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Role of Recruitment & Selection on

faculties' performance in Educational

Institutes during & post Covid-19

• Due to Covid- 19, the requirement of the educational institutes with respect
to faculties’ performance is not only confined to classroom teaching rather it
has been transformed to digital platform. This requires both the technical
knowledge as well as skills to deliver same quality with proper student
involvement and satisfaction.

• Educational institutes should not always fill their vacant position or subject
requirements with internal recruitment process instead, they should opt for
external recruitment that would add a fresh talent to their faculty pool.

• If the recruitment & selection strategies are being reviewed as per the
situation and decisions are being taken based on the market demand, the
faculties being selected always contribute positively towards the educational
• Recruitment is the process of attracting maximum applicants for a particular
job from within and outside the organization. Hence, it is said to be a positive
practice. Whereas, selection is the process of hiring the best and qualified
candidate for the job and hence, it is a negative process.

• For continuity of teaching and learning, the educational institutes require

qualified & highly motivated faculties to keep the pace of education intact. With
scientific recruitment & selection process, the educational institutes can hire
qualified and know ledged faculties who will help in delivering quality education
and therefore, upgrade the knowledge and skills of generation next.

• Performance of the faculties is the parameter that determines the quality,

honesty, independent, responsibility while performing the job. If the faculty has
passed all the criteria of recruitment & selection process through merit and
without any favour, he/she is more likely to perform well in his/her job. The
commitment levels of such faculties are always higher and they contribute
towards the organizational objectives.
Literature Review

• Koontz & Donell (1980) says that “recruitment is the process of attracting
maximum candidate for a job so that the management has a privilege to select
the most appropriate one”.

• Randall (1987) believes that “recruitment is one of the most important

practices which impacts the overall performance of the organization”. Hence,
taking proper recruitment decision increases the credibility of the organization.

• Batty (1999) highlights that “recruitment strategies should be designed in such

a way that it attracts maximum number of the candidates and adds the value”.

• Korsten (2003) and Jones et al. (2006) suggested that recruitment can be
done through both within or outside the organization. It is based on the job
specification and job description.

• Ballantyne (2009) states that “recruitment & selection helps in placing right
candidate at right place so that overall efficiency of the organization increases
as the employee will effectively perform the job”.
Literature Review

• Sangeetha (2010) says that “taking right decision related to selection of the
employee is very critical for the organization as it may incur huge expense if the
procedure of recruitment & selection is not followed rigorously”.

• Don Boyd, Hump Lankford, Susanna Loeb, Matthew Ronfeldt, and Jim Wyckoff
(2010) studied “the measurement of teachers’ efficiency & effectiveness and
also their contribution towards achievement of organizations’ objectives”.

• Neeraj (2012) stated that “selection should be made truly based on merit as it
has direct implication on the organizational performance”.

• Nartey (2012) highlights “the importance of recruitment & selection as an

important parameter to contribute in achieving organizational objectives”.

• Compton, Morrissey, Nankervis (2014) says “recruitment & selection practices

are the outcome of manpower planning, job description & specification, training
& development, compensation designing, career and succession planning to
get satisfied and motivated qualified employees”.
Literature Review

• Gamage (2014) stated that “the main purpose of recruitment is to supply a

pool of applicant to the organization from which they select the best suited
for their organization”.

• Mustapha (2013) says that “the role of recruitment & selection is not
only confined towards giving the best suited employee to the organization,
rather it also extends towards motivation & retention of those employees so
that they contribute effectively towards the organizational growth”.

• Ekwoaba, Ikeije, and Ufoma (2015) stated in their study “the scientific
method of recruitment & selection always help in increasing the
organizational performance. Hence, its believed that the process should be
more objective”.

1. To study the relation between recruitment & selection and faculties’


2. To study the impact of recruitment & selection on faculties’ performance.


• H01- There is no relation between recruitment & selection and faculties’

H11- There is a relation between recruitment & selection and faculties’

• H02- There is no impact of recruitment & selection on faculties’ performance.

