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Psychological warfare: preparation,

management, methodology for

evaluating effectiveness.

The Spanish Civil War of 1936-1939

Виконав Дегтяренко Олександр
The Spanish Civil War of 1936-1939

Main purposе
King Alfonso XIII and his government were not going to carry out the necessary reforms for
the country. Any attempts to protest against the regime were brutally suppressed by the troops
and the Civil Guard (paramilitary police).

Means and methods - volunteers

Under the pretext of protecting the lives and property of German citizens, Hitler's government
immediately sent two military squadrons to the shores of Spain with the beginning of the

Hitler instructed the rebels to supply military equipment and send "volunteers" to them.
End of The Spanish Civil War
In March 1939, the Francoists won in Madrid. The rebels captured Madrid,
the republic was overthrown. On April 2, 1939, the United States officially
recognized the Francoist government. Franco's dictatorship was established
in Spain and lasted until November 1975.
Conclusions, whether the set goals have
been achieved.
Shortly after the Spanish Civil War, nationalist General Gonzalo Queipo de
Llano began broadcasting to the Republican zone specifically for the rebels.
He described in detail the terrible suffering of the listeners if they resisted
the troops of the nationalists. The fear he spread harmed the morale of the
Republicans until his broadcasts were stopped by Serrano Sounier.

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