4000 Essential English Words 1 Unit 10

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4000 Essential English Words 1

Unit 10
Look carefully at the jumbled words and try unscrambling them.

1. beefnit
2. ceraitn
3. caench
4. cffeet
5. eslsnteai
6. afr
7. uocfs
8. fonutinc
9. srasg
10. ugard
Fill in but mind grammar
far benefit grass chance certain
essential effect guard focus function

1. The _______ looked so soft and green.

2. The medicine had a good _______ on the boy.
3. Being able to fly is a good _______ to birds.
4. It is _______ to have oxygen when you scuba dive.
5. The _______ of a flashlight is to help you see in the dark.
6. I had a _______ to see the Roman Coliseum last summer.
7. My mom always helps me to _______ on my school work.
8. The police officer will _______ us from any harm.
9. I am _______ that zebras have stripes.
10. It’s _______ going from the east coast to the west coast of America.
Look carefully at the jumbled sentences and try to unscramble them.

There / one / no / / attack. / guard / isolated / against / farms / these / to

There is no one to guard these isolated farms against attack.

I / the / morning. / know / can / function / without / You / coffee / a / in / not

You know I can`t function without coffee in the morning.

kitchen. / I / absolutely / the / that / keys / am / in / certain / the / I / left

I am absolutely certain that I left the keys in the kitchen.

something / always / the / chance / wrong. / is / will / that / There / go

There is always the chance that something will go wrong.

to / focus / more / on / needs / his / career. / He

He needs to focus more on his career.

to / in / lack / confidence / parents / effect / their / ability / change / Many / in / children’s / behaviour. / their
Many parents lack confidence in their ability to effect change in their children`s behavior.

explain / for / just / you / Could / Mark’s / again / benefit?

Could you just explain again for Mark`s benefit?

It / to / in / is / advance. / book / essential

It is essential to book in advance.

the / it / The / say / did / next / how / man / was / town. / far / not / to
The man didn`t say how far it was to the next town.

feet. / her / enjoyed / She / grass / feel / beneath / of / the

She enjoyed the feel of grass beneath her feet.
Look carefully at the jumbled words and try unscrambling them.

1. iemedimta immediate
2. igame image
3. ripmary primary
4. pdour proud
5. eimarn remain
6. sert rest
7. spteraae separate
8. eits site
9. tial tail
10. otruble trouble
Fill in but mind grammar

immediate image primary proud remain rest separate site tail trouble

1. An immediate response came from the pizza place.

2. My sister had to remain home since she was sick.
3. I have trouble working with my boss.
4. His primary thoughts are about money.
5. I rest on the couch after work.
6. She is proud of the picture she drew of her house.
7. New York and Los Angeles are in two separate parts of America.
8. Our dog wags its tail when it’s happy.
9. The image of her eye was very clear.
10. We found the perfect site for our picnic.

shade VS shadow




Fill in but mind grammar
immediate image primary proud remain rest far benefit grass chance certain
essential effect guard focus function separate site tail trouble

benefit chance

primary function
separate far

grass /zjuːs/


immediate effect focus


image site
now cow owl

low know flow

He slept with only a few eyes rested at a time, while the others stayed awake.
Look carefully at the jumbled sentences and try to unscramble them.

1. system. / having / We’re / the / a / lot / with / trouble / new / computer / of

We`re having a lot of trouble with the new computer system.

2. for / If / rest / you’re / tired, / we’ll / and / a / while. / stop

If you are tired, we will stop and rest for a while.

3. the / prison. / house / a / medieval / is / on / of / built / site / The

The house is built on the site of a medieval prison.

4. image / We / positive / give / town. / people / the / want / of / a / to

5. problem. / Let’s / and / most / immediate / try / solve / the

6. seated / remain / all / are / Please / on. / lights / the / until

7. sauna / the / separate / and / are / buildings. / gym / The / in

8. Some / long / equally / tails. / and / long / necks / had / dinosaurs

9. of / primary / safety / Personal / importance. / is

10. record / of. / past / certainly / be / proud / His / something / to / is

Try to retell the story using these words

immediate image primary proud remain rest far benefit

grass chance certain essential effect guard

benefit immediate
certain image
chance primary
effect proud
essential remain
far rest
focus separate
function site
grass tail
guard trouble
The grass looked so soft and green. There is no one to guard these isolated farms against
The medicine had a good effect on the boy. attack.
Being able to fly is a good benefit to birds. You know I can not function without a coffee in the
It is essential to have oxygen when you scuba dive. morning.
The function of a flashlight is to help you see in the dark. I am absolutely certain that I left the keys in the kitchen.
I had a chance to see the Roman Coliseum last summer. There is always the chance that something will go wrong.
My mom always helps me to focus on my school work. He needs to focus more on his career.
The police officer will guard us from any harm. Many parents lack confidence in their ability to effect
I am certain that zebras have stripes. change in their children’s behaviour.
It’s far going from the east coast to the west coast of It is essential to book in advance.
America. The man did not say how far it was to the next town.
She enjoyed the feel of grass beneath her feet.
Could you just explain again for Mark’s benefit?
The image of her eye was very clear. If you’re tired, we’ll stop and rest for a while.
An immediate response came from the pizza We’re having a lot of trouble with the new computer
place. The house is built on the site of a medieval prison.
His primary thoughts are about money. We want to give people a positive image of the town.
She is proud of the picture she drew of her Let’s try and solve the most immediate problem.
house. Please remain seated until all the lights are on.
My sister had to remain home since she was The gym and the sauna are in separate buildings.
sick. Some dinosaurs had long necks and equally long tails.
Personal safety is of primary importance.
I rested on the couch after work. His past record is certainly something to be proud of.
New York and Los Angeles are in two
separate parts of America.
We found the perfect site for our picnic.
Our dog wags its tail when it’s happy.
I have trouble working with my boss.
The First Peacock
Argos lived in Ancient Greece. He was a husband and a proud father. He worked hard and did well at his job. But one thing about
him wasn’t normal. He was born with 100 eyes. Having many eyes was usually a benefit to him. He had a chance to see many
Also, since he had so many eyes, he was very good at guarding things. While sleeping, he only rested a few eyes at a time. The
others stayed awake. He worked for Hera, a great goddess. His primary function was to guard a special cow. The cow was very
important to Hera. It was her favorite pet. The most essential part of his job was to keep the cow alone. It had to be kept separate
from all the other cows and far away from people.
This was an easy job for Argos. The cow just ate grass all day. But the god Zeus wanted the cow. He wanted to take it away from
Hera. He had a plan. He found a great music player. He asked the man to play a beautiful song for Argos. Zeus was certain Argos
would go to sleep.
The song had an immediate effect. Argos couldn’t focus on his job. He fell asleep. Zeus saw this, and he took the cow. Hera was
very angry with Argos. She turned him into a peacock. She put his many eyes on his tail. Argos was very sad.
Zeus saw how much trouble he had caused Argos. He made another plan. He turned Argos into a group of stars. He wanted Argos
to remain in the sky forever. Even today, Argos’ image remains there, above the site where all his problems began. We can still
see him in the night sky.

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