Holy Prophet Mohammad

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Holy Prophet Mohammad


He who
obeys the
obeys Allah.
(Surah an-Nisa, 4:80)
Holy Prophet Mohammad
Al Quran 48/29.
Muhammad (SAW) is the
Messenger of Allâh, and
Name Mohammad (SAW)
those who are with him
& Titles Rasool Allah
are severe against
Rahmatul Alamin
disbelievers, and merciful
among themselves. You
Father Abdullah see them bowing and
D.O. Birth 17 rabiulawwal 25-8-570 AD falling down prostrate (in
prayer), seeking Bounty
D.O. Death 28 safar 11hijri 25-5-632 AD
from Allâh and (His) Good
Buried at Madina Saudi Arabia Pleasure. The mark of
them (i.e. of their Faith) is
on their faces (foreheads)
from the traces of (their)
prostration (during
Muhammad (SA) was born an orphan
his father Abdullah died a few months
before his birth. His grand father Holy Prophet Mohammad

Abdul Muttalib looked after him. Abdul


Holy Prophet Mohammad

Muttalib died when Muhammad (SA) (S.A.W.W.) Said:
was only 8 years old and then his  "Seek knowledge even if it
were in China." It was
uncle Abu Talib the father of Ali, took knowledge of good from evil,
over the upbringing of him. His which made man worthy of
mother was Amina. His first journey getting the great job of the
vice-regency of God on earth.
outside Arabia was for Syria with the
Knowledge has given man
trading caravan of his uncle Abu Talib. superiority over more powerful
Muhammad (SA) remained with his creatures. It is self evident that
uncle’s family until the age of 25. It nations, which had more
knowledge, acquired greater
was due to his honesty and straight power. The above tradition
forward manner that he was stresses the need of acquiring
successful in trading and became knowledge even if one has to
travel long distances.
known to many traders in Makka .
Holy Prophet

Born in Makka on 17th Rabiul Mohammad

Awwal about 53 years
before Hijra. The year of Holy Prophet Mohammad
(S.A.W.W.) Said:
his birth was called “Amul
Feel” due to the invasion
of the Ka’aba by Abraha "To associate
the viceroy of the with a learned
Abysinian King. Since the man for an hour
forces of Abraha arrived
on elephants which is
is better than the
called “Feel” in arabic, the company of a
arabs called this the year worshipper for
of the elephant. According
to the Christian Calendar
seventy years."
it was 571 AD.
Holy Prophet
Muhammad (SA) Married with Khadija Mohammad
Who belongs to a leading trading
families in those days. Khadija was a Holy Prophet Mohammad
widow who was looking for an honest (S.A.W.W.) Said:
young man to look after her business
 “ Some one asked the
Holy Prophet during the
Muhammad (SA) took Khadija's
battle of Badr, “What is
caravan party to Syria and various
Deen”. The Prophet
other places with a great success. replied, Belief in One
Khadija was impressed with him she God and service of the
asked him for marriage. Khadija was people.”
much older then Muhammad (SA),
(she was 40 years old), Muhammad’s
uncle Abu Talib read the Khutba of
marriage and performed the marriage
ceremony according to the Ibrahimic
Holy Prophet

A glimpse of the Holy Prophet Mohammad

The best known description of the Holy Prophet Mohammad
(S.A.W.W.) Said:
Holy Prophet appears in 'Universal
History' by Tabari(d.Baghdad 310AH
923 AD) and is attributed to Imam Ali “ Actions are
(AS) Prophet’s cousin and also his
son-in-law. determined by
Ali said, “ He was of medium height, their intentions.”
neither very tall nor very short. His Saying prayers
complexion was pinkish white, his
eyes were black, and his hair was while your mind
thick, glossy and beautiful, full beard. is somewhere
His hairs were long, falling to his else is
shoulders. His walk was so energetic.
His nose was straight. worthless."
Holy Prophet

Holy Prophet
(S.A.W.W.) Said:

“ Refrain from
situations. People
say that such and
such a person
associates with
thieves, he must
be a thief himself.
A wise man keeps
himself away from
such situations.”
Holy Prophet

Family tree
Hazrat Ibrahim to
Holy Prophet
Holy Prophet
His Holy Prophet Mohammad Mohammad
(S.A.W.W.) (S.A.W.W.)
Sometimes the companions
Was Having Only (daughter
suggested to the Holy Prophet
Fatima (SAW)
to curse the enemies but he
Who was married with Ali (AS) .
Imam Hasan (AS) &
agreed and instead prayed to
Imam Husain (AS) was
Allah to show them guidance.
The Son of daughter Fatima
(SAW) Holy Prophet Mohammad
(S.A.W.W.) Called Hasan &
Husain as his own sons, he
declared his family members

Fatima (SAW), with Ali (AS),

Imam Hasan (AS) &
Imam Husain (AS)

After the death Khatija(SAW) he

married with 8 more ladies but no
one given any child.
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watching this
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Dr Izzat Husain

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