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• On completion of this lesson you would be able to know

1. Extraction methods & Techniques.

2. Pyrometallurgical extraction of Zinc.

3. Roasting.

4. Purpose of roasting.

Met 703.24 1

• Zinc ores and their chemical formulae,

• Properties and uses of Zinc.

• Extraction plants in India .

Met 703.24 2
Extraction Methods And Techniques

• There are two important processes for extraction of Zinc:

1. Pyrometallurgical extraction

2. Hydrometallurgical extraction

Met 703.24 3
Extraction Methods And Techniques

• Pyrometallurgical extraction: In this sulphide ore is heated to

8000C to convert “S” to SO2 , SO3 and sulphate.

• After elimination of sulphur , ZnS is converted to ZnO which

can be reduced in “C” atmosphere to metallic Zinc.

• Hydrometallurgical extraction :In this ZnS is converted to

ZnSO4 .

• Then ZnSO4 is electrolyzed to metallic Zinc.

Met 703.24 4
Purpose If Roasting

• Main purpose of roasting is to convert ZnS to ZnO.

• To eliminate “S” from ZnS as SO2.

• To oxidize the impurities contained in the Zinc


• Roasting is necessary because ZnS cannot be reduced

to metallic Zinc during distillation.

Met 703.24 5
Pyrometallurgical Extraction Of Zinc

Smelting of Zinc ores consists of three distinct operations .

1. Roasting of Zinc blend to ZnO.

2. Distillation of ZnO with carbonaceous material to

metallic Zn.

3. Refining of metallic Zinc.

Met 703.24 6
Fig-1 Roasting
1. Green concentrate Bin
2. Combustion chamber
3,4. Drying Hearths
5,6,7. Bottom sulphatisation
8. Shaft
9. Fan
10. Concentrate burner
11,12,13. Gas recirculation Flues
14. Dry concentrate bin
15. Ball mill
16. Elevator
17. Calcine hoppers
Met 703.24 7
Roasting Process

• The highest temperature attained in the roasting furnace

is 8000C.
• As the ore concentrate is getting heated in the early part,
it is vigorously rabbled with moderate draft.
• When the ore concentrate reaches the hottest part the
rabbling is continued and the air current is increased.
• Most of the “S” is expelled during roasting and the
residual “S” should not exceed 1% .
Met 703.24 8
• The highest temperature attained during roasting

should not exceed 8000C otherwise it will cause

volatilization of Zinc.

• ZnS is roasted with the object of converting ZnS to ZnO

As much Zinc as possible should be converted to ZnO

• ZnS cannot be reduced to metallic Zinc during

distillation and roasting is necessary .

Met 703.24 9
Chemistry Of Roasting

• 2 ZnS + 3O2 = 2 ZnO+ 2SO2

• 2 ZnS + 7O = ZnO + ZnSO4 + SO2

• At high temperature during roasting ZnSO4 decomposes

ZnSO4 = ZnO + SO3

Met 703.24 10

• In Pyrometallurgical extraction Zinc concentrate is

roasted at 8000C to eliminate “S” ,and to convert ZnS to
ZnO ,later ZnO is reduced in “C” atmosphere to metallic
• Smelting of Zinc blend consists of roasting to ZnO,
distillation of ZnO with “C” to metallic Zinc.
• In the earlier part of roaster ore is rabbled vigorously with
moderate air .

Met 703.24 11
• In the later part ore rabbling is continued and the air

current is increased .

• Most of the “S” is expelled during roasting and the

residual “S” should not be more than 1% .

• Roasting temperature should not exceed 8000C

otherwise Zinc volatilizes .

Met 703.24 12

1. Zinc roasting temperature should not exceed

(a) 7500C

(b) 6500C

(c) 8000C

(d) 6000C

Met 703.24 13

2. Main purpose of roasting is to convert

(a) ZnS to ZnO

(b) ZnS to ZnSO4

(c) ZnS to Zn

(d) ZnS to ZnCO3

Met 703.24 14

3. Residual “S” in roasted concentrate should not exceed

(a) 2%

(b) 3%

(c) 4%

(d) 1%

Met 703.24 15

4. At high temperature during roasting ZnSo 4 splits up into

(a) ZnS , O2

(b) Zn , SO4

(c) ZnO , SO3

(d) none

Met 703.24 16
Frequently Asked Questions

1. State the extraction methods of zinc

2. State the purpose of roasting

3. Describe the roasting process

Met 703.24 17

Met 703.24 18

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