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Unit 3 Job Analysis, Job Evaluation & Job

Job Analysis
Job Description
Job Specification
Job Evaluation- Meaning, Methods
Job Design
Job Enlargement
Job Enrichment
Job Rotation

1 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla

Job analysis is the process of gathering information
about a job. It is, to be more specific, a systematic investigation
of the tasks, duties and responsibilities necessary to do a job.

Job analysis is a recording of all activities involved in the job

and the skill and knowledge requirement of the performer of the

2 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla

Job Analysis
Job Analysis:
A Basic Human Resource Management Tool
Human Resource
Tasks Responsibilities Duties Planning
Training and
Job Development
Performance Appraisal
Analysis Compensation and
Job Benefits
Safety and Health
Employee and Labor

Knowledge Skills Abilities Legal Considerations

Job Analysis for Teams
Unit 3 by Anju Chawla
Job analysis involves identification and precisely identifying
the required tasks, the knowledge and the skills necessary
for performing them and the conditions under which they
must be performed.

Richard Henderson

4 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla



M u lt if a c e te d N a t u r e o f J o b A n a ly s is

R e c r u it m e n t
H u m a n R e s o u rc e
P la n n i n g S e le c t io n

J o b E v a lu a t i o n P la c e m e n t

J o b D e s ig n a n d
T r a in i n g
R e d e s ig n

P e r fo rm a n c e
C o u n s e llin g
A p p r a is a l
E m p lo y e e S a f e t y
5 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla
Job Analysis
 Employment
 Organizational audit
 Training and development
 Performance appraisal
 Promotion and transfers
 Prevention dissatisfaction
 Compensation management
 Health and safety
 Induction
 Industrial relation
 Career planning
 Succession planning
6 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla
Job Analysis
7 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla
8 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla
Process of Job Analysis
Organizational Analysis

Collection of job Content

Positions to be analyzed

Collection of job analysis data

Information processing

Job Description
Job Specification
9 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla
Organizational Analysis
Organizational Analysis consists of :

1)The role of job in relation to other jobs

2) The class of jobs to which job belongs

3)detailed description of the activities and responsibilities of job.

4)Past oriented and Future oriented

10 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla

Job Analysis
Collection of job Content

1. What type of Data to Collected (machine, tools & work


2. Data collection methods

3. Who to collect Data (Trained analyst, Supervisors, Job


11 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla

Job Analysis

The Position Technical Job performance

Analysis Conference (first-hand
Questionnaire Method experience)

Personal Observation
Critical incidents Interview
observation Method

Conference Diary method Panel of experts
12 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla
Job Analysis
Summary of Types of Data Collected Through Job
Job-related tangibles and intangibles – knowledge dealt with
or applied (as in accounting); materials processed; products made
or services performed
Work performance – error analysis; work standards; work
measurements, such as time taken for a task
Job context – work schedule; financial and nonfinancial
incentives; physical working conditions; organizational and
social contexts
Personal requirements for the job – personal attributes such as
personality and interests; education and training required; work
13 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla
Work Activities – work activities and processes; activity
records (in film form, for example); procedures used; personal
Worker-oriented activities – human behaviors, such as
physical actions and communicating on the job; elemental
motions for methods analysis; personal job demands, such as
energy expenditure
Machines, tools, equipment, and work aids used

14 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla

Process (contd.)
Job description –:

Job Specification -:

15 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla

Job Analysis
(A Process of obtaining all pertinent
Job facts )

Job Description Job Specification

(Job- Oriented) (Employee- Oriented)

A statement containing items such A statement of human qualification

as : necessary to do the job:

Job title Education

Location Experience
Job duties Training
Job summary Physical efforts
Job duties Communication Skills
Machines, tools, and equipment Emotional characteristics
Conditions of work, location of Unusual sensory demands such as
work, vision, smell, hearing etc.
Hazards(Accident Hazards)

Job Analysis
Job Description

 Job description describes in detail the various

aspects of a job like the tasks involved, the
responsibilities of the job and the deliverables.

17 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla

4-21 Compensation manager

Code HR/2310
Department Human Resource Department
Summary Responsible for the design and administration of employee
compensation programs.
Duties v Relate salary to the performance of each employee.
Conduct periodic salary surveys.
v Develop and administer performance appraisal
v Develop and oversee bonus and other employee
benefit plans.
v Develop an integrated HR information system.

Working conditions Normal. Eight hours per day. Five days a week.
 Report to Director, Human Resource Department.
18 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla
Job specification

A Statement of human qualifications necessary to do the job.

Usually contains items such as Education, Experience,
Training, Communication skills etc.

It offers a profile of human characteristics (knowledge, skills

and abilities) needed by a person doing a job.

19 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla

Job Analysis
Education v MBA with specialisation in HRM/MA in social work/PG
Diploma in HRM/MA in industrial psychology.
v A degree or diploma in Labour Laws is desirable.

Experience v At least 3 years’ experience in a similar position in a

large manufacturing company.

Skill, Knowledge, Abilities v Knowledge of compensation practices in

competing industries, of job analysis procedures, of
compensation survey techniques, of performance appraisal systems.
v Skill in writing job descriptions, in conducting job
analysis interviews, in making group presentations, in
performing statistical computations
v Ability to conduct meetings, to plan and prioritise
Work Orientation Factors v The position may require upto 15 per cent travel.
20 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla v Preferably below 30 years.23
Problem associated with job analysis:
Job analysis is neither updated nor reviewed
Job description or specification that is too vague
Contamination (error of included irrelevant job
description and specification)
Deficiency (error of omission of relevant information)
Job analysis tend to become subjective and biased
Time and cost of Job Analysis

21 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla

Job Evaluation

defined as a systematic method of appraising the worth

or value of each job in relation to all other jobs in the
same organization.

22 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla

Purposes of job evaluation
1-To identify factors or conditions that place one job
higher than another in a value hierarchy.

2-To determine the relative worth of each job as a basis

for equitable pay differentials.

23 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla

Job design

Job design is the process of

Process of determining the specific tasks to be performed

methods used in performing these tasks

how the job relates to other work in the organization

24 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla

Job Analysis
Job design process

What tasks are required to be done or what tasks is part of

the job?
How are the tasks performed?
What amount are tasks are required to be done?
What is the sequence of performing these tasks?

25 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla

Benefits of job design

Checking the work overload.

Checking upon the work under load.
Ensuring tasks are not repetitive in nature.
Ensuring that employees don not remain isolated.
Defining working hours clearly.
Defining the work processes clearly.
The above mentioned are factors that if not take

26 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla

Methods of job design

27 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla

Job Analysis
Job rotation
Job rotation involves shifting a person from one job to
another, so that he is able to understand and learn what each
job involves

Avoids monopoly
 Provides an opportunity to broaden one’s knowledge
Avoiding fraudulent practice

28 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla

Job Analysis
Job enlargement
Job enlargement involves combining various activities at the
same level in the organization and adding them to the existing

Variety of skills 
 Improves earning capacity
Wide range of activities

29 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla

Job Analysis
Job enrichment
Job enrichment is the type of expansion of a job that gives
employee more challenging more reliability more opportunity
to grow and contribute his/her idea to the organization success

30 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla

Job Analysis

Update the database regularly (job description + job

specification )

Tends to be subjective and biased

Considered at the time of downsizing

31 Unit 3 by Anju Chawla

Job Analysis

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