Computer Assisted Drug Trials

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Computer - Assisted

Drug Trials
• In manufacturing a drug, we have “clinical trials”
included, that are performed in people aiming at
evaluating a medical intervention.

• They are the primary way that researchers find out

if a new drug is safe and effective in people.

• Often used to know if a new drug whether has less

harmful side effects or not.
Can run for
several years

Cost millions of
Clinical trials Dollars

expose patients to
unproven results
Computer-Assisted Drug Trials

drug trials (CADT)
use computer models of
patient physiology to
represent variability of
patient response to drugs.
another expression of CADT is :

In silico
In silico means "performed on
computer or via computer
simulation" in reference to
.biological experiments
Computer-Assisted Drug Trials
Computer-assisted drug trials (CADT)
can be performed with very little
cost before an actual clinical trial
and the results can potentially
provide useful insights for
planning and conduction
of the actual clinical trial.
Computer-Assisted Drug Trials
CADT computer models work to assess and control
the events occurred when a drug is taken, like:

How a compound is absorbed?

Where it distributes throughout the body?
How and where it has metabolized?
How the potential drug compound is
excreted from the body?
An Update on COVID-19
• Virus SARS-CoV-2 the
pathogen of COVID-19
disease recently is
represented in a
musical piece

• By using artificial
techniques (AI).

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