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1. Definition of SWOT
2. Explanations of the words of SWOT
3. Necessity
4. Steps of SWOT
5. Real examples
6. Benefits and drawbacks
7. Usage of SWOT analysis in companies around the world
8. Key tips for a perfect SWOT analysis
9. Q&A
Definition of SWOT

SWOT analysis is a framework used to evaluate a company's competitive

position and to develop strategic planning. SWOT analysis assesses internal
and external factors, as well as current and future potential.
Explanations of the words of SWOT
● A SWOT analysis helps organizations get visibility on their current status, letting
them understand and measure overall business performance.
● By leveraging its SWOT analysis, a business can create a strategic plan to meet
desired objectives and adapt to changing market conditions.
● It lets businesses understand and better identify internal and external factors and their
positive and negative impacts on the business. This information can help businesses
be more proactive by helping them take appropriate actions in a dynamic market to
maintain momentum.
Steps of SWOT

First, Determine the Strengths of your Business

Second, Determine the Weaknesses of your Business

Third, Determine the Opportunities for your Business

Fourth, Determine the Threats to your Business

Real example: Google

Strengths Weakness

King of the Online Search Privacy policies

Opportunities Threat

Wearable Market Decline in market shares

Benefits of SWOT analysis

● Less money consuming

● A great helper in team building process

● Easy to understand
Drawbacks of SWOT analysis

● It is only one stage of business planning

● A lack of hierarchy

● Too much structure leads to poor decision-making

Usage of SWOT analysis in companies around the world
Key tips for a perfect SWOT analysis

● All goals have to be S.M.A.R.T.

● Conduct brainstorming sessions

● Analyze the competitors regularly


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