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Let us imagine a series of strata, deposited successively below the sea water, so that
their bedding planes are horizontal to become elevated above the sea level and subjected
to tilting, so that all the beds have he same dip, and then to be exposed to prolonged
denudation. Subsequent submergence below the sea causes a new set of beds to be
deposited horizontally round the flanks and across the edges of the former set. Upon
renewed elevation above the sea and consolidation under sub aerial agencies we shall
have two sets of strata, each set with its individual bedding planes parallel to one
another but the bedding planes of one set is in marked discordance with those of the
other. Such a structure is known as an unconformity (Fig.1).

In the simplest case the upper series will appear horizontal, but both series may , of
course, be subjected to further tilting, in which case the final dip of the lower or the
upper series will give no indication of their dip prior to the deposition of the second
If the first series is not tilted from the horizontal position before the deposition of the
second series, although separated by a considerable time interval from it, or if the
section is viewed along the strike of both series ( if both have the same strike) , both
sets will appear horizontal and the unconformity may not be visible. Such an
unconformity is known as a non sequence (Fig.2) and can only be detected by the
information derived form another area, where the missing beds are developed.

The surface along which the two sets of unconformable strata are united is
known as the unconformable junction; if a plane, it is known as the plane
of unconformity.
If the former set of strata have not been reduced by denudation to the
horizontal, the plane of the unconformity will not be parallel to the bedding
planes of the second set of strata. Each new stratum, as deposited, will
extend further and further across the denuded edges of the former set, as
the surface sinks further below the sea. Such a set of conditions give rise to
overlap (Fig.1).
In such a case some of the beds of the lower series will tend to be
concealed at points of the surface and will thin out in wedge shaped
Offlap is due to due to the deposition of second series on a rising shore
line, so that with the retreat of the sea successive deposits recede from the
shore line. In this case there is in reality a small unconformity below each
stratum deposited (Fig.3)
Unless the strike of both series of any unconformity is the same, the outcrops of the upper series
will cut diagonally across or transgress the outcrops of the lower series at the surface of the country
or on he geological map.
It is to be noted that in any unconformity the he newer beds generally have the flatter dip, although
there are exceptional circumstances where the reverse is the case. (Fig.4).

In any index to the strata on he margin of a geological map the presence of
an unconformity should be indicated by a gap in the sequence.
Types of Unconformity
The various kinds of unconformity will be seen with reference to he
following diagrams.
Unconformity without overlap or transgression (Fig.2)
None of the upper series of beds is concealed at the surface. STUV is the
plane of unconformity and both series have the same strike (parallel to
OP); therefore the outcrops remain more or less parallel. The lower series
however have the steeper dip, hence the outcrops of the upper series are
slightly more sinuous than those of the lower. Since the strike of the both
the series is the same, in the section OPQR both sets of strata appear
horizontal and the unconformity is invisible( non sequence). It should only
be dtected by the sinuosity of the outcrops and he change of the dip t he
surface. If the ground surface id horizontal, the outcrops of both the series
would be parallel straight lines and the unconformity could only be
detected if the change in dip were actually measurable with a clinometer.
Unconformity with transgression but no overlap

The strike of both the series is same

This is a more advanced stage (Fig.4).
To make the transgression as pronounced as possible the under lying
series has been drawn horizontal, but this of course is not necessary. The
outcrops of the lower series are more sinuous than those of the upper
series and terminate abruptly against the plane of unconformity. The
outcrops in each series remain parallel.. In this section along the strike the
unconformity remains a non sequence.

It is to be noted that the upper series has the steeper dip.
In the extreme case the lower series may dip in the reverse direction
The strike of the two series is different (Fig.5)
The lower series dips at right angles to OPQR, the upper towards the corner. In this
case the upper series has been deposited on a horizontal floor, so there is no thinning
out of the upper series, all the bedding planes being parallel to the plane of the unconformity.
The lower series, is however transgressed by the upper series along the line of unconformity
XP. Due to the divergence of the strike the unconformity is not only visible at the surface, but
in the sections as well.
It is to be noted that if the strike of a folded series and that of an overlying unconformable
series be at right angles, there will still be transgression but not overlap.

Unconformity with conformable beds and overlap (Fig.6)
Here the upper series has been deposited on a shelving shore –line, i.e. the plane of
unconformity is not parallel to the individual bedding planes of the upper series. Also the
strike is different in the two series. This is the most general case of unconformity and
reveals a number of important features.
At the surface the individual outcrops in each series remain parallel to each other.
Due to the divergence of strike, there is transgression between the two series and
due to the fact the bedding plane of the upper series is not parallel to the plane of
the unconformity, there is wedging or thinning out of the upper beds against he
plane of the unconformity.

It is important to note that there is only one unconformity, as seen at the surface, viz., that along
the line SAT. There is no unconformity along the lines AB, SD, as well, since the out crops SD,
AB allowing slight variation in ground slope, are parallel. Further, there is no limit to the
number of beds that may be over stepped in this manner.
For instance, at the points S bed 2 has overstepped the beds 3,4,and 5 to rest on 9, so
that, 3,4 and 5 are not visible at the surface. Beds 6, 7 and 8 of the lower series are
also invisible at the surface.
The section OPQR is at right angles to the dip of the lower series and obliquely to the
upper series. Therefore the lower series appears horizontal, while the upper series
dips towards the corner O; therefore the unconformity is visible in both sections.
Recognition of unconformity
Unconformities may be recognized at the surface or on the geological map by:
1. Discordance of strike (Fig.5 and 6)
2. Discordance of dip, without change o strike. The discordance may be by one
amount(Fig.2) or of direction (Fig.4). It should be made sure that the structure is not
due to folding
3. Transgression of the outcrops (Fig.4, 5, 6). It is a clear test, provided such
structure is not due to faulting.
4. Thinning out of beds (overlap) (Fig.6).
5.Absence of beds in one area known to occur in neighbouring area. For instance in
Fig.4 beds exposed at the surface are not visible in the section OPQR. Hence in the
OPQR section an unconformity is deduced along the line UV.
Map patterns of unconformities Map patterns of unconformities

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