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Cairo Technical Center

Power Standard
Implementation Guide
IPMEA, June 2012
Purpose & Objective
•This guide was developed by IPMEA in an effort to promote and
facilitate the implementation of the power standard

•The self assessment tracker file is used as the starting point

•The information from each plant is centralized on the following URL:

•To facilitate the implementation, each golden rule is detailed with its
reference documents

Content (click on each chapter for link)
How to complete the self assessment and tracker file
 How to implement the golden rules
1: Optimize Cement Mill Power

2: Minimize False Air

Kpi Calculation False AIr

3: Manage Idle Running

Kpi Calculation Equipment Idling
4: Vertical Mill Power Optimization
5: Efficient Gas Handling
6: Power Monitoring

7: Production Management
Kpi Calculation Power Cost Ratio
8: Mastering Quality Impact on Power Consumption
9: Mill Feed Size Control
10: Minimize Compressed Air

 Prioritization
Mapping of main improvement plans-prioritize

IPM 3 3
How to complete the self assessment and
tracker file

 The format instructions of power tracker file is to facilitate

the guidance to all power champions in the plants.

 The power tracker file is updated to a proper format to

facilitate the utilization of appropriate tracker.

 The updated format of power tracker file speed up the

update of website.

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Format Instructions

 The file name must be always the same :


 The date, champion name and the plant must be presented.

 The plant name must be 3 digits.

 TheFormat of the numbers must be
percentage with 2 digits after comma.

 The file should be contained the sheets of KPI’s and
action plan even empty.

 Thenumber of columns and rows of
each workshop must be exactly the
same as the updated File
(PWR_tracker.xls) has published.

10 GR implementation Guide

IPM 101
10 Golden Rules Implementation
1: Optimize Ball Mill Power

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10 Golden Rules Implementation
1: Optimize Ball Mill Power
•Plant has to set target of mill main drive KW according to filling degree and make top up not to loose
more than 2.5 % target mill KW
•Mill discharge bucket load target ( KW ) to be set by plant by optimizing circulating load of each
workshop on each product if workshop is close circuit. No target of bucket elevator load if workshop is
open circuit.

•Separator Feed to air ratio should be < 2.0 Kg/m3 but 1 st generation feed to air ratio couldn’t be
calculated because gas flow couldn’t be measured.

•First Generation Separator

Circulating load 100 – 300 % & Bypass 30 – 60 %

•2nd Generation Separator

Circulating load 100 – 300 % & Bypass 10 – 35 %

•3rd Generation Separator

Circulating load 100 – 250 % & Bypass <10 %

By Pass is calculated by Tromp curve, Tromp curve is plotted by Particle size distribution using laser of separator feed, fine
and reject material.

Please see attached How to do related to this rule:

10 Golden Rules Implementation
1: Optimize Ball Mill Power

How to’s:


http:// ?url
=http%3A%2F%2Fwebcementportal.lafarge. com+

10 Golden Rules Implementation
2: Minimize False Air

2- Minimize False Air (0-100%)
Frequency Evaluation Criteria References

Set false air levels for each major equipment, inline with typical
100.00% % of equipment with targets (all kilns and mills) Training : Gas handling Training
ranges provided in 10 Golden Rules Booklet
Procedures : 1)
Check O2 level (or flow or temperature, etc, where O2 cannot How to measure false air
be used) with existing sensors and calculate false air level. 2) How to manage false air in the preheater
Ensure that full inspection of the preheater is done monthly
Conduct regular overall measurements, inspections and
100.00% monthly and any seal, open doors, leaking flaps are repaired.
repairs at least monthly
If O2 level check only or inspection only max 25%
No target set Max score 50%
If inspection & repairs max 75%

O2/flows manual measurements before main shutdown and

Perform detailed measurements over system at least annually 100.00% yearly
after repair
TOTAL 100.00%

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10 Golden Rules Implementation
2: Minimize False Air

Typical Sources of False Air

Fan Seals Casing wear &
Casing cracks
corrosion Fan Seals
Feeding Point
Fan Seals Expansion Joints
Poke Holes

Doors Flap Seals Classifier Seal


Seals Expansion Joints Doors

Missing bolts Doors
Kiln Hood Seals
Tie Rod Seals Isolation
Clinker Chute Kiln Inlet Seal dampers
Feeding Point

 Look for gaps / cracks / missing bolts / missing packing etc…

 Listen for whistling air
 Look for dust blowing out during start up

10 Golden Rules Implementation
2: Minimize False Air
Manage False Air
 Prerequisite
 Teamwork – Process, Maintenance and Production

 Actions
 Set target false air levels Typical Values
 Preheater < 5%
 Raw mill 20 - 40% *
 Coal mill 20 - 30% *
 Cement mills 30 - 50% *
 Cooler exhaust < 10%
 Develop inspection plan

