Anonymous: The "Man Without A Head"

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The "man without a

Anonymous is a decentralized international activist(a person who campaigns
to bring about political or social change) /hacktivist(a person who gains
unauthorized access to computer files or networks in order to further social or
political ends.) collective (done by people acting as a group.) that is widely

known for its various cyber attacks against several governments, government

institutions and government agencies, corporations around the world ,
Anonymous originated in 2003 their motto is “we are anonymous”
The hacker group "Anonymous" launched a lot of cyber attacks since 2003 till this day.
Anonymous launched an attack on several Internet sites in Israel named “OpIsrael (operation
Israel) ” is an annual coordinated cyber-attack where hacktivists attack Israeli government
and even private websites with DDoS attacks and more. The inaugural campaign was
launched in 2013 by Anonymous hackers on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day
(Israel's day of commemoration for the approximately six million Jews who died in the 
Holocaust as a result of the actions carried out by Nazi Germany) This campaign has since
been held annually .
On the teachers’union website On the home pages of the vandalized sites
it says that "Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine". In addition were
attacked the sites of the municipalities of Kfar Saba, Herzliya, Eilat and Acre,
the Gan Yavne Local Council, the Hillel Yaffe Hospital in Hadera, and the
Israeli Opera site.Anyone who enters these websites hears the voices of a
muezzin . Alongside the caption "Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine,"
it is written in Arabic:
"Do not forget our martyrs”.
In 2019 Anonymous Hackers Launch Annual Assault Against The Government of Israel
for Their Continued Oppression of The Palestinian People
this years operation is a bit different – largely decentralized and being led by “Anonymous,” the
pro-Palestinian hackers from around the world. So far a list of 106 Government targets have been
posted online and in the early morning hours of the day, several attacks have already hit Israel,
CCTV camera’s have already been hijacked and footage from them streamed online
Hacker from anonymous known as “Th3 Falcon” has claimed to have hacked an Israeli
database containing personal information on over 6 million Israeli’s – screen shots of which
have already been released. Additionally, as was reported by the Israeli based paper Haaretz,
pro-Palestinian hackers have also hacked/defaced 120 different websites around the country.
ther hackers such as “Lorian Synaro” and “CyberGhost404” have already begun launching
DDoS attacks against Israeli websites country wide. For example, the following websites are or
already have been #TangoDown‘ed:
they caused over $3 billion in damage. But they didn't totally get
away with it. Within a few hours of the attack which Anonymous
says affected 100,000 websites, 40,000 Facebook pages, 5,000
Twitter accounts and 30,000 bank accounts
The attack was praised by Hamas, the militant Islamist group that
controls the Gaza Strip. Hamas spokesman Ihab al-Ghussain
wrote: "May God protect the spirit and mission of the soldiers of
this electronic war".
On May 28, 2020, the Twitter account of PLDT's customer service was hacked by a
Filipino anonymous group as a protest to the terrible internet connection serviced by
PLDT. The hackers also changed the profile's name to "PLDT Doesn't Care".[349]
The first tweet by the hackers states: "As the pandemic arises, Filipinos need fast
internet to communicate with their loved ones. Do your job. The corrupt fear us, the
honest support us, the heroic join us. We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not
forgive. We do not forget . Expect us.
#BlackLivesMatter Movement
Anonymous declared a large hacking sequence on May 28, three days after the 
murder of George Floyd. An individual claiming to be Anonymous stated that "We are
Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us." Anonymous addressed police
brutality and vowed that they "will be exposing your many crimes to the world". It is
suspected that Anonymous are the cause for the downtime and public suspension of
the Minneapolis Police Department website and its parent site, the website of the 
City of Minneapolis.

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