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Andrew Jackson

Subject: US History 4 CSS
By: Imran Zahoor
M. Phil-International Relations
M.A Political Science
M.A Diplomacy and Strategic Studies
Diploma in US History
Lecture Outline
• Past Papers Questions
• Who was the Andrew Jackson?
• Four Pillars of Jackson Democracy
• Salient Features of Andrew Jackson Presidency
– Rise of Democratic Society
– Politics of Common Man
– Party Nomination Convention
– Rise of Political Parties
– More Elected Offices
– Spoil System
– Popular Campaigning
– Kitchen Cabinet
– Indian Removal Act 1830
– Re-chartering of Bank of USA
– Use of Veto Power
Past Papers Questions
• In what way did the philosophy and
purpose of Jacksonian democracy
differ from those of the
Jeffersonian democrats? (2002)

• What are the Salient features of

Andrew Jackson's Presidency and
Democracy? (2004)

• How did Jeffersonian Democratic

thinking differ in philosophy and
purpose from the Jacksonian
democracy? (2007)
Past Papers Questions
• “President Andrew Jackson
was a people’s president.”
Discuss. (2006)

• Note: Andrew Jackson (2008)

• Jackson has been called the

first modern President
because he was the first to
see the power which a
President might exercise –
Discuss. (2010)
Who was the Andrew Jackson?
Who was the Andrew Jackson?
Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309
• Andrew Jackson was the 7th American
president. He served two terms in office
from 1829 to 1837

• He was the first President of America who

did not come from aristocracy and known
as one of the strongest president in
history of the United States.

• He was born to a Scottish family on the

border of South and North Carolina on
15th March, 1768.

• He was a son of Saddle maker and was

groomed in extreme poor conditions.
Who was the Andrew Jackson?

Battle of New Orleans • Jackson was a brilliant student of Law.

He became a national war hero after
The Battle of New Orleans was defeating the British in the Battle of
fought on January 8, 1815 between New Orleans during the War of 1812.
the British Army under Major
General Sir Edward Pakenham and
the United States Army under Brevet • Jackson is known as the "People's
Major General Andrew Jackson.
British were defeated in this war
• He was an influential leader and his
presidency is marked by the advent of
what is known as the “Jacksonian Era”.
Four Pillars of Jackson
Four Pillars of Jackson Democracy

Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309

•  Jackson Democracy
showed that they
– Guardians of the US
– Political democracy
– Individual liberty
– Equality of economic
Salient Features of Andrew
Jackson Presidency
Salient Features of Andrew Jackson Presidency

Rise of Democratic Society

• Under Jackson presidency American society Key Concept of

became more democratic. The principle of Jacksonian Democracy
equality among the white men in America was
ensured. Jacksonian Democracy as:
equal protection of the laws;
an hatred to a moneyed
• The peoples who travelled from Europe to America aristocracy, exclusive
like Alexis de Tocqueville, French Aristocrat, were privileges, and monopolies,
amazed to see the informal and democratic and a predilection for the
attitude of Americans during Jackson era common man; majority rule;
and the welfare of the
community over the
• As the rich and poor use to dress in the same
manner, they normally travel in the same busses
and trains and sits on the same tables in hotels.
Salient Features of Andrew Jackson Presidency

Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309

Politics of Common Man

• During Andrew Jackson Presidency

American Politics moved from
aristocrats to the lower middle classes.

• All white classes were given the

right to vote. Number of voters
increased his presidency
– 350,000 in 1824
– 2.4millions in 1840.
Salient Features of Andrew Jackson Presidency

Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309

Universal Male Suffrage

• All the white men were given the right to
vote regardless of their class or religion.

• This increased the voting ratio in America

from 37% to 57.6%.

• It built upon Jackson's equal political policy,

subsequent to ending what he termed a
"monopoly" of government by elites.

• The political offices could also be held by

middle class of America
Salient Features of Andrew Jackson Presidency

Party Nomination Convention

• Before Jackson, nomination for

appointment of a candidate to an office
was made by the caucus.

• Common people had no opportunity to

participate in Caucus.

