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Bridgend Inspiring Growth

Farmhouse Renovation Project


January 2011
Vision ...

... A multi-purpose community hub

... Locally owned and directed

... Self – supporting incorporating the social enterprise model

... Partnership working at the centre

... A source of inspiration for active citizenship

... A place to promote and facilitate a greater connection with

local green-spaces

... Provide training in sustainable skills

... An inclusive and supportive environment for all, including those facing
disability and inequality

... Demonstrate innovative and forward thinking sustainable practices

... Pioneering site for accessible, affordable and authentic environmental learning and
social engagement
In the beginning...

The project was initiated by allotmenteers and concerned local residents who wanted to
prevent the very visible and historical farmhouse building being lost to decay.

Following from this initial concern there has so far been:

An open public meeting in June, with over 40 attendants.

Regular steering group meetings

Information and support gathering at Bridgend Apple Day and Bridgend Winter

Face to face engagement with local people

Meetings with council officials and potential partner organisations

Outreach and networking with existing local groups and organisations

Research into services needed in the area

Feasibility studies and building surveys to establish costs

However, much more discussion and involvement are needed, and we hope that today
will help this to continue to move forward and grow.

What areas of need can we provide for?

1. Social & Natural Environment: Engagement, education and


2. Respite / Supported Training or Employment

3. Local Ownership and Directorship

4. Promotion of the historical & educational relevance and potential of

Bridgend and Craigmillar Castle Park
Social & Natural Environment
This recognises the need to encourage and improve the appreciation, use and conservation of
the local environment and park, reduce anti social and criminal behaviour, and promote healthy
lifestyle and environmental issues through education, cultural and healthy activities.

This will help to address

The need identified by the neighbourhood partnerships in Craigmillar and Liberton/Gilmerton
to 'protect and develop our investment in green-spaces'.

The lack of opportunities available for outdoor learning and activities

A desire for more rural and traditional crafts to be available for people to participate in

Also helps to meet the Scottish Governments National Single Outcome agreements 12 and
12 - We value and enjoy our built and natural environment and protect it and
enhance it for future generations.

14 - We reduce the local and global impact of our consumption and production
Respite / Supported Training or Employment

Specific provision and services for those with disabilities or suffering certain inequalities in the
surrounding areas, and creating an inclusive and supportive environment for affordable and practical
training and education opportunities.

This will help to address

The clearly identified and apparent lack of provisions for young adults with learning disability
aged 17 – 35

Lack of training and volunteering opportunities for young people in area

The need for a space to provide practice training for those out of work

Also addressing National Single Outcome Agreements 4 and 6:

6 - We live longer, healthier lives

4 - Our young people are successful learners, confident individuals, e effective

contributions and responsible citizens.
Local community ownership and directorship

Facilitate a community voice and control over how the space is developed and managed by bringing
people together with a common aim, and allowing the buildings renovation and the services and
activities it creates are relevant and of importance to the people involved and living in this area.

This will help to address

The chance to offer a multiple purpose resource centre accommodating to the needs of many
different users.

Desires expressed in the local community plan 2008-2011 to 'support local friends of parks groups
to ensure the community increases “ownership” of public areas’.

Encourage and allow for more active voluntary involvement in the community services

Lack of financial support available from the council and other public services to support any
development on the site themselves.

Current disregard for the property breeds anti-social behaviour and a perception of the park as
dangerous (as expressed at the meeting and in talks with local residents).

Also addressing National Single Outcome Agreement 11:

11 - We have strong, resilient and supportive communities where people take
responsibility for their own actions and how they affect others

Historical & Educational relevance and potential of Bridgend and
Craigmillar Castle Park

Host exhibitions and information as a form of interpretative space to develop connections and
research into the areas heritage. Develop educational experiences which encourage engagement in
and connection with the local area.

This would help to address

The need to know more about the significance of Craigmillar Castle Park Bridgend

Opportunities for outdoor and place-based education

Need to improve facilities and country-side ranger provision in the area

The need to preserve and protect the rural character of the area
Setting and building condition and plans

Bridgend farmhouse, garden and outbuildings are built on a historic site dating back to James V
and the 15th century

Greenbelt land

Central to four neighbouring communities: Inch, Craigmillar, Liberton, and Prestonfield.

The building and land is currently owned by the council

A survey and basic architectural plan demonstrates that is cheaper and more sustainable for a re-

Exact plans open to suggestion

With funding we would carry out a fuller survey and design,

The South East criminal justice community services team have also offered to
begin some basic structural clearances and maintenance for free as part of their
services back to the community.
Planning Constraints

There are 6 planning constraints associated with the farmhouse:

1. Zones For Development Control Parking Standards (Zone 03a)

2. Within 250m Of A Proposed Tram Line

3. Core Paths

4. Viewcones Of Protected Views In Edinburgh

5. Edinburgh City Local Plan

6. Within 50m Of A Proposed Off-Road Cycleway


Currently we are looking at different phases for the development:

Phase 1: (12-18 months)

i. Purchase and renovate the building through capital funding

ii. Run awareness and support generating events and programs

Phase 2: (Over 2-3 years)

Establishment a successful social enterprise.
Aiming to be self-sustaining by the end of
the 2nd year of running.

Phase 3: (Over 5 years)

The re-development of outhouses, workshop spaces and storage around the
farmhouse along with larger scale sustainable technology and a community cafe
Current official supporters:

Bridgend Growing Communities

Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society
Carr-Gomm Scotland
Craigmillar Community Alliance Trust
Craigmillar Woods Action Group
Energy Saving Scotland
Four Winds Inspiration Centre
Lothian N.H.S
Malcolm Fraser Architects
PEDAL – Portobello Transition Town
Rangers Service
South Edinburgh Healthy Living Initiative
The Woodcraft Folk and Powerpod
Developments Trust Association Scotland
University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh Community Food Initiative
Princes Trust
Teens Plus
Forth Sector Scotland
South East Criminal Justice Team
Richmond Cafe and Food Co-op
Forestry Commission
Hunters Hall Housing Co-op
Walk Edinburgh
Edinburgh Council Community, Learning and Development
MP Ian Murray
MSP Kenny Macaskill
What can you do?

Bridgend Inspiring Growth is a community directed organisation that is open to all to join and to be a
part of in whatever way they would like. We are a fully constituted unincorporated organisation
currently with a bank account, secretary and treasurer.

We currently have 144 members to date, and 4 core members of the steering group with a variety of

This is your project anything is possible...

...You could be a supportive member

... an active member of one of the working groups
... a core member of the steering group
... a volunteer in running outreach events and projects
... help in creating artistic and exciting promotion
... help with funding applications
... helping with the website
... provide building quotes and materials

.......... or whatever else you think is relevant and you might like to do.

If you would like to be a member in some capacity, to just show support r to be more
actively involved, then please fill out a membership form with your preferences and any

With the development of Bridgend Farmhouse and Community, we would hope to

inspire growth on an individual and communal level and promote positive sustainable

The BIG community would embrace a positive and inclusive ethos in addressing and
improving social isolation, mental health, reducing challenging behaviour by building
community capacity and develop wide ranging skills to help employability

The centre would benefit all with the development of current local groups and
organisational projects and services, whilst creating new and varied opportunities.

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