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Tutotrial for [NLP-AI]


December 18, 2020 1


Last Assignment

? Print the details in tabular format

- use tabs \t

 System.out.println("\"Can
we print '\\' with
System.out.println() statement?\"" );

December 18, 2020 Java Tutorial series part 2 2

Storing data

In Java, Data can be stored as

 Numbers
2, 6.67, 0.009
 Characters
‘c’, ‘p’, ‘?’, ‘2’
 Strings
“data”, “Hindi language”, “$99”, “”

December 18, 2020 Java Tutorial series part 2 3


Program int2

// this program will declare and print a number

class int2
public static void main(String[] arguments)
int weight = 68;
System.out.println("your weight is " + weight);
//end of program

December 18, 2020 Java Tutorial series part 2 4

Comments(double slash)
 Not executed
 For documentation
 Can be placed on any line
 Anything written after // is not executed
 E.g.
// this is a comment
 Used to explain/describe what is done in the
 Good practice
December 18, 2020 Java Tutorial series part 2 5

Types of numbers
 int
Whole numbers like 0, 575, -345 etc.

 double
Numbers with decimal point
like 12.453, 3.432, 0.0000002

December 18, 2020 Java Tutorial series part 2 6

Variable declaration
 Before using any name, it must be declared
(with its type i.e int or double).
 Needed only once in one program
 Generally, done initially
 Syntax
datatype name;
double total; // stores the total value
int index;
int a,b , c, sum, interest;

December 18, 2020 Java Tutorial series part 2 7

Assignment int5

int a; //declaration – needed once

a = 10 ; // assignment … declared above

int a = 10; // assignment and declaration together

10 = a ; // not possible – compilation error
Left hand side is always a variable for assignment

Storage area
a 10

December 18, 2020 Java Tutorial series part 2 8



int a , b ; // a =? b = ?
a = 4; // a = 4 b = ?
b = 7; // a = 4 b = 7
a = b; // a = 7 b = 7
b = a; // a = 7 b = 7
a = 5; // a = 5 b = 7

December 18, 2020 Java Tutorial series part 2 9


Character data char2

 Characters
‘a’, ‘A’, ‘c’ , ‘?’ , ‘3’ , ‘ ’
(last is the single space)
 Enclosed in single quotes
 Character variable declaration
char ch;
 Character assignment
ch = ‘k’;

December 18, 2020 Java Tutorial series part 2 10


String data string3

 Strings are sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes

 Declaration
String name;
String address;
String line;
 Assignment
name = “ram”;
line = “this is a line with spaces”;
name = “a”; // single character can be stored
name = “”; // empty string
 The sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes, printed in println()
are also strings.
 E.g. System.out.println( “Welcome ! “ );

December 18, 2020 Java Tutorial series part 2 11

Practice problem
 Try to print these two figures on the screen using println and least number
of strings

* *
* *
* *

December 18, 2020 Java Tutorial series part 2 12

Thank you

December 18, 2020 Java Tutorial series part 2 13

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