• In 1830‘s the caucuses were

replaced by nominating convention.
– The politicians and voters would gather in a
large all to nominate the party candidates.
Salient Features of Andrew Jackson Presidency
Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309
Rise of Political Parties
• There were only two parties at Jackson time
– The Democrats
The Anti-Masonic
– The Whigs
Party, also known as
• Jackson allowed many other parties during his the Anti-Masonic
presidency to involve Common man involved in Movement, was the first
politics. third party in the United
• Two important parties emerged during his tenure States. It strongly opposed
Freemasonry as a single-
– Anti-Masonic Party issue party and later
– Workingmen Party aspired to become a major
party by expanding its
platform to take positions
• His political rivals John Quincy Adams and Henry on other issues
Clay created the National Republican Party, which
would afterward combine with other anti-Jackson
political groups to form the Whig Party
Salient Features of Andrew Jackson Presidency

More Elected Offices

• During the Jacksonian era much larger

number of states and locals officials
were appointed rather than in past.

• This increased the interest of voters

to participate in elections.

• Jackson promoted the strength of the

presidency and the executive branch,
while also seeking to broaden the
public's participation in government
Salient Features of Andrew Jackson Presidency

Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309

Spoil System
• The spoils system was instituted by Democratic
President Andrew Jackson.

• To the victor goes the spoils" meant that every

government job belonged to the party in power.

• People who work for party should get jobs with

the new government . Jackson appointed
maximum number of democrats to hold office.

• Spoil system was criticized as it promoted

nepotism and corruption in American politics.
Salient Features of Andrew Jackson Presidency

Popular Campaigning

• Politics -Became a form of local


• Candidates directed their election

campaign to the interest of the common

• Campaigns of 1830‘s and 1840 have

– Marching Bands
– Large rallies
– Free drinks and food in rallies
Salient Features of Andrew Jackson Presidency
Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309
Kitchen Cabinet
• The Kitchen Cabinet was a term used by political
opponents of U.S. President Andrew Jackson to describe
the collection of unofficial advisors

• When Jackson came into office after the bruising election

of 1828, he was very distrustful of officials of Washington.

• He began to dismiss government officials who had held the

same jobs for years. He mostly appointed friends and
relatives at official posts.

• Appointed advisors maintained great influence over the

President, and matters of party. Jackson was criticized due
to his this nepotism policy.
Salient Features of Andrew Jackson Presidency
Indian Removal Act 1830
• Jackson concept of democracy was not beneficiary to
The Indian Removal the natives Americans.
The Indian Removal • His view that The natives should leave their tradition
Act was signed into law on
May 28, 1830, by United
and customs.
States President Andrew
Jackson. The law authorized • Jackson had 94 treaties with the Red Indians and also
the president to negotiate used military to drive them out across the Mississippi.
with southern Native
American tribes for
their removal to federal • This Act to force assimilation with colonial culture,
territory west of the Indians were encouraged to "convert to Christianity;
Mississippi River in learn to speak and read English
exchange for white
settlement of their
ancestral lands. • The Act was strongly supported by southern and
northeastern populations, but was opposed by native
tribes and the Whig Party
Salient Features of Andrew Jackson Presidency
Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309
Re-chartering of Bank of USA

• The Bank War refers to the political struggle that

developed over the issue of rechartering
the Second Bank of the United States during
presidency of Andrew Jackson .

• The affair resulted in the shutdown of the Bank

and its replacement by state banks.

• Jackson view’s
– Central bank is abusing its powers
– Serving the interest of wealthy class.
– No benefits for farmers and small traders
• He ended the National Bank and Sept. 10, 1833
– Sent money to states banks
Salient Features of Andrew Jackson Presidency

Use of Veto Power

• In the United States, Article I, Section 7 of

the Constitution gives the president the
authority to reject legislation that has been
passed by both houses of Congress

• Jackson was was against congressional

despotism and he believed that Congress
mostly protect the interests of aristocrats

• Andrew Jackson number of times dismissed

the bills passed by Congress by using his
Veto Power. He used 12 times veto power. 

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