10 Golden Rules Implementation
2: Minimize False Air
Manage False Air
 Conduct regular overall measurements, inspections and repairs (minimum monthly)

 Re-design repeated problem areas

 Perform detailed measurement over system (minimum annually)

 Measurement methods
• By oxygen difference where possible
• By temperature difference on mills and filters
• Direct measurement by volume flow difference

 Support
 Cement portal procedures
• How to measure false air
• How to control false air in the preheater
• How to adjust cooling air level & distribution
• How to measure gas composition by gas analyser
• How to check the air flow through the mill

Pyro how to’s:

Grinding how to’s:

How to measure false air

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10 Golden Rules Implementation
2: Minimize False Air

False air control in preheater tower

One of our main objectives, minimize false air entering the preheater.
 Any false air is a waste of money.
 Reducing false air will:
 increase kiln capacity if the ID fan is running on the limit
 reduce heat consumption
 increase the exit gas temperature by reduced gas volume (depending where air enters).
This improves the drying capability in the raw mill
 reduce the power consumption of the ID fan and filter fan
 in the lower part of the tower, in-leakage can contribute to build-up formation

False air control in VRM

The Process team should always do continuous monitoring of Mill false air survey and carrying out of routine
All leakages allowing for false air entrance that have been discovered should be properly sealed-up at any available
opportunity .

10 Golden Rules Implementation
2: Minimize False Air

During kiln operation

•Measurement of the Oxygen level before and after preheater:
•The target value for the Oxygen difference is specific for every plant. It has to be defined under optimal conditions,
when starting the kiln after a maintenance stoppage where all effort was done to find and seal leakage.
•Goal is to have the lowest possible false air input, expressed by a low Oxygen increase, and to almost keep this
targeted Oxygen difference over the kiln running period.
•Be aware that the Oxygen difference is also influenced by CO after combustion or decarbonation rate. Whenever the
fuel is changed, especially at the kiln inlet, the target of Oxygen difference might have to be shifted.

•minimize build-ups because false air amount generally increases with more negative pressure. Therefore, the pressure

Loss of the tower should always be kept as low as possible .

During kiln stoppage

- Visual check and check of noise

•Leakage causes noise and noise is easy to detect. Leakage might also be seen in the lower stages as red light shining
through – especially during night when lights are turned off.

-Before every shutdown in leaks are mapped and report sent to the maintenance team, work orders are made, O2 done
to check the in leaks situation. Continuous process

- Visual check A detailed optical check of all fittings and openings has to be done during a longer kiln stoppage.
This check can be supported by a light test of the finally sealed and repaired cyclone: either enter in the cyclone
during daylight and detecting leakage from inside or lighten the cyclone inside during night and detecting leakage
from outside.

-All leakages allowing for false air entrance such as poke holes, inspection doors, kiln sealing, downcomer cold air
damper, air cannons, process & online measurements point e.t.c. Should be located and properly sealed-up at any
available opportunity by the maintenance department in conjunction with Production and Process.

10 Golden Rules Implementation
2: Minimize False Air

False air volume measurement

 By measuring oxygen:
 Analysis on dry basis
 2 points of measurement at the same time
 If not possible, refer to a reliable plant O2 continuous monitoring
 Plant sensor to be calibrated prior to measurements
 Adapted sampling probe
 Sampling in balloons
 Air in-leaks calculation: valid when oxygen is not too high (don’t use if oxygen is 15% or over not
 Is there any combustion between the 2 measurement points?

10 Golden Rules Implementation
2: Minimize False Air

10 Golden Rules Implementation
3: Manage Idle Running

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10 Golden Rules Implementation
3: Manage Idle Running

Steps to optimize Idle Load percentage :

1. Check running equipment, question if it’s required

2. Work to reduce stops – stops & starts (monitor MTBF and RF KPIs)
increase power consumption significantly

3. Optimize “pre-start” time of equipment.

4. Review shutdown sequences to minimize equipment “run on” time.

5. Review shop start up SOPs to minimize equipment pre-start up time.

6. Review shop SOPs during Shop shutdown or shop stopped , to limit essential working equipment.
Mainly concerns are fans, transport equipment and filters (but also check compressed air purging and air
blaster sequences)
Before making changes assess any potential negative impacts to be sure that no safety and or reliability
risks are introduced.

