Internet Presentation TODAY

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Stuart and Janet

 The internet or “Net” is the largest computer
network in the world that connects billions of
computers users.
 Network is a collection of computers that are
interconnected for the purpose of sharing
resources (data, information, hardware).
 With the internet, messages can easily be
transported across distances which can be
anywhere from the same office to anywhere in
the world.
 Generally, no body owns the internet.
 Network Topology refers to the layout of
connected devices on a network. Types of
Topologies ;
 Mesh
 Star
 Bus
 Ring
 Tree

 Here, every device has a point to point link to
every other device.
 It’s robust. If any one link gets damaged it
cannot affect others.
 Fault identification and fault isolation are easy.
 The amount of cabling and hardware required
to connect each device is expensive.

 Here each device (computer, file server) is
connected directly to a central device (network
 Less expensive than mesh since each device is
connected only to the hub.
 Less cabling is needed
 If one link fails, only that link is affected. All
other links remain active.
 Depends on one single point (hub). When it
goes down, the whole system is dead.
 A ring topology is one where all workstations
and other devices are connected in a
continuous loop.
 Each device has a dedicated connection with
two devices on either side.
 Easier to locate a defective node or cable
 Break in a single link can break entire network.

 A tree topology connects multiple star
networks to other star networks.
 Expansion of nodes is possible and easy.
 Heavily cabled.
 If more nodes are added, maintenance becomes

 A bus topology consists of a single cable called
a bus, connecting all nodes on a network
without intervening connectivity devices.
 Works well for small networks
 Relatively inexpensive to implement
 If the cable fails, then whole network fails.

 Domain Name System Translates domain
names into IP addresses.

 IP address is Internet protocol address.

 It’s a number that uniquely identintifies a
device on the network.
 Allow a machine to be located by other
machines on the network.
 E.g,

 A domain name, often referred to as “web
address”, is the address that people type into a
browser address bar to find a website.

 A domain name can also be defined as a unique

name associated with a specific IP address
 Top level domains: Refers to the last part of a
domain name.
 .com – commercial business (The most common
 .org – Nonprofit organizations
 .gov – government agencies

 .edu- education institutions
 . Mil – military

 There are also Country Code Top Level

Domain, a two letter domain extension such
assigned to a country or territory. Such as
 .uk
 .fr
 .ug

 Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be
transferred from one point to another within a
network in a specific amount of time.
 Typically, bandwidth is measured in bits per
second (bps).
 K = kilo = 1,000 bits

M = mega = 1,000 kilo = 1,000,000 bits

G = giga = 1,000 mega = 1,000,000,000 bits

 Data size is the total size of a given file.
 All data of any kind that is stored in the
computer or transmitted by the computer is
made up of bits. A bit is a 1 or a 0, and it’s the
basic unit of data in a computer.
 A byte is 8 bits , and a is a unit of measurement
of information storage
 Large file sizes are measured in kilobytes,
megabytes, gigabytes or terabytes.

 Streaming allows you to watch videos, listen to
music, and even view live events on your
computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet, or a
smart television that is connected to the
 If there is an interruption due to congestion on
the internet, the audio will drop out or the
screen will go blank.


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