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8Fd – Physical Trends

8Fd – Physical Trends

Lesson Objectives:
Grade A
Explain melting, freezing and boiling points and
use them to predict the states of a substance.
Grade B
Describe and identify trends in physical
properties within the periodic table.

Keywords: Physical, properties, state of matter.

Explain melting, freezing and boiling points and use
them to predict the states of a substance(A)

Particles in a solid are held together tightly

because the attracting bonds between the
particles are strong.
If enough heat energy is supplied, the
particles have enough energy to overcome
these bonds and leave their fixed position,
forming a liquid.
Explain melting, freezing and boiling points and use
them to predict the states of a substance(A)

During this process, the heat energy being

added will be used up by overcoming these
bonds so the temperature of the solid will
not increase but the solid will continue to
Explain melting, freezing and boiling points and use
them to predict the states of a substance(A)

When the last bit of solid has melted the

heat energy being added will then result in
an increase in the temperature of the
Explain melting, freezing and boiling points and use
them to predict the states of a substance(A)

Eventually the liquid particles move fast

enough to break the bonds to their
neighbouring particles and escape from the
liquid as a gas.
Being overcomee
Being overcome
Explain melting, freezing and boiling points and use
them to predict the states of a substance(A)
If a material is colder than its mp/fp it is _____.
If a material is warmer than its bp it is _____.
If it’s between the mp/fp and the bp it is liquid

Being overcome
Describe and Identify trends in physical
properties within the periodic table (B)

As you go down Gp 7 the mp _________.
Which is a liquid at 150oC? __________.
8Fd – Physical Trends
Lesson Objectives:
Grade A
Explain melting, freezing and boiling points and
use them to predict the states of a substance.
Grade B
Describe and identify trends in physical
properties within the periodic table.

Keywords: Physical, properties, state of matter.

• Complete the worksheet 8Fd – About
• Read through pages 96-97 and answer
questions 1-5.

• Complete worksheet 8Fd – Looking for Trends.
8Fd – Physical Trends
Lesson Objectives:
Grade A
Explain melting, freezing and boiling points and
use them to predict the states of a substance.
Grade B
Describe and identify trends in physical
properties within the periodic table.

Keywords: Physical, properties, state of matter.

Now reduce that to 5 key words…
Write 5 sentences summarising
today’s topic…

And finally to one word….

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