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Ukraine's foreign

Ukraine Balance of Trade
Ukraine is a very open economy, with a share of foreign trade in the country's GDP of 99% in
2018 (World Bank). Ukraine is the world's fifth largest exporter of grains and one of the main
exporters of iron and steel. In 2018, the main exported products were sunflower seeds, corn,
wheat and meslin, iron products, cables and rapeseed. The main imported products were fuels,
vehicles, drugs, pesticides and herbicides, transmission devices, automatic data processing
machines and semiconductors.
Ukraine exports mainly steel, coal, fuel and petroleum products, chemicals, machinery and
transport equipment and grains like barley, corm and wheat. More than 60% of the exports goes
to other former Soviet Republics countries with Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus being the most
important. Others include Turkey and China. Ukraine imports mostly oil and natural gas,
machinery and equipment, chemicals. Its main import partners are former Soviet Republics
countries (Russia and Belarus are the biggest). Germany, China, and Poland have been also
gaining importance in recent years.
Foreign trade figures of Ukraine
Overall, foreign trade has been hardly hit by the conflict with Russia, which has traditionally
been a major supplier of oil and gas, accounting for almost a quarter of the country's total
imports. Ukraine is seeking to develop its trade relations with the member states of the
European Union, with a view to emancipate from Russia.
The EU and Ukraine have provisionally applied their Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade
Agreement (CCFTA) since January 2016. The share of the EU in Ukraine's merchandise exports
increased from 34.1% in 2015 to 42.6% in 2018 (WTO). Despite this trend, Russia remains
Ukraine’s main supplier and customer. In 2018, the main customers of Ukraine were Russia
(7.7% of total exports), Poland, Italy, Turkey, Germany, China and India. Its main suppliers were
Russia (14.1% of total imports), China, Germany, Belarus, Poland and the United States.
According to WTO data, in 2018 Ukraine exported US $ 47.348 million worth of goods and imported
US $ 57.046 million worth, recording a trade deficit of around US $ 9.7 billion. Exports of services
reached USD 15,472 million, while imports amounted to USD 13,676 million. Exports continue to be
affected by weak global demand due to trade disputes.
In 2019, Ukraine imported the largest amount of goods from China - 9.2 billion,
from the Russian Federation - 7 billion and from Germany - 6 billion. Also, goods
worth $ 4.1 billion were delivered from neighboring Poland. And Belarus lost its
previous position in imports and took 3.8 billion dollars in cash equivalent.
Ukraine began to import products from the United States almost 11% more than
last year, despite the fact that exports from our country decreased. Imports
from Turkey, Italy, Lithuania, Japan, Spain, France and Switzerland also
Commodity structure of imports in 2019
2% 2% 0%
5% 1%
Live animals; products of animal origin
Products of plant origin
Fats and oils of animal or vegetable origin
Ready-made food products
Mineral products
Production of chemical and related industries
Polymeric materials, plastics and articles thereof
Untreated and processed leather
21% Wood and wood products
21% Mass of wood or other fibrous cellulosic materials
Textile materials and textile products
Shoes, hats, umbrellas
Products from a stone, plaster, cement
Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones
Machines, equipment and mechanisms; electrical equipment
Land vehicles, aircraft, floating vehicles
Optical and photographic devices and apparatus
Various industrial goods
0% Works of art
1% 5% 14%

2% 6%
1% 1%
The main items of Ukrainian exports in 2019 were the supply of grain, oilseeds,
sunflower oil, wood and ferrous metals. At the same time, almost two thirds of
export supplies were raw materials and goods with low added value - metals and
hardware, plant products and wood.
If we study imports, although Russia already holds the first position in the list of
importers of goods to Ukraine, other large importers also actually resell Russian
goods to Ukraine - primarily energy. Belarus also resells Russian oil and oil
products to Ukraine, and Germany, Poland and Switzerland supply Russian gas to
Kyiv. Ukraine has spent a total of more than $ 10 billion on energy purchases. In
addition, last year Ukraine ranked third in second-hand imports - which not only
suppresses domestic light industry, but also shows a low level of solvency. In
addition, Ukraine imports engineering and chemical products (fertilizers) needed
for agriculture.
Commodity structure of exports in 2019
0% 0%
2% 3%

Live animals; products of animal origin
0% Products of plant origin
Fats and oils of animal or vegetable origin
0% Ready-made food products
2% Mineral products
33% Production of chemical and related industries
Polymeric materials, plastics and articles thereof
Untreated and processed leather
Wood and wood products
0% Mass of wood or other fibrous cellulosic materials
2% Textile materials and textile products
Shoes, hats, umbrellas
Products from a stone, plaster, cement
5% Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones
Machines, equipment and mechanisms; electrical equipment
Land vehicles, aircraft, floating vehicles
Optical and photographic devices and apparatus
Various industrial goods
Works of art


Ukraine Balance of Trade
Main trading partners
For 2019, the EU countries remain the main trading partners for Ukraine. The share of these
countries reaches 40.1% of the turnover of Ukrainian goods. Last year, the foreign trade
turnover of goods with European countries increased by 5.8% - by 2.9 billion US dollars and
amounted to 52.6 billion dollars. The main export items are ferrous metals, wood and wood
products, electric machines, cereals, ores, slag and ash. In the structure of imports from EU
countries, machinery and equipment, fuels, land vehicles, plastics and polymeric materials play
the greatest role.
As for the countries of the Customs Union, the volume of Ukrainian imports and exports also
increased by 6.3% - by $ 1.4 billion, respectively - and amounted to 23.4 billion. $ 1 billion. The
main exports were boilers, machinery, plastics, ferrous metals, inorganic chemicals. In terms of
exports, oil and oil products play the greatest role.
China, the United States and Turkey are also important partners of Ukraine. As of 2019, they
account for 10.1%, 4.6% and 4.4%, respectively.
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