H22- There is impact of recruitment & selection on faculties’ performance.
Research Methodology

• Sampling: - A sample of 84 faculties working in different educational

institutes of Mumbai & Navi Mumbai was considered. Convenient sampling
technique was used to collect the information from the participants. A
structured questionnaire based on likert 5 point scale was used as the
medium to collect the data through Google forms sent via Whatsapp and

• Tools/Instrument used: - Descriptive statistics like frequency and percentage

were used to analyze the faculties’ demographic information. Statistical tools
like Pearson Correlation and Multiple regressions were used to test the
Data Analysis & Interpretation
Identify the perception of the faculty on all the attributes of Recruitment and

Table 6.1 Recruitment policy are revised as per market demand

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Valid Strongly 35 41.7 41.7 41.7
Agree 18 21.4 21.4 63.1
Neutral 17 20.2 20.2 83.3
Disagree 14 16.7 16.7 100.0
Total 84 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: From the above table 6.1 we can conclude that out of 84 faculties
maximum 35 i.e. 42% faculties strongly agree that the recruitment policy are
revised as per the market demand and the minimum 14 faculties i.e. 17%
disagree that the recruitment policy gets revision as per the market demand.
Data Analysis & Interpretation
Table 6.2 Qualification & experience are the most important parameter for selection

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent
Valid Agree 3 3.6 3.6 3.6

Neutral 24 28.6 28.6 32.1

Disagree 39 46.4 46.4 78.6

Strongly 18 21.4 21.4 100.0

From the above
table 6.2 it is observed
100.0 100.0
that out of 84
faculties maximum 39 i.e. 46% faculties disagree that the selection is based
on qualification & experience and minimum 3 i.e. 4% faculties agree that the
selection is based on qualification & experience.
Data Analysis & Interpretation
Table 6.3 Correct placement of the faculties is done

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent
Valid Strongly 42 50.0 50.0 50.0
Agree 13 15.9 11.9 61.9

Neutral 11 13.1 13.1 75.0

Disagree 18 21.0 25.0 100.0

Interpretation: From the above

Total 84
table 6.3 it is observed
100.0 100.0
that out of 84
faculties maximum 42 i.e. 50% faculties strongly agree that the correct
placement of the faculties is done and minimum 11 i.e. 13% faculties does
not have any opinion.
Data Analysis & Interpretation
Table 6.4 All necessary information is given at time of interview

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent
Valid Strongly 9 10.7 10.7 10.7
Agree 49 58.3 58.3 69.0

Neutral 11 13.1 13.1 82.1

Disagree 15 17.9 17.9 100.0

Total 84 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: From the above table 6.4 it is observed that out of 84
faculties maximum 49 i.e. 58% faculties agrees that all necessary
information is given at the time of interview and minimum 9 i.e. 11% of the
faculties strongly agree that all necessary information is given at the time of
Data Analysis & Interpretation
Table 6.5 Satisfactory level of selection process is followed

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent
Valid Agree 33 39.3 39.3 39.3

Neutral 11 13.1 13.1 52.4

Disagree 28 33.3 33.3 85.7

Strongly 12 14.3 14.3 100.0

Interpretation: From the above
Total 84
table 6.5 it is observed
100.0 100.0
that out of 84
faculties maximum 33 i.e. 39% faculties agree that satisfactory level of
selection process is followed and minimum 11 i.e. 13% faculties does not
have any opinion.
Data Analysis & Interpretation
Table 6.6: Demographic profile of respondents
(N = 84)
Demographic Characteristic Frequency %
GENDER Male 64 76.1
Female 13 15.4
AGE (in years) 23
Less than30
31-40 26 31
41-50 19
More than 50 20 24
years) 10 11.9
5-10 55 65.4

19 22.6
More than 10
QUALIFICATION Graduate 6 7.1
Post Graduate 48 57.1
Ph.D 30 35.7
Data Analysis & Interpretation

