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Reference 4: Manual Wheelchair Skills: Objective Testing

Versus Subjective

This paper to compare result for Wheel chair test skills(WST) with wheel chair test
questionnaire(WST-Q) in two terms safety and capacity

Advantage of (WST)
• to know how wheel chair users carries out the skills
• Any problem of technique can be identified by this test

Advantage of (WST-Q)
• It use in any situation in which it is not feasible to assess them objectively
• In busy clinic
• Require less time

 89 sample size manual wheel chair

 19 years old
 At least six months experience

Using 32 skills was asked whether he/she believed himself/herself to be capable of performing each
wheelchair skill and, if so, how he/she would perform the skill. In this study, the WST-Q questions were
posed to assess capacity (rather than performance) because capacity is what is assessed by the WST. For
both the WST and the WST-Q,
 Result
 The correlation factor between WST and WST-Q for capacity is r =0 .89
 The correlation factor between WST and WST-Q for safety is r =0.251
 Mean for WST capacity is 79.5%but for WST-Q 83%
 Mean for safety in WST 99.4% but for WST-Q 98.9%

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