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The objectives of an oil and gas processing facility are as follows:

1. Take the reservoir products from producing wells.
2. Separate the oil, gas, water and solid phases from the mixed wellhead
streams and then dispatch crude oil and gas to meet required
specifications – the exact specification will vary according to the product
3. Treat the effluents (produced water/solids) to meet environmental
regulations and to prepare them for disposal.
Offshore Oil and Gas Treatment

Simplified Block Diagram – Oil and Gas Processing

Additionally the production plants often require some support facilities
which generally includes:
 Utilities and services such as electricity, fuel gas or oil, water for
drinking and processes, air for power and instruments, inert gas
(nitrogen) generation, switch gear and control rooms, workshops, cranes,
sewage treatment facilities, etc.
 Facilities for personnel including living quarters.
 Measurement instruments, control and safety systems, hazardous situation
fire- fighting facilities, personnel protection and escape facilities.
Gas Treatment

Simplified Block Diagram – Gas Treatment Process

The type of processing largely depends on the final destination of the gas, which may
involve any one of the following:
 Sales gas for pipeline to shore (export).
 Gas for re-injection into the reservoir (pressure maintenance or flaring restrictions or
 Gas for gas-lift operations (assisting oil production).
 Gas for process use (it may be used as a fuel for utility power generation, i.e. gas turbine
 Feedstock to a processing plant (generally an onshore facility).
 Gas to flare (during planned start-up or shutdown)
Oil Treatment
Produced Water Treatment

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