Amisha Bansal Xi - B 03: Business Studies

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XI - B
Trade refers to buying and selling of goods &
services for earning profit. When buying &
selling of goods & services take place within
the geographical limits of a country then it is
known as internal trade. Its features are as
 The payments are made & received in the
home currency only.
 There are no or very few formalities to be
completed by the traders.
 In it both the buyers & sellers are of the same
It refers to the trade in which goods
are sold in large quantities. The
person who carries on wholesale
trade is known as wholesaler. He
buys the goods directly from the
manufacturers in bulk & sells them
in small loads to the retailers. A
wholesaler acts as a middle man
Sales promotion: Wholesalers employ a sales force
to reach retailers located in far corners of the
country. The salesperson of wholesalers perform
the task of persuading the retailers to display &
sell the goods at their retail outlets.
Financial assistance: Wholesalers provide
financial support to manufacturers by buying
goods for cash. Sometimes he pays in advance
while placing order.
Storage: Wholesalers provide facility of storage of
goods by buying the goods in bulk & bear the risk
of theft or spoilage. They relieve the manufacturer
It involves sale of goods directly to
the ultimate consumer for personal
use. A retailer buys goods from
wholesalers or manufacturers & sells
them directly to the ultimate
consumers. He generally maintains
stock of a variety of goods to satisfy
the needs of different consumers. His
Regular supply: Retailers are located at all
places & provide regular supply of goods.
Consumers can buy goods as per their
requirements & ability to pay.
Wide choice: Retailers keep different
variety of goods. It enables the consumers to
select goods of their choices.
Convenient locations: Retailers are mostly
located in residential areas. Consumers can
buy goods conveniently. They do not have to
Hawkers & pedlars: They move about in
residential areas or in local trains & buses.
Hawkers carry goods in carts by cycles whereas
pedlars carry their foods on their back. They sell a
wide variety of products of daily use such as fruits,
pens, etc.
Street traders: These traders display their articles
on pavements at busy street corners or near
railway stations. They deal in low priced articles of
daily use like books, newspapers, etc.
Cheap jacks: These itinerants set up their business
in a business locality for a temporary period. They
General stores: These stores are small shops
located in residential areas. They deal in items of
daily use like groceries, stationary etc. They
provide free home delivery, credit facility, etc to
their regular customer.
Single line stores: These stores deal in one line of
products such as books, medicine, etc. They keep
different designs, sizes & quantities in the same
product line to soot the requirements of customers.
Speciality shops: These shops are specialized in
one product only. E.g.-garments shop dealing with
It is a large retail showroom having
number of departments under one roof.
Each department is specialized in one
line of product. Each of the
departments is like a separate shop
with centralized purchasing, selling,
etc. Administrative activities of the
departmental store are managed by the
General Manager. He appoints
It refers to retail shops located in the different
parts of the country but these are owned and
controlled by a single organization. These stores
deal in a limited variety of products and same
products are available in every shop. Bata shops
are an example of chain stores in India.
These stores have uniform decoration and
display and sell goods at prices fixed by the head
office. Goods are produced centrally and are
supplied to each store.
It is a large retail store dealing in a wide
variety of consumer goods under one roof. It
is generally operated on a self service basis
therefore it is also known as self -service
store. It is generally located at the central
place. Goods are sold on cash . It generally
deals in grocery and other products of daily
use. Goods are displaced in open racks and
price tag are attached to every item.
Customers themselves select the items, carry

It is a retail organization which

procures orders and supply goods to
the customers through post office.
There is no personal contact between
the buyers and the sellers and no
middle men are involved. It may be
described as selling by post by view
point of sellers and shopping by post
from the view point of buyers.
It is an agreement between the two business
firms. Under the agreement one firm
franchiser allows the other firm called
franchise the right to use his products
services, trade mark, or brand name in a
particular territory and in return of
payment. It is a contractual business
relationship under which a chain of
independently owned business units is
created. The franchiser is the owner of the
In internet marketing the seller gives a list
of his products or services, their prices and
other relevant information on his website.
Consumer log on to the internet, browse
through the items on the website and read
the details. They can compare prices and
make a shopping list. Consumer can place
orders by telephone, fax and e-mail . There
are click bones on the internet to take
orders, bill credit cards of customers and
Telemarketing means contacting a person on
telephone and persuading him to buy a product
on telephone. In telemarketing there is no use of
literature, catalogues etc. It is suitable for the
product which can be bought without selling the
product such as club membership selling credit
card etc. It is becoming popular with the name
of call center. Many MNCS are setting are up
their telemarketing centers in India, like
American Express , Hero Honda etc.
It is a very popular form of retailing.
Under this system consumer themselves
come together to form a cooperative
society. So it is an association of
consumers formed to purchase goods in
bulk and sell them to the members at
low prices. These stores are owned ,
controlled and managed by consumers
only. Any 10 persons can form a
A chamber of commerce is a representative
body of businessman . It represent business
community of a particular region
irrespective of a particular industry or
trade. The composition and formation of
chamber of commerce differ from country
to country. In India, every major state has
its own chamber of commerce , like Delhi
chamber of commerce, Punjab chamber of
commerce etc. Many chambers of commerce

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