References and examples :

Roberta Power
Reduction program Nov2009
10 Golden Rules Implementation
Kpi Calculation Equipment Idling

Equation to calculate Idle load :

Idle Load % = [Idle Load Capacity/Nominal Load Capacity] *100 %

Idle Load should be as minimum as possible

Where :
Nominal Load Capacity = Power consumption measured at nominal shop production in KWH
Calculated once and recorded

Idle Load Capacity = Power consumption measured when the shop is down in KWH
There should be a meter in the control system to integrate the power consumed in workshop while
Main drive of workshop is down

Objective is to bring annual kWh/t close to kWh/t at nominal capacity

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10 Golden Rules Implementation
4: Optimize Vertical Mill Power


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10 Golden Rules Implementation
4: Optimize Vertical Mill Power

Rule Assessment (1st requirement)

• Follow the mill performance against set operating targets and KPI, as shown in the 10 Golden


Evaluation Criteria
•If followed only with no corrective actions Max score 50%
•If followed closely with corrective actions taken as necessary Max score 100%

Reference Document
•How to monitor the performance of a VRM

How to monitor the

performance of a VRM


1.First step is to identify which operating parameters are essential and required to track mill performance.
These parameters are sufficient to give a picture of the mill performance.
( A reference of this list of parameters are identified in the supporting document : How to monitor performance of a vertical mill)
2.Identify the target values for each of these parameters (Setting the reference targets are based on
experience, or from supplier documents)
3.Extract the values of the parameters (using IP 21 or other control system) on hourly average basis
4.On weekly basis perform an analysis of the data against the target values
5.Assess the possible reasons for any drift in values from target
6.Based on the assessment results, identify the required corrective actions and communicate with
concerned teams.

10 Golden Rules Implementation
4: Optimize Vertical Mill Power

Rule Assessment (2nd requirement)

• Perform operating and on-stop mill inspections


Evaluation Criteria
•If inspection only with no corrective actions Max score 50%
•If done with corrective actions taken as necessary Max score 100%

Reference Document
•How to do an on-stop vertical mill inspection

How to do an
on-stop vertical mill inspe


1.Visit is recommended to be common between process and maintenance departments

2.Prepare the required inspection tools
3.Identify the tasks to be done during the inspection visit (use the check list provided in the attached
supporting document)
4.Perform the inspection and identify the observations
5.Based on the inspection results, identify the required corrective actions and communicate with
concerned teams.

10 Golden Rules Implementation
4: Optimize Vertical Mill Power

Rule Assessment (3rd requirement)

• Dam ring adjusted to optimise mill power consumption especially with liner wear

•Yearly (minimum)

Evaluation Criteria
•Wear measurement only max score 50%
•Wear measured and Dam ring adjusted correctly max score 100%

Reference Document
•How to adjust the dam ring of a vertical mill

How to adjust the

dam ring of a vertical


1.Perform wear measurement for rollers and table on monthly basis

2.Reduce Dam ring height to compensate for table wear (minimum on yearly basis)
3.During the latter stages of the life of the liners it is sometimes necessary to increase dam ring and
sacrifice mill efficiency to keep vibration under control.
4.Build up a history by recording of the changes to dam ring height against the wear of the track along
with mill running hours, production and operating parameters.

10 Golden Rules Implementation
5: Efficient Gas Handling

5- Handle Gas efficiently (0-100%)
Frequency Evaluation Criteria References

Inspect fans and dampers for build-ups, wear, Minimum Target : once per year during major Training : Gas
misalignment etc… yearly repair. Handling Training
Target :Investigate any drift in
Procedures :
if followed only and no drift correction
max 50% 1) How to measure
Follow power consumption for major fans 100.00% Monthly
if followed with no drift / drift corrected the efficiency of the main
then max 100% fans

2) How to improve fan

efficiency by internal
Draw fan curves for the main fans
Minimum inspection
Perform a fan audit on major fans 100.00% every 2 years or less in case of drift in
every 2 years

TOTAL 100.00%      

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10 Golden Rules Implementation
5: Efficient Gas Handling

 Gas handling is one of the most power consumable processes
across cement plant

 All the cement processes are under negative pressure.

 The main plant fans are:

• ID fan

• Mill fan

• Separator fan (depending on the workshop layout).

• Cooler excess air fan

• Main fan

10 Golden Rules Implementation
5: Efficient Gas Handling

 Rule Assessment (1st requirement)

 Inspect fans and dampers for build-

ups, wear, misalignment etc…

 Frequency

 Minimum Yearly

 Evaluation Criteria

 Doing the inspection during the yearly

stoppage using the mechanical and
production inspection sheets.

 If a serious issue exist related to the

fan, the inspection could be done more
than once per year.

 Reference Document

 How to improve fan efficiency How to improve fan


10 Golden Rules Implementation
5: Efficient Gas Handling

 Rule Assessment (2nd requirement)

 Follow power consumption for major fans

 Frequency

 Monthly

 Evaluation Criteria

 If followed only and no drift correction (max 50%).

 If followed with no drift/drift corrected (100 %).

