Lymhp and Immunity

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Chavuma R

MD.(Sofia) MPH(USA) M.Med (UNZA)

Immune system and Lymphoid tissue

• The cells are distributed through out

• Monitoring the organism for self and non self
• Ability to recognise self
• Ability to recognise non self ( foreign)
• Auto immune disease
– Self not reconised
– Immunogenicity of foreign close to self
Lymphoid organs
• Thymus
• Spleen
• Lymph nodes
• Lymphoid nodules
• Digestive system
– Tonsils, peyers patches appendix
• Respiratory system
• Urinary system
Immune system
• Structured
– Lymph node
– Spleen
– Thymus
• Free cells
– Lymphocytes
– Mononuclear phagocyte system
Central Lymphoid organs
• All lymphocytes bone marrow
• Maturity
– T- Lymphocytes mature in thymus
– B- lymphocytes mature in bone marrow
• Hence Central lymphoid organs
– Thymus
– Bone marrow
Peripheral lymphoid organs
• Lymphocytes from the central migrate to
– Spleen
– Lymphoid nodes
– Tonsils
– Peyers patches
– Appendix
• Where they proliferate and complete
Basic types of immune reactions
• Cellular
– Immunocompetent cells
• React
• Kill
• Humoral
– B lymphocytes
• Plasma cell
• antibodies
Antigen & Antibody
• Immune system recognises self
• Non self is foreign
– Needs elimination
• if non self is toxin then cellular ?
• Antigen
– Part
– whole

• Specific immunoglobin
• Lock and key
• Neutralise
• Antigen
• Ig G 75% of all Ig
• Freely passes placenta
Ig A

• Following secretions
– Tears
– Colostrum (mammary secretion)
– Bronchial
– Intestinal
– Prostatic
– vaginal
• Secretory Ig A
• Monomeric
• IgA & protein J (transport compound)
• Resisting enzymes
• Mucous
• Protection against invasion of microorganism
Ig M
• 900,000 10%
• Pentamer
• Early immune response
• Together with Ig D found on surface of B
• They further induce proliferation
• Ig M activates the complement system
• Ig E
• Exists as monomer
• Secreted by plasma cells
• Affinity for mast cells & basophils
• Triggers production of biologic active
• Histamine, heparin leukotrienes ECF
– Eosinophil-chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis
• Ig D
• 180,000
• 0.2%
• Found on plasma membranes of plasma cells
• Works with IgM

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