Is Bigger Better?: An Introduction To Sample Size Calculations

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Is bigger better?

An introduction to sample size calculations

Presented by:
Dr Adrian Esterman

Flinders Centre for Epidemiology &

Scenario 1 All studies Scenario 2
Precision Power

Descriptive Hypothesis testing

Sample surveys Simple - 2 groups

Quality control
Complex studies

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Scenario 1
Suppose we want to estimate the proportion
of people in our target population with a
given characteristic:
• The proportion with depression
• The proportion with an artficial leg
• The proportion receiving incorrect medication

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Scenario 1

• My target population is all South

Australians aged 17 and over
• I want to find out what proportion have
an undergraduate degree
• Please raise your hand if you have an
undergraduate degree

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Scenario 1

Target Random


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Scenario 1
True proportion in target population = P
Estimated proportion from sample = p

How likely is it that p is exactly equal to P?

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Scenario 1

We would like 95 times out of 100,

P to fall in this range

0 p 1

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Scenario 1
The range of plausible values of our sample
proportion p in which the true population
proportion P is likely to fall 95 times out of
100 is called the 95% Confidence Interval
for P

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Scenario 1
95% CI
for P

0 p 1

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Scenario 1
The 95% CI for p is a measure of how
accurate your sample estimate is of the true
population proportion

95% Confidence

Sample size

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Scenario 1
We want to estimate the proportion of the
South Australian population with COPD.
We think it will be about 12%.

We would like a 95% CI of p ± 2%.

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Scenario 1

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p=50% with 95% CI 50% +/- 5%

Required sample size


Size of target population

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Statcalc is included as part of the Epiinfo
suite of programs. This is available free of
charge from:

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Scenario 2

We wish to formally test the difference

between two means or two proportions

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Scenario 2
Three bits of information required to determine
the sample size

Type I & II Variation

errors Clinical

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Process of hypothesis testing Type I &
II errors
1. State a Null hypothesis (H0)
2. State an Alternative hypothesis (HA)
3. Decide on a suitable statistical test based on
the Null hypothesis
4. Calculate the test statistic
5. Check the associated probability (p-value)
6. If p  0.05 reject the Null hypothesis

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Process of hypothesis testing Type I &
II errors
If the Alternative hypothesis is:
parameter 1  parameter 2
we calculate the p-value for a two-sided test

If the Alternative hypothesis is:

parameter 1 > parameter 2
we calculate the p-value for a one-sided test

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Type I &
II errors
What is a p-value?

1. It is a probability, and hence lies between 0 and 1.

2. It is a measure of surprise. In fact how surprised we
are to get a test statistics that large, if the Null
hypothesis were true.

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Type I &
II errors
Type I and II errors
Statistical True state of null hypothesis
Hypothesis true Hypothesis false

Reject Null Type I error Correct (Power)


Accept Null Correct Type II error


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Type I &
What causes a Type I error II errors

• Bias
• Confounding
• Effect modification
• Misclassification

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Type I &
What causes a Type II error II errors

• Sample size too small

• Confounding
• Effect modification
• Misclassification

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Example of setting error levels Type I &
II errors
New drug for lowering cholesterol
• Slightly better efficacy than existing drugs
• Much more expensive than existing drugs

What are the consequences of making a Type I error?

What are the consequences of making a Type II error?

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Example 1 Type I &
II errors
New drug for lowering cholesterol
Slightly better efficacy than existing drugs
• Much more expensive than existing drugs

• Requires stringent Type I error (say 0.01)
• Can managed with relaxed Type II error (say 0.20)

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Example 2 Type I &
II errors

Trial of new brochure to help people quit smoking

• Successful in 20% of smokers
• Negligible cost

What are the consequences of making a Type I error?

What are the consequences of making a Type II error?

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Example 2 Type I &
II errors

Trial of new brochure to help people quit smoking

• Successful in 20% of smokers
• Negligible cost

• Can relax Type I error (say 0.10)
• Requires stringent Type II error (say 0.05)

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Scenario 2
Three bits of information required to determine
the sample size

Type I & II Variation

errors Clinical

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Your Alternative hypothesis states effect
that you expect one group to have a
different mean or proportion to the
other group, but how much by?

• From the literature •  15% change

• From a pilot study • Change of  1 SD
• Clinically judgement • Interim analysis

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Scenario 2
Three bits of information required to determine
the sample size

Type I & II Variation

errors Clinical

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Is there a difference between the two means?

Mean 1 Mean 2

Systolic Blood Pressure

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It depends upon the range of the distributions

Systolic Blood Pressure

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To judge whether the difference between

two means is large or small, we compare it
with some measure of the variability of the

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All statistical tests are based on the following ratio:

Difference between parameters

Test Statistic =
v / n

As n  v/n  Test statistic 

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v x Test statistic
n =

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The test-statistic is usually:

• Chi-squared for comparing two proportions
• Student’s t for comparing two means
• F-statistic for comparing two variances
• Z-statistic for comparing two correlation coefficients

but may be more complicated

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Scenario 2
Example for two means
We wish to undertake an RCT of an intervention to
improve quality of life. At the end of the study, the
mean PCS of the SF-36 for the control group is
expected to be 35. We expect that in the
intervention group, the mean PCS will be 45. The
standard deviation of the PCS is 10.

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1 – Type I

1 – Type II

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Scenario 2
Example for two proportions
In a prospective study of hip protectors, we expect
that in the untreated group 10% of elderly people
will suffer a hip fracture. In the treated group we
expect this to reduce to 5%.

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Winepiscope is available free of charge

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Allowing for dropouts 
Nearly all studies have at least some subjects who
withdraw, are lost to follow up, or who die

If n is the sample size computed by the program,

and we expect lose d% of subjects, then the
requires sample size is N is given by:

N = (100 x n) / (100 – d)

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Allowing for dropouts 
The sample size program tells us that we need 120
in each group and we are expecting a 15%
drop out.

N = (100 x 120) / (100 – 15)

= 141

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Is bigger better?

For both descriptive and hypothesis testing

studies, the answer is yes.

1. Increasing the sample size will have no effect

on Type I errors which are largely due to bias
and/or confounding.
2. There is no point in having a larger sample size
than that required for precision or power.

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Is bigger better?

For both descriptive and hypothesis testing

situations, the answer is yes. However:

1. Increasing the sample size will have no effect

on Type I errors which are largely due to bias
and/or confounding.
2. There is no point in having a larger sample size
than that required for precision or power.

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For copies of this presentation

Please email Kylie Thomas at:

Flinders Centre for Epidemiology &

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