SPC (KW/Nm3) = Average consumed power (KW)/Average flow rate (Nm3)

10 Golden Rules Implementation
5: Efficient Gas Handling

 Rule Assessment (3rd requirement)

 Perform fan audit on major fans

 Frequency

 Minimum every 2 years

 Evaluation Criteria

 Draw fan curves for the main fans every 2 years or less in case of
drift in performance

 Reference Document
Fan-curve-example How to measure
 Fan efficiency calculation sheet fan efficiency

10 Golden Rules Implementation
6: Power Monitoring

Link to Cement Portal / industrial domain /

Power Consumption / Standard &
Procedures http://

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10 Golden Rules Implementation
7: Production Management

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10 Golden Rules Implementation
Kpi Calculation Power Cost Ratio

 Power cost ratio is one of the Power
standards implementation KPI’s.

 PCR represents the ability of the plant

to take the advantage of the contract
flexibility (various tariffs along the 24
hours in the power supply contract).


 PCR is defined as the total power bill

(all costs inclusive) divided by the time
weighted average MWh price (all costs
inclusive) multiplied by the total MWh
consumed during a given period.
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10 Golden Rules Implementation
Kpi Calculation Power Cost Ratio


 PCR = Total Power Bill / (Time weighted average MWh

price x Total consumed MWh)

 Time weighted average MWh price = [(tariff 1 x period of

tariff 1) + (tariff 2 x period of tariff 2) + ....+ (tariff n x
period of tariff n)] / 24

10 Golden Rules Implementation
Kpi Calculation Power Cost Ratio

Calculations Examples
Calculating the PCR for four tariffs contract; fixing the total
consumption while varying consumption allover the tariffs
intervals in each case

PCR Power Cost Ratio for different Cases


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Microsoft Excel
Source or Foote note

10 Golden Rules Implementation
Kpi Calculation Power Cost Ratio


 Lower values of the PCR mean that the plant is getting more
benefits from the different tariffs in the power contract.

10 Golden Rules Implementation
8: Mastering Quality Impact on Power Consumption

Link: 10 Basic facts of clinker

Other Guideline:
10 Golden Rules of raw mix
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10 Golden Rules for Quarry
10 Golden Rules Implementation
9: Mill Feed Size Control

Other Document:
Ball mill operation for Cement and Raw Mix feed size limits


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10 Golden Rules Implementation
10: Minimize Compressed Air

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10 Golden Rules Implementation
10: Minimize Compressed Air
Improvement opportunities
Replace elbows by sweeping bends

Remove unused pipe-work

Examine pipe-work layout – shortest distance
to point of use. Consider loop system
Check if pipe size is sufficient

Check bag filters for leaking

Eliminate inappropriate use diaphragm valves
by alternate methods
 Optimise system pressure – avoid
excessive pressure

Systematic leaks inspection, tagging & repair Monitor pressure at usage points

Ultra-sonic leak detection ?

Match air quality to use

Switch off compressors Automatic pressure control

when not in use (idling 25-

Match compressor size to demand Check condensate traps

Monitor filter ΔP Variable speed compressor for control ? Change outlet filter elements regularly

Replace intake filters Control dryer using moisture sensor Condensate trap control – minimise leakage

Intake cool air best Waste heat recovery ?

10 Golden Rules Implementation
10: Minimize Compressed Air

Minimum Service & Maintenance

Oil Separator Change

Cooler Cleaning

Oil Filter Change

10 Golden Rules Implementation
10: Minimize Compressed Air
Specific Cases
 Homogenising compressors
 Check effectiveness of blending
 Consider conversion of high energy to low energy design

 Pneumatic conveying
 Check conveying velocity /pipe size / conveying air volume
 Number of bends
 Pipeline route

 Bag filters
 Optimisation of pulsing cycles
 Check for leaking purge valves

 Air blasters and air purges for cleaning

 Optimise cleaning cycles according to plant needs
10 Golden Rules Implementation
10: Minimize Compressed Air
Minimise Compressed Air (3) – Improvement Opportunities
 Operation & Maintenance
 Monitor system efficiency (kW/Nm3)
 Monitor demand curve
 Optimise system pressure – match supply to needs
 Eliminate inappropriate usage (ex: bearing cooling…)
 Conduct regular system inspection including leak detection & repair
 Remove unused pipe-work

 Control & Instrumentation

 Pressure control
 Pressure indication at usage points
 Compressor shutdown / variable speed compressor
 Moisture control for dryer

 Review System Design

 Pipe size
 Shortest distance to usage points
 Bend design
 Air intake
 Compressor sizes
 Match air quality to usage requirement
 Waste heat recoveryIPM 4
10 Golden Rules Implementation
Mapping of main improvement plans-prioritize


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Time/Cost of Implementation
IPM 474

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