• Interpretation: In the table 6.6, 84 respondents were considered from the

different educational institutes of Mumbai. The mix of respondents was as
follows: Among 84 respondents 64 of them were male and 13 were females.
Based on the age group, 19 respondents were less than 30 years, 26 were
in between 31 to 40 years, 19 respondents were in between 41 to 50 years
and 20 respondents were more than 60 years. Based on experience, 10
respondents have experience in between 0-5 years, 55 respondents have
experience in between 5-10 years & 19 respondents have more than 10
years of experience. As per the qualification, 6 respondents were Graduate,
48 were Post Graduate and 30 were Ph.D.
Data Analysis & Interpretation
Objective 1 - To study the relationship between recruitment & selection and
faculties’ performance.
• H01- There is no relationship between recruitment & selection and faculties’
• H11- There is a relation between recruitment & selection and faculties’
Table 6.7 Correlations
  Recruitment Performance Appraisal
Recruitment &
Pearson Correlation 1 .533(**)
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 84 84
Faculties’ Performance Pearson Correlation .533(**) 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 84 84
Data Analysis & Interpretation
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). 
• Interpretation: In the table 6.7, at 5% level of significance p < α (0.05) so
we reject null hypothesis and we accepted alternative so we can say that
there is significant relationship between recruitment & selection with
performance of the faculties. The correlation value is 0.533 i.e. 53%, so there
is the positive relationship between recruitment & selection with performance
of the faculties.

Objective 2 - To study the impact of recruitment & selection on faculties’

• H02- There is no impact of recruitment & selection on faculties’ performance.
• H22- There is impact of recruitment & selection on faculties’ performance.

• In the model, the dependent variable Y is faculties’ performance whereas

independent variable is recruitment & selection. The estimated regression
model is as follows:
Y (faculties’ performance) = 0.472 + 0.662 recruitment & selection

• The results indicate that the independent variable have a positive impact on
the performance of faculties.
Data Analysis & Interpretation
Table 6.8 Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
a Predictors: (Constant), Recruitment & Selection
1 .533(a) .284 ANOVA(b)
.276 .42748

a Predictors: (Constant), Recruitment & Selection

Sum of
Model df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 5.952 1 5.952 32.571 .000(a)

Residual 14.985 82 .183
Total 20.937 83

a Predictors: (Constant), Recruitment & Selection

b Dependent Variable: Faculties’ Performance
Data Analysis & Interpretation
• Interpretation: As per table 6.8, the R2 value for the model is 0.284 which
indicates that 28.4% of the variations in the faculties’ performance is
explained by recruitment and selection. The significance of R2 is tested with
the help of F statistic, we observe from the above table
• p < (0.05), so we conclude that that at 5% level of significance R2 is also
statistically significant.
• The significance of the individual coefficients can be tested using t-statistic.

Table 6.9 Coefficients(a)

Unstandardized Standardized
Model T Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients

B Std. Error Beta B Std. Error

1 (Constant) .472 .322 1.467 .146

Recruitment &
.662 .116 .533 5.707 .000
Data Analysis & Interpretation
a Dependent Variable: Faculties’ Performance

Interpretation: From the above table 6.9, at 5 % level of significance p < α

(0.05), so the null hypothesis is rejected, so the coefficient of recruitment &
selection is statistically significant. This was also found using t statistic. So
we can conclude there is the influence of faculty recruitment & selection on
performance of the faculties.
• The most important was that all necessary information is being given at the
time of interview.
• This is being followed by the parameter that faculties are being placed as
per their knowledge & skills.
• Most of the faculties also agree to the fact that recruitment policy is being
revised as per the market situation.
• The selection process is followed at a satisfactory level is also being agreed
upon by the faculties.
• However, faculties do believe that qualification & experience is not only the
criteria followed for the selection process.
• There are many other internal or external factors that may have an impact
on selection process.
• Recruitment & selection is one of the important processes of human
resource management because it determines the quality of employees of an
organization who helps to achieve the objectives.

• The selection should be based on merit to enhance the effectiveness &

efficiency of the organization. As these qualified faculties are the one how
will deliver quality education to the student which is the primary objective of
any educational institutes.

• If proper strategy is being followed in recruiting and selecting the right

candidate, it does impact the performance. Hence, the process has to be
market driven in order to increase the effectiveness of recruitment &
selection as it has direct impact on the future of the educational institutes.
Thank You

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