusive.

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