Lesson 3: The Positive and Negative Effects of Religion

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Lesson 3: The

Positive and
Negative Effects of
The Positive Effects
of Religion
Psychological, Personal, and
Social/Communal Benefits
- Many scientific studies have shown a correlation
between religious beliefs and positive psychological
functioning and well-being.
- One such study, which surveyed a sample size of almost
two thousand students from various Catholic schools in
Australia, concludes that religious beliefs allows people
to better cope with adverse life events.
- Another study, conducted in the United States, claims
that religiousness is associated with better mental and
overall health.
- It also affirmed that these effects seem to be most
pronounced among adolescents (those between 12 and
15 years old), who often face psychological pressures
that come with the transition from childhood to
adolescence to adulthood.
- Researchers also determine that religious youth are
less likely to be violent or engage in delinquent
- The Psychologist Paul Bloom (2008) explains that the
most significant positive effect of religion is that it
provides people sense of community ang strengthens
connections between people.
- This result in a happier, healthier, and more
productive life.
- Faith has also been found to have soothing
effect on those who are ill.
- In a study conducted among cancer patients,
those who professed religiosity are found to
have lower levels of anxiety, and less likely to
seek comfort in drugs and alcohol.
- It is believed that religious people are
better equipped to deal with the stress of
suffering from terminal illness, such as
cancer, compared to non-religious people.
Literature, Music, and the Arts
- Religion has also inspired and influenced many of the
greatest creatives minds in history to create masterpieces in
the fields of literature, music, and the arts, though the
specifics of the relationships between the arts and religion
may differ from faith to faith.
- The Christian faith has inspired countless literary works,
such as Dante’s Divine Comedy and John Milton’s Paradise
Lost, T.S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land” makes several allusions to
Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism.
- For millennial, Greek mythology has been a rich source of
cultural material even to this day.
- Christianity also has a rich, prominent tradition and history
in music.
- In contemporary society, Christian worship is a large,
lucrative industry. On the other hand, Islam has a more
complicated relationship with music.
- Any music which is given to carthly indulgence and Icads
Muslims away from Allah is strictly harraw (prohibited).
- As in the other art forms, Christianity has had a strong,
vibrant presence in the virtual or throughout history.
- They used the figures in healing rituals and ceremonies that
dispel misfortune.
Charity and Humanitarianism
-Numerous religious organizations dedicated their time and
effort to humanitarianism activities.
- Example includes the Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi
Foundation, Dar Amanah Children’s Village Foundation Inc.
(DACVFI), Gawad Kalinga (giving care), Khalsa Diwan/Indian
Sikh Temple, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Islamic Society of
North America Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity, Our
Lady of Peace Mission Barefoot Doctor Association of Gospel
Rescue Missions, Samaritan Purse, World Relief, World
Vission, The Salvation Army, and Red Cross International.
- Another charitable religious organization is the
Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) with initiatives such as
its “Gift of a smile” program – a healthcare program
meant to provide corrective surgery to children with
cleft lip or palate.
A local example of charitable organization with
religious roots in Gawad Kalinga, which focused on
developing social business enterprise and networks to
end poverty in the Philippines.
- A Catholic lay movement, and Gawad Kalinga became
an extension of its efforts to renew and strengthens
Christian values by giving help to the poor.
The Negative Effect
of Religion
Violence, Human Rights Violations,
and other Abuse of Power
- Despite religion’s positive contributions to society, it
cannot be denied that it can also cause great harm.
- The most apparent harmful effect of religion is when
adherents of one religion engage in violent action
against adherent of another religion, or against groups
of people they consider a threat to their beliefs.
- Religious violence includes attacks on individual or
communities , communal violence, suicide attacks and
- Reigion has been used as an excuse to implement atrocities
such as mass killings, summary executions, enforced
disappearance, torture, sexual violence, masss expulsions,
enslavement, and genocide.
- Muslim communities continually face the issue of violent acts
which target individual.
- Religion is also a factor in the plight of indigenous peoples, as
many indigenous communities are often subjected to violence or
abuse due to their religious beliefs.
- These are also several cases of religious organizations inflicting
harm on their own members.
One such 1978 Jonestown Massacre, where members of a
religious movement were convinced by their leader to commit
Women’s Rights and Gender
- Many religions have been criticized for advocating a
patriarchal system which marginalizes women.
- The Catholic Church has faced criticism for its stand against
women becoming members of the priesthood.
- Consevative Muslims often implement restrictive rules
against women such as strit dress codes and certain
prohibitions in activities.
Another group that has faced discrimination are lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgenger, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI).
- Some LGBT person who live in conservative religious
communities often experience emotional and
psychological issues such as low self-esteem and
- Of particular note for their hateful rhetoric towards
LGBT persons is the Westboro Baptist Church, whose
member believe that anyone who does not follow the
laws of the Bible is doomed to suffer in hell.
- This organization is known for their slogan “God
Hates Fags”, and it has been doomed as a group that
fosters hate against gay, Jews, and non-Christians.
Conflict between Religion and Science
- Religion has often been accused of hampering scientific
progress. The conservative nature of many religions tender
them apprehensive to news ideas and innovation. Hence,
history has been witness to several clashes between
religion and progressive ideas and scientific advances.
- During the 16th Century, The Polish mathematician and
astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus published the heliocentric
theory, which directly contradicted the widely-accepted
notion that the Earth was the center of solar system.
- The fiction between religion and science continued to spark
controversies in the 20th century. In 1925, the state of
Tennessee in the United State passed the Butler Act, which
outlawed the teaching of evolution in public school in the
Threats to Religion
- While religious can become perpetrators of discrimination,
intolerance, and violent acts, these are some religions that
have become victims of discriminations and violence.
- A 2014 study by the Federal Bereau of Investigations on hate
crimes committed in the United States reveals that Jews
remain the biggest targets of such crimes, with Muslims and
Catholics coming in at second and third on the list.
- Crimes perpetrated against these groups often consist of
vandalism, intimidation, burglary, theft, arson, assault, and
Tolerance, Understanding and
Respects, and the Importance
of Peace Initiatives
- Socities have embarked on various ways to address the
negative effects of religion. One such means is religious
tolerance, which is the recognition that religions can coexist
without one asserting primary over others.
- Another significant way by which understanding and respect
among religions can be encourage is through interreligious
- One such initiative in the Philippines is the Silsilah Dialogue
Movement (SDM), a moment for dialogue and peace in
- It encourages all people to undergo a process of personal
transformation that leads to social transformation.
- In 2013, SDM was awarded the Goi Peace Award by the Goi
Peace Foundation in Japan in recognition of its efforts to
promote dialogue for peace and soliditary among Muslims and
Christians in the Philippines.

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