Other Creature With Script

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Other Creature

Why his brother is guilty for his research?

• His brother found guilty for using animals for

testing his research since the his company is
practicing cruelty-free on there products.
So why bother with his actions?

It is because studies have shown

that animals, and even plants,
have some form of sentience and
are able to feel pain and thus
“cruelty-free” simply means that a product
and its ingredients weren't tested on animals.

• In the business industry, some big companies

such as the pharmaceuticals and even
cosmetic industry use this poor animals for
their products which makes most of us don’t
know that we are adding to the cruelty.

• They do this to know the possible effect on

the human body, but this intention doesn’t
justify the animals suffering.
• Aside from the testing on the animals, they
also feel cruelty from being slaughtered
for us to consumed.

• That’s why the practice of vegetarian

and vegan lifestyle has been popular this
• Vegetarian are people who consumes
wholly of vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts
and sometimes eggs and dairy products.

• While on the other hand, the vegans are

similar from the vegetarian except that
they avoid eating foods from animals such
as dairy products.
• The people who practice this is call out for
continuing their lifestyle because some
theologians have argued that
Christianity would support a lifestyle
that seeks to avoid eating animal
products that have not been allowed to
• This argument focuses on the high
environmental footprint that raising
animals for consumptions is a concern
for the flourishing of all creation that
includes the animals which make it as a
part of the Christian concern.
• This argument makes a fair point which we as
Christians, we should not be consuming food
that was made by an industry that does not
treat animals with dignity.

• These are the poultry farms where the

chickens are simply cramped in cages, being
fattened for slaughter without seeing the
light of day.

• The bible didn’t say to us that we must not

eat animals but we are called to consume
properly, respecting the life that was taken to
feed and nourish us, be it a plant or an animal.
• While many want to support better
conditions for the plants and animals they
eat, a good number cannot, because
these are not affordable options such
as organic foods which is costly.

• Thus, it is easy to say that we should

consume mores responsibly, but there
can be certain barriers to doing so for
many people who do not earn much
money to support such a lifestyle.
• Thus, it is not simply about not eating
animals, as this would then simply be
reinforcing a hierarchy of human beings on
top and animals, then plants at the bottom.

• Rather, it is about being responsible and

ethical consumers that respect the
environment and the creatures we use to
• This issue has been much back and
forth with not definitive answer yet.

• There have been those who agree that the

lives of the animals and plants are worth
sacrifice for the good of human beings,
while there are those who would disagree,
saying that we cannot say that human
beings are more important than these
plants and animals simply because we are
made in God’s image and likeness.
• After all, animals and plants also have
intrinsic value and reflect some of God’s
image by being God’s creatures, and thus
being stewards of creation does not
automatically translate to privileging
human beings over the rest of creation
all the time.

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